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Julianna Costanzo
Albert Einstein
05 November 2015
SPC 1608
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who changed the face of science and
developed groundbreaking scientific theories including Quantum mechanics, the Theory of
Relativity, and the Unified Field Theory. He was a world renowned physicist with ideas way
ahead of his time. His theories completely changed science, math, and humanity. Einsteins
mathematical and relative designs of the universe are so complex that an entire century would
pass before anyone would be able to further develop his theories.
To begin with, electromagnetism is the area of physics dedicated to electric or magnetic
fields and the forces behind them. Einstein established the fundamental framework of
electromagnetic quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is the physics and behavior of matter
on the atomic/ subatomic level. Max Planck brought quantum mechanics to life in 1900 with his
theory that energy can only be emitted and absorbed by matter in small, distinct units which he
called quanta (spiff.rit.edu). At this time, it was believed that light only traveled in waves. In
1905, Albert Einstein published a paper on his Photoelectric Effect, an experiment for which
he later won the Nobel Peace Prize. With this demonstration, Einstein proves that light can
behave either as a wave or as a stream of particles, called photons. A photon is a single quanta, or
unit, of light. This is the founding principle of new quantum physics.
From the results of his experiment he was also able to derive the equation E=hv, the
energy of a photon is equal to Plancks constant times the frequency of the wave. Plancks

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constant is the quanta of action, the theoretical minimum amount of physical matter that can exist
independently and be involved in physical interactions (spiff.rit.edu). Technically photons dont
have mass but in order for it to be used and manipulated in mathematics & the physical world,
there must be a place holder where there is technically no mass, thus, the theoretical minimum.
Matter is always moving, vibrating, and fluctuating. Supposedly, Plancks constant or Plancks
distance is the smallest fluctuation the universe can do, a point of singularity. Einstein did not
believe he had completely explained physics on the quantum level. He believed he had only
further developed a small piece of the relative and mysterious realm of quantum mechanics.
In 1905, Einstein also published a paper introducing his Theory of Special Relativity. His
Theory of Special Relativity asserts, through a series of proofs, that the speed of light in a
vacuum was absolute. If a person is running at 8 miles per hour and a car is moving at 8 miles
per hour, the two objects would appear to be at rest relative to each other. However, no matter
what speed an observer is traveling, they will always observe the same velocity of light (notable
biographies.com). From this, he was able to conclude that space and time were a continuum, like
an interwoven grid (space.com). He also established the notion that no matter can travel faster
than the speed of light in a vacuum, however, there are ways around this which he would later
theorize to be the possibility of time travel, using the framework of his General theory of
Relativity. Remember, the universe is both relative and absolute. During this time he also proved
the relationship between energy and matter with the equation E = mc 2 (space.com). The energy
of an object is equal to its mass times the speed of light squared. This demonstrated that energy
and matter are interchangeable.
After working with the Theory of Special Relativity for ten years, he developed a general,
relativistic framework of the universe. Thus, in 1915, he published his paper on The General

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Theory of Relativity. He determined that large bodies of mass distort the fabric of space-time
(space.com). We experience this phenomena as gravity. This explains why objects are attracted to
larger bodies of mass.
Finally, Einstein dedicated the last thirty years of his life to searching for a Unified Field
that connected all things. He knew the current model of the universe with two separate forces
existing completely independent of each other was not accurate (aps.org). He knew there had to
be a connection between gravity, the interaction of matter relative to the curvature of space-time,
and Electromagnetism, the action and interaction of radiant energy/ light and electrically charged
particles through electromagnetic fields. Unfortunately, Einstein would die before completing his
A century later, a physicist by the name Nassim Haramein would develop Albert
Einsteins idea of a Unified Field into a theoretical yet mathematical and very probable design of
the universe. Haramein uses Einsteins quantum and relative designs of the universe to develop
his idea and turn it into reality. Haramein asserts that it is space which connects all things, and a
black whole is the unifying force in the universe. He asserts that the double torus is the
fundamental shape of the universe. The double torus is the shape of a black wholes
electromagnetic field and also accounts for its gravitational pull on matter. The double torus can
be observed all throughout nature (Double torus Dynamic). There is a black whole at the
center of every galaxy, and from this observation we are able to conclude that space is not empty,
but full. Not full of matter, but full nonetheless, and very dense.
In conclusion, Albert Einsteins theories and contributions to 20th century physics created
a basis of fundamental principles that scientists will continue to build upon for many years into
the future. His assertion that light behaves as both a wave and a particle opened a door into the

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mysterious world of quantum mechanics. His Special Theory of Relativity established a

rudimentary law of physics that we still use in science today. E= mc^2 is one the most widely
accepted theories in modern times. We are able to further study the motion and interaction of
matter based on this theory. An entire database of studies, concepts, and explanations have been
developed from Einsteins theories and scientific breakthroughs, in the areas of biology,
chemistry, and physics. His Theory of General Relativity is a concept studied to this day, and
evokes a question in science we still struggle with, the possibility of time travel. (Physics.org).
Einstein laid a theoretical foundation of the universe that scientists continue to develop.
Unfortunately, he would die before proving his idea of the Unified Field Theory. And one
hundred years later, his idea would be turned into reality when Haramein developed a universal
model that unifies all the forces of nature into one field.

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Works Cited
Redd, Nola Taylor. "Einstein's Theory of General Relativity." Space.com. Purch, 10 Apr. 2015.
Web. 01 Nov. 2015.
"QUANTUM THEORY." Dwb.unl.edu. Versaware, 2001. Web. 01 Nov. 2015.
"Albert Einstein Achievements." Einstein Symposium. N.p., 2005. Web. 01 No v. 2015.
"Albert Einstein Biography." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Advameg, 2015. Web. 01 Nov.
"Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect." Spiff.rit.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2015.
Tretkoff, Ernie. "This Month in Physics History." APS.org. American Physical Society, 2015.
Web. 01 Nov. 2015.
"The First Ever Photograph of Light as Both a Particle and Wave."Phys.org. Science X Network, 02
Mar. 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.
"Electromagnetism." Tutorvista.com. NCS Pearson, 2015. Web. 02 Nov. 2015.
Haramein, Nassim. "Double Torus Dynamic - Nassim Haramein."YouTube. YouTube, 13 Oct. 2011.
Web. 04 Nov. 2015

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