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Graduation Project Speech Outline

Attention Grabber Interesting fact, statistic, rhetorical question
According to Monitoring Future National Survey Results On Drug Use
1975-2012, 2012 volume 1, did you know almost half of the 10 graders
drink alcohol.

Statement of Purpose Hello, my name is _______ and today I am here to

convince you that... (thesis)
Hello, My name is Jackie Nguyen and today I am here to convince you that
we should try to prevent underage drinking and keep the legal drinking age
to remain at 21 years old. People Should be more aware, and help prevent
underage drinking because drinking has negative effects on the human
body physically and mentally, and it can also save future generation.

Statement of Relevance How can your audience relate to this topic?

My audience will relate to this topic because theyre in a high school
environment where the student median age is 16. There may be parents of
adolescents who can talk with their children about drinking at such a young

Preview Statement Outline body of speech, i.e. In order to understand why

(thesis), we must first discuss the history of (topic), the causes and effects of
this issue, and possible solutions.

Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered From the age Of 21 To A Younger



I think the drinking age should not be lowered from age 21 to a younger


The current drinking law is set at age 21.

A. Drinking age laws have been very effective in reducing alcohol related problems
B. The 21 drinking law in the U.S has reduced alcohol related auto deaths.
C. People tend to be more mature and responsible at 21 then 18

II. Alcohol consumption is undesirable and dangerous, it typically results in problem behavior
in Adolescence.
A. 5000 people under 21 die as a result of underage drinking.
B. Alcohol has negative effect on humans health
C. Drinking too much is can cause increased risks in younger adults
III. Exposure to alcohol at a young age can cause addiction and future problems.
A. Teens addiction.
B. The alcohol can flood the system with dopamine, creating a false happiness
C. Alcohol cause the brain to release endorphins.
18 is the age of adulthood in the USA and they should have the right to drink
A. You can go to war, but you cant drink alcohol
B. Most prefer the age to be 18
C. Legal Age 21 keeps people under 21 from actually consuming alcohol.

BODY POINT 1 (History of topic/overview of topic/explanation of problem)

Topic Sentence What history did to the Minimum legal drinking age law
have save the future lives.

Historical Information Relevant to Topic

The minimum legal age for you to be able to purchase and drink alcohol was
never age 21 to begin with! We were able to to buy and drink alcohol
without being worried of being arrested because there was no age limit,
until 1919 where the Prohibition Era Happened which was the ratification
of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. constitution which banned you from
making and selling any alcohol. which ended on the December of 1933. For
almost 50 years, the Most of the state the minimum drinking age law was
21, but there was some state, they set it to 20, or 18, which drinking under
the influences accidents and other alcohol-related deaths was increased in
those state, because of the results the states raised it back up to 21. On July
17, 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking
Age Act, Which made the Official age 21 for you to be able to purchase and
drinking alcohol. Since Then because of this law about 900 lives per year
were saved as estimated by the National Traffic Highway Administration
and more than 25,000 people are alive today because the minimum drinking
was 21 in every state.

Current Information Relevant to Topic After the 1980s, when the National
Minimum Age Act of 1984 was ratify the high school seniors drinking have

fallen greatly from 66% to 42%, their binge drinking have also have reduce
from 37% to 24%. According to the National Traffic Highway
Administration, because of the law about 900 lives per year was saved and
more than 25,000 people are alive today. According to the NIH, since the
1980s, where the act was ratify, the traffic death that are alcohol-related
per population was cut by half.

Why is this a problem in todays society? In todays society underage

drinking is a problem because alcohol is bad for the human body. Drinking a
lot of alcohol can damage your heart, some other problem are
Cardiomyopathy, which is a stretching and drooping of heart muscle,
Arrhythmias, a irregular heartbeat, Stroke and , high blood pressure. They
also give the drinker liver problem like Alcoholic hepatitis, Fibrosis,
Cirrhosis. Drinking lots of alcohol blocks your 5 senses and because your 5
senses are blocked you do things you dont know you are doing like drive
while you are drunk which can cause accidents, and other alcohol-related

Transition to Body Point 2

BODY POINT 2 (Causes & Effects)
Topic Sentence Why teens drinks and the risks that comes with drinking

Causes Most teen drink because other people are drinking, their friends
are drinking, and all teens do is trying to fit in with a group, so if theyre
friends are drink they would want to fit in, so they drink with them. There is
also the media with movies and shows having actors and actress drinking,
so the kids think is cool to drink, or the kids is probably having some
personal problem with their lives, so they want to escape reality by
drinking, because alcohol works real quicks when it comes to feeling good
and if you just now started to drink for the first time, you can get drunk a lot

Effects When you drink alcohol it damages you organ and intoxicate you
body. alcohol blocks you senses, so you do things you dont even know
youre doing it. you can get hurt or get injured like getting a fight as you are
drunk or being in a car accident, which can cause death. At parties you can

get drunk and you could have sex or get raped and get STD. Being drunk
can also hurt relationships with friends and family.

Transition to Body Point 3

BODY POINT 3 (Solution)
Topic Sentence If there is was never underage drinking

General Solution What would happen in an ideal world? (i.e. people would
not become serial killers)
What positive effects would this have?
If underage drinking would have stop then a lot of the trafficrelated death would be low because 60% of the traffic-related death is
caused by drunk driving the state would have the power to change the legal
drinking age again. I believe drug when be more enforce, because if we stop
underage drinking and stop teen from drinking they move to drugs to get
that high or feel good again and if more people are using drug and it get
out of hand even more the government will doing something about to
protect their people.

Transition to Body Point 4

BODY POINT 4 (Product)
Topic Sentence How can I get people to be more aware of underage

Description of Product My Product is a campaign with flyers kind of thing

I will have a slogan and a fact about drinking and underage drinking and
each flyer going to have different facts the flyer will have a link to the social
media they can follow and the social media will have video, and facts and
drinking and underage drinking and how it impact us negatively.

Extension of Research How does this apply the knowledge you gained?
In order to campaign you have to know what you are talking about,
and for if people that is asking you questions. The more you know the easier
it is you can convince your audiences. One question can change an opinion
real quick.

Benefit to Society How will others be positively affected by what you

My product will make people more aware of how serious underage
drinking and drinking overall is telling is bad for the human body.

Transition to Conclusion when it comes to alcohol it is suggested to drink


Restatement of Thesis & Main Points People should be more aware, and
help prevent underage drinking because drinking has negative effects on
the human body physically and mentally, and it can also save future
generation. We should tell people and show them how serious underage
drinking or drinking overall is and how it can affect us negatively.

Restatement of Relevance We have kids drinking alcohols and alcohols is

already bad for a fully grown adults health and we seeing our kids drinking

Tie-back to Attention Grabber Well, thank for watch my presentation. Do

you have any questions I can answer

Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2013). Monitoring the
Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2012. Volume I: Secondary school students.
Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, 604 pp.

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