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oo. #| rest cope 02207010 FORM 1P2012146/. 2 i MAYIIUNE 2012 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION BIOLOGY -UNIT2 Paper OF 90 minwies READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items, You will have 90 minutes to answer therm, 2. Inadton to thie bookie, you should have an answer set. 3. Do ot be concerned that the answer sheet provides paces fr more answers than there we ites in this eat 4 Bach tem inthis test has four suggested answers lettered (A),(B), (C.D). Read ese tem you te about to sorver and ects whieh choices bet 5. Onyour answer set find the umber whic comespond to your tem an shed he space saving the same lee asthe answer you hve chonen, Leaks ihe susp eo bec Sample tem Which of the etowing is NOT fom of energy storage? (a) ATP ‘Sample Answer ©) pia © Aleotot e000 (D) Lactic acid ® ‘The best answer to this iter is “ATP , so answer space (A) has been shaded, 6. Efyou want to change your answer, erase it completely and fll in your new choice 7. When you are told t begin, tur the page and work as quickly and as cerefully as you can, ‘you cennot answer an item, omit it and goon to the next one. Your score will be the total number af correct answers 8. Youmav do any righ wor in his Raabat |. Ribulote phosphate earboxplase can be found in region wor ® om © m o ltem2 sefers to the following diagram which outlines the evens ofthe Calvin eye pe resegy | lL 7 | a =e Maize | is incorporated into the cycle? wt @) 1 c) o) wv Which of the following combinations comectly describes the MAIN factors affecting the vate of photosynthesis? 1. Light intensity snd temperate Carbon dioxide concentration aod state of the storia I, -NADand ATP availability TV, Phytochromes and the availability (A) Land Mlonly (B) Land Healy (©) Wand Ill only (©) Ly tand iv The yield of greenhouse crops is higher than that of field crops, due to increased Photosynthetic activity by theplants. Which of the following Factors may coateibute to thie? 1. Constant application of farmyard Tl, Humid airand moist soil conditions UL Rotation of plants TV. Higher than average carbon dioxide levels (4) Tana tronly ) Lend only (©) Wand IV only (0) Wand IV only tem_S refers to the following disgram which ahowe tome cells in the leaves of a dicotyledonous plant ‘Which ofthe following corcectly identifies the regions labelled P and Q? Region P| Region @ BD [Xie | esopht als (@) [Xylem | Rootconex _} © [Phtcem [Palins | [coy [Phloem [Stem conn In muscle tissue undergoing streauous tothe “ B © (Dy tions, the formation oflactateis due low concentration of glucose low concentration of oxygen high concentration of glycogen high concentration of carbon ‘dioxide tem? refers tothe following apparatus which is set up to determine the rate of respiration of germinating seeds Gass eaing of 2 mm Internal diameter Metat Se ime Gorminating seeds Peston of meniscus ‘Which ofthe following statements explain why the apparatus is left inthe water for ive minutes before readings are taken? 1. Toallow water to fill he capillary tbe To stabilise the prssure ofthe apparatis, Il, To stabilise the temperature ofthe apparatus IV, Theseeds needed to adjust to experimental temperature (A) Land only @) Wand Ih only (©) Th Mand IV only () 1,11, Mand Iv In anaerobic respiration, the maximum em 9 refers to the diagram below which rmumber of ATP molecules that may be shows how energy flows in an ecosystem. produced from a molecule of glucose is w 2 © 4 © # 4. (D) 38 [Gras] easstoppe] [Lizard awd [At which of the following stages isthe MOST energy lost? (A) Lizard + hawk (8) Soni arss 2. cm 10 refers to the following pyrami of sumbers co ‘Which of the following food chains would MOST Iikelyereato he pyremidofaumbers represented above? (A) Decayed leaf > earthworms + ‘small birds — lage birds, (B) Tree > aphids —> birds > fleas (©) Tree ~> ants ~ lizards birds (D) Decayed leaf > bacteria > fleas “> bird ‘The two MAIN products of oxidative Phosphorylation in the mitochond:ion are (A) ATP and water @®) NADand FAD (©) oxygen and water (D) —bydrogen and oxygen- Which of the following describes an ecosystem? (A) Producers + consumers + decomposers + non-living compancat () Producers + decomposers + habitts + non-living component (©) Producers + consumers + habitats ++ non-living component (©) Consumers + desomposers + habitats + non-iving component 1, M. 15 ‘The mumber and range of different species found in an ecosystem are called is w ®) © o biti factors abiotic factors species diversity community Whichofthefollowingstatements describes the famction of denitifying bacteria im the nitrogen eycie? (A) Splitthe nitrogen molecule to fore ©) Split nisogen molecules to form (©) Convert smmonium compounds to nitrates, ©) Convert nitrates to atmospheric Which of the following are tre about biodiversity? 