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In choosing a quote I went through a variety of readings from this class, but

ultimately ended up choosing a quote from one of the articles in Module 1. The
quote I chose is, The need for effective collaboration on behalf of students with
disabilities has never been greater. This quote was selected from an article by
Marilyn Friend and Lynne Cook titled, The State of the Art of Collaboration on
Behalf of Students With Disabilities (2010). The reason I chose this quote is
because I believe that it summarizes the urgent need for collaboration in special
education. Because students are entitled to access the same general
curriculum as their same-age peers and do so in the least restrictive
environment, we must diligently work to provide them with the an appropriate
education that meets their needs. This is not a task that can be accomplished in
isolation, but rather one that requires input from all stakeholders that work with a
child: parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, clinicians, therapists, case workers,
evaluators, special educators and more. Each person brings expertise about
the child or their field to the table. We are responsible for developing common
goals and working together to help the child succeed not only in school but in
life. The stakes are high and this makes the need for effective collaboration for
our students with disabilities urgent. It is not a task we can take lightly or
ignore. For these reasons, this quote seemed fitting.
When I first started this course, I knew that it was important to develop
collaborative relationships with my colleagues and parents. I knew that
together, we could come up with better ways to teach the child. I also knew
that without parental support the child would not learn as efficiently or
successfully. What I did not know is how many ideas need to truly be
considered to collaborate with others. One example of how my learning has
changed my thinking is that I knew peoples behavior effects how they
collaborate, but I had never taken the time to consider how this behavior may be
derived from a persons culture. For example, a person may have a different
locus of control about the situation theyre in than others may have. This may
come from their culture, but I previously assumed it was just a personality trait.
Additionally, I thought that ethnicity was derived from a group of people that
were from a similar race or culture. However, what I had not known is that
ethnicity really is where people feel they fit in or a group they feel they belong to
and that others cannot assign ethnicity to an individual. In regards to
collaboration, ethnicity may play a role in a persons sense of belonging within
the team of collaborators. Through refining my definitions of the key terms, I
now see each of these terms may affect individuals as collaborators and their
role in a collaborative relationship. I have become more open-minded in my
understanding of the impact that each of these key terms may have on
relationships, as well as developing new ways to understand the perspectives of

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