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A students journey through the educational system should prepare

them for the rest of their lives, and help them grow into a well-rounded
human being, and music education is part of that. Music education is
important in schools because it gives every child a chance to express a
creative side of their thoughts and personalities. Music teaches children
teamwork, independence (sometimes at the same time) and many other
things. Some students may not continue to pursue music after school, but
they can take away values that can be helpful for years to come.
Music should be a part of a students education from the first year of
schooling. A non-auditioned choir and a general music class is just enough
to spark interest in playing and exploring new music. Once students start
to get a little older and bigger, they can begin playing more instruments in
fourth grade. This is when Band and Orchestra are introduced, and this is
when students can really start to shine and hone their music skills. During
middle school, general music can start talking about technology and other
different ways music can be incorporated into the rest of their lives. In
high school, auditioned ensembles can be a new way for the more
interested students to ascend to another level of musicianship. Music
Theory and Music History, as well as a Music Technology course can be
introduced, provided the school has that kind of funding.
A music educator should be excited, educated, and inspiring. They
should want to not only play music, but to teach it. That sounds like a
given, but too many teachers dont seem to have the fire that makes them
want to teach anymore. A new teacher is always excited to share what
they have learned with their students, and should be inspiring to learn
Students of all ages and abilities should have equal access to music
Education. Music has so much to offer at every level, and every student
should be able to experience it and live up to their full potential. Every
student must be given the opportunity to experience, create and explore
through music.
Formal music classes should be offered at least two times a week, with
30 minute classes for grades K-3 and 50 minute classes for grades 4-5. At
the middle and high school levels, music should be offered alongside other
curricular classes, with the same requirements.
The ideal music classroom has a list of necessary tools, but the most
important ones would be a piano, a whiteboard, and a means to play
music digitally. Without the basics, students are at a disadvantage. In
addition, a music classroom should have a variety of instruments,
including hand drums, guitars, recorders, or ukuleles. Relevant textbooks
are also very important, as well as storage for all the equipment and

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