1 1, a, Xv. rc) @) © © Variety of species on eat Can be defined a the genetic level, May be defined at the ecosystem level Relates only tocndangered species, 4, 1 and I only 1 Mand IV only Tittand 1V onty MI and TV only 265 tem 16 refers to the following diagram tem_18 refers to the following diagram ‘which ahowsa transverse section oftypicel ‘vhich shows three adjacent plant cells.) lcatyledonous r00t, tnd IL. Thevaluesof their water potentials re given in KP 18, In which direction would there be # NET flow of water? 46, The Casparian stip is found in the layer @® 1s atom Iabelled @ Wt adit +1 © Uo tad tot a it ©) Momadn 1 © W a o W Ttein_19 refers to the following three- dimeosional diagram ofpartofaplantstem. tem referstothe dvd staining material [abelied X in Figure , which isoften found as the inner layer of Structure Y in Figure Figure tt 19, Which labelfed port is living but lacks @ 20, Which of the following statement is true sccording to the mast (pressure) flow hypothesis? (A) Sucrose moves in the phloem ‘aginst a concentration gradient. (B) The loading of sugars into the phloem in the leaf i achieved by osmosis. (©) Asource ise site where supars are utilized, while a sink is a site here sugars are produced. (©) Water is actively transported from the intercellular spaces into the cell sap at the root end of the system. Atem_21 refers to the following clectronmicrograph which shows emaatire sievetabe element and adjacent structures. ‘The structure labelled Xis > (A) aplastic (@) the sieve pore (©) the sieve plate (@) — scompanioa cell 2 2B. 4 lism 22 refers to the following diagram of some components of blaod, o 0 8 “@ vO (A) aplatetet (B) — amonocyte (©) anerthrocyte (©) ancurophil Which ofthe following structures mast be stimulated to increase beat rate? (A) Vena cava ®) Cardiac muscle (©) Sinoatrial node - (D) Attioventicular node [em24 refers to the following diagram of the heer and exsociated blood vessels, ‘The inferior vena cava is labelled 2s wi. @ 0 co mt Vv 2s, 2”, ‘The result of an increase in insulin production is (A) an increase in cell perteabilty to ‘glucose (B) a fall in glucose conversion to alycogen (©). am increase in blood glucose sugar levels (D) an increase in conversion of lyeogen to glucose Bananas produced in the Caribbesn are ‘exported to markets all over the word “The bananas ae harvested ratre but sill, tren, yet must arive at dhe markets ready tw eat, Which of the following procedures ‘ennures thatthe fuitisstillmarketabe after shipping? “ ® oO © Ethylene application and eblling during shipping ‘Storage ofthe fruit in chillers with inimar lighting Use of carbon dioxide during ‘shipping ancethylene application ner Storage of the fruit in chillers followed by increased tempere- ‘ace when approaching port ‘Which of the following stractaralfeatires prevents molecules, with molecslar fase gtestor then 68 000, passing from the plomeriler capillaries into Boweaa's capsule? (A) The basement membrane of the epithelial cell of Bowman's capsule (@) The cal surface membrane of the ‘endothelial ell ofthe capillaries (C) The cal surface membrane of the epithelial cells of the Bowman's ey 2», “Thespoedoftransmissionofanerve impulse in affected by the (A) strength ofthe impulse (B) concentration of acey! choline (©) presence of the myelin sheath (D) amount of K° that enters the Item 29 refers to the following disgram ‘which shows the gapbetween twoncurones. Whereisacetylcholinestoredand secreted? ‘Stored a} 3 @ | * lol 2 3 oy [2 4 Item 20 refers to the following diagram of Item 33 refers to the following diagram Stem cals i \ ¥ © atone) |e rope apa i = . 