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The Horror Story

Cocooned in her bed, she lay still and prepared for sleep. It was unusually
dark. She arrived at a forest this time. The trees were thick and the leaves
muddled together on dry patchy branches. Ancient roots swelled and dug into
her feet as she trekked forward, the only direction she could go. The silence
around her made her feel cautious. She didn't know how long it took, but she
arrived at a house. A sudden breeze ran past and the leaves all rustled
frantically, seemingly disturbed. Tentatively, she went up the steep staircase.
She tried to overcome the fear by telling herself it wasn't real and knocked on
the door out of habit. It made a valiant effort to stay up but fell backwards,
releasing dust particles in the air. Candles barely illuminated a path, their
flames swaying to an invisible wind. As soon as she stepped in, she fell.
Gravity yanked her down a deep pit and she struggled against the rush of air.
The landing was not pleasant. Writhing in pain, she tried to stand up. Looking
back, she saw something familiar. A tightly wound bundle on a bed. Dragging
her now misshapen body towards the figure, she paused. Lying on the bed
was the girl herself. She was staring at her sleeping body in her room, still and
unmoving. She never woke up.

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