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Josu Lainey

Book Review: Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path to Destruction

Darth Bane: Path to destruction was released on September 26, 2006, it was
written by Drew Karpyshyn a Canadian author and game designer who worked for
Bioware writing other Star Wars themed books like Revan and Annihilation.
The book starts with the main character Dessel working in the Apatros mines of
Apatros trying to pay his debt to get off the desolate planet. He was raised by an
alcoholic and abusive father who mistreated him until he died in his sleep. After a
fight in a bar and a dead republic officer Dessel had to escape by the aid of a
smuggler to get off world but the only way for that was to join the Sith. Dessel
served in the Sith army in the squad the gloom walkers, which he was removed
from after disobeying orders but he was taken by a Sith who could sense the dark
side in him and invited him to the join the order of the Sith. Dessel was accepted to
join the Sith order known then at that time as the Brotherhood of Darkness led by a
Sith called Skeer Kaan, a charismatic leader. In order to join the Sith academy on
Korriban he had to change his name. He had chosen the name Bane since his drunk
father always called him the Bane of his existence. After surpassing everyone and
gaining honor after killing another student in the arena, after having nightmares
about his father and learning that he had killed his father with the force during his
sleep, although he felt to regret of sorrow he lost the will to fight. In order to feel the
dark side again he challenged the top student and was defeated, crushed by this he
completely lost the will to fight and fell into a slight depression. Because he had no
more will to fight, none of the masters would teach him, he then studied the books
of the ancient Sith. A Jedi traitor Githani who was a very prominent student in the
academy helped him find his spark and taught him what she learned, but Bane had
also gotten the blade master to teach him the ways of combat so he could surpass
Githani if she would betray him, he also kept studying the ways of the Sith realizing
this new order was a disgrace to the Sith and everything they stood for was against
it. Long story short, he defeats the top student again and goes to the valley of the
dark lords to find information that he never found, after a disappointment. The jedi
had been winning the war on ruusan that they were fighting so all the sith recruits
were brought but Bane declined and went the a hidden world of the Rakata which
he found a holocron of Darth Revan which taught him the rule of two. After this he
realized he had to destroy the brotherhood of darkness, after fighting his former
trainer and defeating him he went to the brotherhood and disceived them into using
the thought bomb which killed both them and the republic so that he may form his
rule of two; There shall only be two, one who holds the power and another to crave
The book has a very interesting plot and the author really brings out the emotions
that the characters go through. The main character Dessel or Bane is very well
developed and easy to connect to, even though he becomes Sith and evil overtime
however all you cant help but cheer him on. The other characters are also well
developed and engaging, although the book ends a bit cliffhanger style all and all
the book is well written and very entertaining to read. Even the slower parts of the
books are interesting, also learning about how this order who would eventually

Josu Lainey
make Palpatine overthrow the republic is also interesting. It is very easy to get lost
in this book, once you pick it up its hard to let go. I give this book a 5/5.

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