33. Which ofthe following correctly identities 30, Which region assists in speeding up the the structure labelled ¥? conduction of nerve impulses? (A) Lymph node woo (B) Thymus gland ® om (©) Bypotialamus © om (D) Red bone marrow o Vv 34. Which of de following statements is 31. AIDS is caused by a NOT an explanation of the way in which antibodies work to protect the body from (AS) retrovirus pathogens? (B) shinovirus (©) becterium (A) They couse agglutination of (D) protozoan bacteria, (®) They combine with viruses preventing them From damaging 32. Which of the following disease js MOST alls, pproprntely matched to its category? (©) They cost bacteria preventing hagoestes from ingesting them: Disease | Category (D) They attach to the flagella of bacteria making them easier for (a) [AIDS Hierediany phagocytes to digest. (| seoke Degenerative (© |Diabeiss [Infectious [Dy [Emphyseaas | Deficiency 210- 38. Which ofthe following are common uses of monoclonal antibodies? 1. Prevention of transplant rejection 11, Early diggnotis of thotera TI, Tissue typing for transpiants TV. Pregnancy testing (A) Llland tonly (8) Mand 1V only (©) th tlvand IV only ) Li itand tv tem6refers to the following diagram which shows antibody leven blood ser toa particule antigen. Secondary rod response Firserposure * second toanigen 00 Days 46. Whichofthe folowing immunoglobulins isfereimportant inthe body'sfistresponsetoanantigen? eG Bie (©) Mand leo (D)WeG and IgM snafterexposute 31. 38 em37 refers tothe following information. ‘Two types of immunity are investigated in patients suffering from tetanus, Person X is injected with antibodies tothe disease, Person ¥ is injected with vaceine and Produces antibodies as a result, Blood samples are removed frorn both Patients at regular iotervals. The results ‘78 shown on the graph below, Antibody 25 ‘onceatration 9, (arbiteary nie 15: 10 s we a Tame of fajection Time (ey) Tue types of immunity being investigated (A) passive natural, active ataral () active asincia, active natural (©) active natura, passive artificial (D) passive arifcia, active artificial Which of the fotlowing is NOT a reason wy energy requirements differ in people fiom bint to old age? (A) The amount of activity vaies with ecupation . (B) Metabolic rate reduces with ege (©) Gender makes no difference to energy needs. (©) As persons age they may be less 39. 40, a, ‘Arnunner prepares for six months to run @ ‘araionby exercising forthrechours day, ‘This MOST likely results in an increase in L i. a v “ ®) © o cardiac output tidal volume muscle size Dlood pressure [and 0 only 1 Mand ll oaly 1. Mand IV only 1, and 1V only Fatty deposits in arteries can contribute to strokes and heart disease. This condition is called (A) anti (B) thrombosis (©) arteriosclerosis () atherosclerosis ‘Which of tie following correctly identifies fhe causative agent and the mode of ‘wansmission of dengue fever? ‘Causative | Mode of Agent | Transmission | Virus Vector (B) | Bacterium Vector Ol Virws Risborae (Dy | Bactesiues [Airborne 2 212 After regular consumption of alcohol fat 4. scoumulates in the liver. Which of the following providesan explanation forth? (A) Alcohol provides substrate forthe synthesis of fat molecales i the liver (B)- Alcohol damages liver eels, so they cannot convert fat into lipoproteins. (©) Alcohol ate asa buffer for ft, and barbs the fat and stores it (D) Aleakot is used by liver cells in 48. preference to fa, as an energy Which of the following BEST describes tolerance, a form of physical drug dependence? (A) Asevere craving fora drug which interferes with a person's ability to function normally (8) Characterized by the continued desire for a drug, even after physiol dependence is gone (©)__Developsin persone who have used Tage quantities of substances such ae sloohol and barbiturates (©) Occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a drug and requires ever-increasing amounts to achiove the same effect, END OF TEST Ie is believed that tar in cigarette smoke (A) thebiood platelets to become sticky (B) more adrenaline to be released into the blood (©) blockage in blood vessels, resulting in less oxygen being transported (D) increased secretion of mucus fom goblet cells inthe epithelium Which of the following interventions ‘would be appropiate to nehude inan AIDS prevention programme? (A) Acone-tine lesture on the morals ‘of sx outside of mariage (B) Basic edveation regarding be facts ‘on HIV transmission (©) © Providing information about personal hysiene (©) Pablishing information on drows ‘used in the treatment of AIDS. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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