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Deng Mony

Instructor: Mequette M. Sorensen

Ethic 2430 (final paper)
12- 11 2015
Alcohol and Drugs Abuse
Most research on substance abuse among Hispanics/ Latinos has
focused on alcohol (e.g. Ames and Mora 1988 ;Canino1994 :Gilbert 1991)
and has confirmed the widely held belief that, regardless of national origin,
Hispanics/Latinos generally have higher rate of abstinence from alcohol and
drinks and drinks alcohol less frequently that Hispanics/ Latinos men.
Research showed that women are less drinking and less using of other
substances abuse than men do in the Hispanics/ Latinos societies, these
because of the Hispanic/ Latinos generally maintaining the cultural norms of
their countries of origin and resist social pressure to engage in substances
use. In the other and the research showed that the Mexican America who
consume alcohol or drinks heavily. Mora(1998) explains that this paradox
originate differences between immigrants Mexican women and their
American-born counterpart. More established generations of U.S. Hispanics/
Latinos in particular young Mexican-American Puerto Rican women drink
more alcohol that immigrant women of their subgroups.

Average number of drinks per week (beer, wine, and liquor)

by country/nation of origin


Number of

Number of

Drinks/Week Drinks/Week for

Country/Nation of Origin
for Men


(irrespective of (irrespective of
16.9 (1.6)
15.9 (1.7)
8.9 (0.8)
8.4 (0.9)

9.5 (2.3)
3.0 (1.0)
3.8 (0.6)
3.4 (1.1)

% of Drinking

% of Drinking

Men Who

Women Who

Puerto Rico
South/Central America
Percent of past-year drinkers who binge drink by
country/nation of origin

Country/Nation of Origin

Binge Drink
Binge Drink
Puerto Rico
South/Central America
The study showed that unique drinking among Mexican American has
so many problems, income, family structure, and alcohols dependence,
involvement with violence, suicidal thought, and sexual intercourse. Within
young Mexican Mercian there is higher of suicide attempt racial/ethnic differences, suicidal
thoughts or attempts were found for younger teens; however, by high school, White and
Hispanic youths were more likely to be at risk for suicidal thoughts or attempts than were
their Black peers. In both middle and high school, a significantly greater proportion of Black
and Hispanic youths than White youths reported engaging in weapon-related violence, Said
Blum. Among the Hispanics who dink, Mexican Mercian men and women most likely to

receive a citation for dirk and driving under the influence of alcohol. Due the continuing
drink Hispanic men develop liver disease at high rates. Infect. White Hispanic men have the
highest of the alcohol related cirrhosis, a serious liver disease, of all ethnics or racial groups.
Alcohol violence is typical appear among those who live in lower income residential. For both
ethnics group living in a single parents household being Black and Hispanic were associated
with higher involvement in violence, independent of income effects.
Alcohol abusing is among teenager in the United State is major concern our various
ethnic population. Its clear that young individuals in our societies start drinks alcohol in
their earlier age getting in their home or using fake ID. Faking ID for example like what was
happened when the 19 year old twins daughters of president Bush, Jenna and Barbara,
had a brash with the law. The sisters were cited by police after their visit May 29 to
a Mexican restaurant in Austin. Two weeks earlier, Jenna Bush had pleaded no contest to underage
drinking and was ordered to receive alcohol counseling and perform community service.

Teenager drinking and drive have typical cost of death among young people today in our
society. Most of them have easy access to alcohol in their homes, their friends homes, and
fakes ID, said Ted Feinberg, a veteran school psychologist [DRINKING AMONG TEENS
Alcohol abuse also has typical social problems among women. The alcohol consumption can
cause social problems for example divorce, job loss, legal problems such as driving under
the influence of alcohol abuse. In the most of situation divorce and separation accord a
result of heavily drinking. We see most of women who divorce in most of time are alcohol
dependence. Alcohol abuse can be higher among unemployed women, because they stay
home and spend more time drinking. The survey conducted in 1984and 1992 systematically
oversampled ethnic minority respondents. Those studies have found that among the three
major population groups in the United States, white women and men are most likely to
drink, and African America women and men are least likely to drink, and Hispanics women

and men are in between. Through the Studies it fund that in all group men are higher level
of alcohol drinking and higher rates of drinking-related problems and alcohol disorders than
women. [Wilsnack]. Also childhood sexual abuse associate with womens alcohol drinking.
Its showed that the childhood sexual abuse is typically among women in alcoholism
treatment (miller et al. 1993; Russell and Wilsnack 1991). Many women with a history of
problems drinking reported childhood sexual abuse as women without such history. So many
other problems could significant accords because of women heavily drinking. Alcohol can
result in family violence wife drinking with her husband, led to more severe violence.
Women experiencing sexual problems or sexual dysfunctions are seriously increased alcohol
risk for chronic problem of drinking. Both women and men expect alcohol to enhance sexual
experience, a perception that many increased alcohol consumption. How Women Drink.

Table 2. Prevalence of AlcoholRelated Problems among People Age 18 and Older.

