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BS ‘PURPOSE? A Funciona Behavioral sessment (FEA) is used to gather infomation aboot a wudents behavior vo determine the peed fo, and provide the foundation for, a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP). An FBA is required to be condited ithe students volation of code of conduct resulting ina change of placzmentis determined to bea manifestation ofthe student's disability. FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT RACINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Student name: DR Meeting Date: nosis Student ID #: Grade:3 Disability: om sP Home School: Fat Elementary Case Manager: Ashle Prudhomme ‘Team Members Present at Meeting: Name & Tile Name Title Description of Behavior include a description ofthe frequency. duration and inensty ofthe behavior) DR steams cries, throws things spits, is and eas inedible objets w upset over not obiining whahow he wants when he wants it The occurrences ean fe rm 30 mies hor nent mulpltines 2. The han ate cen nea em peal fanconng ene earn rater Consequences and Educational Impact include a description ofthe rest ofthe behavior (he. removed fam clas, not ale fo complete assignmentstets, ef) andthe impact om the student, peers, ad the rational ensivonent) “The esl ofthis behaviors that academic instruction i ost for DR and the other students inthe room while teaches or assistans are attempting to calm DR.

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