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Threshold Concept Reflections

1. The first threshold concept is Writing performance is informed by prior literacy

experiences. I believe this this a very true statement. Without various different
literacy experiences in the writers background, the writing will be sub-par when
compared to a writer with more prior experiences. For example, if a writer has no
prior literacy experiences, he will have no idea as to what is an effective way to reach
and impact his audience. Also, the writer may not have gained sufficient knowledge
across a vast amount of subjects to tie in other aspects and sources into his writing. I
personally do not believe I suffer from this. As we discussed in our first major class
assignment; Literacy experiences have many different forms and impacts on writers.
I personally believe that I have been blessed with many different literacy experiences
throughout my life. These have given me just enough experience and knowledge to
be dangerous to use the phrase. They have also shaped my opinions on matters
and inspire me to write about things that I would like to either see changed or to offer
support to. In conclusion, I believe this to be a very important threshold.
2. The second threshold concept I will be reflecting on is Writing mediates activity:
writing gets things done and makes things happen. This also is a very important and
true concept. Throughout history, people have been spurred, moved, and motivated
by what? By the writings of men who command the skill. Where would the world be
without the writings of Martin Luther kicking off the Protestant Reformation? His
Ninety-five Thesis that he nailed to the door of the church at Whittenburg forever
changed history. Or the Declaration of Independence. That was a piece of writing by
Thomas Jefferson and the Continental Congress that got something very big done. It
united an entire group of people and helped to create a whole new country. Writing
has a way of influencing everyone, thats why is has been said that whoever controls
the press controls the nation. Now, the actions that writing helps create does not
always have to be on such massive levels. It can be as simple as a written
agreement, or a sermon by a pastor encouraging his congregation to do something
as simple as tithing more. Or probably the most appropriate one for this context,
when a professor writes a syllabus telling students what is expected of them.
3. Threshold three is Good writing is completely dependent on the situation,
readers, and uses its being created for. I do not completely agree with this
threshold. While good writing may be more effective dependent on the situation, the
audience, and purpose, good writing is still good writing. That should be recognized
regardless of setting. The problem this creates is that writing is evaluated by the
impact it has upon its readers.
4. Threshold four is Writing is knowledge-making, an ongoing, recursive process that
changes not only what you write but also what you think. This is a very true
statement. Writing requires in depth thinking and consideration of the subject

material. This constant process of reading, researching, thinking, writing, and editing
can and will change different aspects of the writers views on his topic.
5. The final threshold is that Writing is by nature a technology This was actually
discussed in class during the middle of the semester. We discussed how writing has
fundamentally changed the world. It is indeed a technology, as it was developed from
crude primitive forms into a sophisticated multifaceted entity.

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