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Marylynn Huggins

HUMA 1010 Essential of Humanities

December 17, 2015

Final/Civic Engagement
Is Civic Engagement a responsibility in a democratic society? Choose an event (lecture, seminar,
documentary screening, etc), or volunteer with a group (1 - 3 hours), that seeks to champion the ideals
put forward in one of the topics you have studied this semester. You cannot complete an activity that you
are already doing on a regular basis. This needs to be a new experience. Some examples are (but are
not limited to): voting rights, gender rights, gun rights, LGBT issues, minority representation (race, gender,
religion), the rights of refugees, citizenship and public policy.
REFLECT on your experience and answer the following questions (remembering the 800 word minimum
for the total of all the questions)

A. What event did you attend or where did you volunteer (place, date, time etc)?

I chose to perform a service that involved wrapping donated Christmas gifts for refugees
through the International Rescue Committee (IRC). We met at the IRC office in
downtown Salt Lake City, on Thursday, December 17, from 5:30 pm to 7 pm. I had a friend
who volunteered with me, and we met and worked with several of the other volunteers who
participated along with their family members.

B. How did the event or volunteer service relate to the topic you chose?

I wanted to do something for people who find themselves as refugees due to war and
unbearable circumstances in their own countries and are here in the U.S. seeking a fresh start.
I felt that this service fit two topics that were covered this semester: Revolution and Reform,
and also Globalization. The world is getting smaller and its good to be able to bridge
cultural gaps by helping others feel wanted and valued as human beings, often times at their
lowest possible point in life.

Even though all I contributed was my time, a few resources, and the ability to wrap donated
gifts, the thoughts of various struggles were fresh on my mind. I couldnt help but think
about the possible devastation those who will be receiving the gifts have endured. Thoughts

of the days of Nazi rule and the dehumanizing of the Jews during Hitlers regime, the
genocide of Rwanda, and the current plight of the Syrian refugees kindle a desire within me
to find ways to be of service. To lighten the load and bring a smile to those who have
suffered so much has its own rewards.
In a world where it has become so easy to be an anonymous face in the crowd, and to hide
behind a monitor, we need to become more aware of others and what is happening in the
society we are part of. This course has opened my eyes like none other during my time at
SLCC. Ive been so focused inward that I had forgotten just how much I truly enjoy giving
back, trying to do something good for those beyond the confines of my own home. I
definitely applaud those who give of their time and talents to work for the International
Rescue Committee.

Seeing all the gifts that have been donated was awe inspiring. One of the gifts being
wrapped by the mother of a young boy working are my station last night was a laptop
computer. As the boy questioned why someone would just give away a computer, I was
touched by the mothers response. She pointed out that not everyone is as fortunate and
blessed as he is to have the necessities and many of the luxuries in this world. She also
referred to the giver of the donated gift as a very generous person and someone her son
should think about becoming like as he grows up. She had no idea who gave the gift, only
that someone needed a laptop and that someone else was not only in a position to provide it
but did so voluntarily and anonymously.

C. Did you feel that your participation made you a more responsible citizen in terms of

promoting your own freedom or the freedom of others? If so why, if not, why not?
I feel that my participation in this service project helped me be more aware of others and I
feel much better as a citizen of our country for the time spent. Ive had the experience of
helping Haitians, as they arrived in Utah, get on their feet before going it alone. Ive missed
the feeling of satisfaction, the inner peace that comes from helping others.

During a period of time in the 1990s there was political unrest in Haiti. Rioting and chaos
was everywhere. The streets of Port-au-Prince were not a safe place. The president of the
tiny nation had been ousted by a military coup and he sought the help of the United Nations
to regain his legitimate claim as the leader voted in by the people. The United Nations, along
with the cooperation of President Bill Clinton, sent U.N. peacekeeping forces into Haiti to
restore order. It was during this time that we sought a way through the immigration process
to help bring my father-in-law to the United States, and get him away from the threats on his
life due to his position as an advocate for freedom and democracy in Haiti.

There is much debate going on in our country right now concerning immigration and who
should or should not be allowed to enter and live here. I tend to embrace the sentiments
expressed on the Statue of Liberty that says, Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled
masses yearning to breathe free. I believe there is a desire within all of us that yearns for
freedom and the opportunity to reach our individual potential. For those who have taken the
steps to come to America to escape whatever oppression exists in their native lands, I
welcome them and felt it a privilege to participate in a small way to make their new life here
just a little brighter.

D. Did you enjoy this experience and would you do it again? Why or why not?

I had a wonderful time, walked away with a lighter step, and feeling less stress than Ive felt
for a few weeks. The other volunteers were fun to work with, and it was especially uplifting
to see great parenting skills in action as younger children were included in the process. The
environment was safe, clean, and well organized, so Ive already given my contact
information for the IRC to notify me of dates and times to participate again next Christmas,
as well as any other service opportunities throughout the coming year. I may make this an
annual event with my children and start a new tradition of sharing.

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