Percentage of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics Who Reported Zero, One, Two, or Three or
More AlcoholRelated Problems




































SOURCE: Caetano and Clark 1998 b.10

Several factors were associated with the likelihood of having alcoholrelated problems
(Caetano and Clark 1998 b)

Drug abusing or sealing are cause by living in poverty for long in decade; the
government is mismanaging their people. In the United States and Mexico, the myths and
legends of drug abuse loom large. Separating these unreal, fantastical ideas of Italian and
Mexican drug lords is the first step in fully comprehending what that drug abuse is, and the
challenges it represents in the region of the United States and Mexico.

Those who are members of

certain prison gangs also face danger if they try to quit. This is especially true of the Mexican Mafia
and Aryan Brotherhood, both of which have a creed called "Blood in, blood out." In order to be
initiated into these gangs, potential members are required to shed someone's blood (known as "blood
in"), typically by killing a member of a rival prison gang. Once they are accepted into the gang, their
membership is considered to be permanentthe only way out is to die. Robert Walker, a former agent
with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration who now serves as a gang identification consultant,
explains: "Most prison gang members are expected to remain members for life. Even if released from
prison they are expected to remain loyal to the incarcerated members by providing support to them,
by whatever means, usually through the proceeds of drugs sales and/or other street crimes. The
penalty for quitting' the gang is death; In other words Blood out.' [Currant Issues: Gangs].

This definition underscores several key attributes of an organized crime syndicate: it operates
over a period of time; it has an identifiable structure; its main purpose is to obtain income
through illegal activities; and it uses violence and corruption to protect its members from
authorities and rival groups. Other characteristics not included in the definition are that organized

criminal groups have a public demand for services, they have monopoly over a particular market,
they have restricted membership, and that they are non-ideological.
Moreover, drugs using could be categorized by the type of illegal crimes they commit, or by
their scope of action. This last approach in particular appears to be suitable to understanding drug
in Mexico and the United States. On the one hand, transnational organized crime focuses its
income-generating activities on the smuggling of drugs and money laundering, and tends to use
the means of corruption in order to profit from illicit goods. On the other hand, territorial the
using drug today is prone to violence and funded by informal taxation to the population in the
forms of extortions, robberies and kidnappings.
The United States have both exerted a significant amount of effort to fight illegal drugs
abuse because its too harmful in society. To address this problem, the Mexican and U.S.
governments have already begun to implement policies that adhere to the idea of addressing
issue of drug abusing via the Public policy research shows us how policymaking is a cycle of a
few basic steps: problem definition, setting the agenda, policy adoption, implementation, and
evaluation. In the case of illegal drugs, the definition of the problem is the first and most
important to be address, these because the case is more complex regarding violent robberies,
however, considering there is a strong correlation between the number of violent robberies
committed by gang and the total number of violent robberies; thus, the crimes of homicide,
kidnapping, and violent robbery. In the United States today, illegal drugs are regarded as high
impact crimes, since they have a considerable impact on the populations perception of security.
The perception of insecurity has increased significantly in most states and has caused a shift in
the populations regular activities.

This shown us a general background of what might be the problem with in our society
because of the alarming numbers of drug consumption and levels of infiltration of drug cartels in
the U.S. are more than enough evidence to suggest that drugs are a serious problem. The increase
of high-impact drugs Hispanic/ Latina community it has negatively affected the perception of
security felt in the country, suggesting that violence has been the populations main concern
regarding drugs abusing. It is urgent to further study the problem of violence taking into
consideration more factors such as access to firearms or unemployment.
Its very important to the United States government to proper action and policies that are
effectively designed to address the problem. Both of the issues addressed in this essay them be
equally tackled in the shared definition of the problems. Policymakers must fully comprehend
the causes with in order to fashion efficient solutions. The western countries were reliable on the
government too much, but without government you can survive. Late I explain how the drugs
damage human future, such as Cocaine, Marijuana, Alcohol and so forth.
We need to crate the program that could come with proper solution address the Alcohol
and drugs in problems in our society. The drug issues need to be in two ways consumption and
sales. This program must focus typically in Hispanic/ Latinos society. Create a program
philosophy that supports personal growth and empowerment within a cultural and family
context. Develop linkages with other community resource and case management to help with
legal issues, education, job training, domestic violence, medical care, housing, and other support
systems. Plan for interpreter services and develop access to bilingual providers. Adopt
acculturation assessment tools that include formation on immigration patterns, Acculturation
level, experiences, stress, country of origin, and specific endorsement of Hispanic/ Latina values.
Develop and provide psycheducational family programs.

Works citation
Blum Robert W., and others. "The Effects of Race/Ethnicity, Income, and Family Structure
on..." American Journal of Public Health. Dec. 2000: 1879-1884. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 04
Dec. 2015.
Lester, Will. "Drinking Among Teens Rampant." Yankton Daily Press (Yankton, SD). 05 Jul. 2001: n.p. SIRS
Issues Researcher. Web. 04 Dec. 2015.
2011:n.p. SIRSIssuesrResearcher. Web.04 Dec. 2015.

Gangs." Current



Wilsnack, Sharon C., and others. "How Women Drink." Alcohol Research & Health. Fall 1994: 173181. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 04 Dec. 2015.

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