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Costume Notes

Protagonist Ricky
Normally the
protagonist in any
genre wears light
colours to connote
positivity to the
audience. Although
unconventional, we have
decided that our
protagonist, Ricky will
be wearing dark
clothing. This is due to him being
transported into the gaming world were
the characters would usually wear darker colours. We
believe this will make our short film more believable and
the audience will understand the characters more. We
think a black top and black jean accompanied with black
shoes will portray this. Also as he is pretending to be
sick at the beginning of the film he will be dressed in
pyjamas, this usually represents innocents. As he isnt
really innocent due to him pretending to be sick,
audiences will find this funny and relate to the
character more.

As we have several
antagonists, they will
all be wearing the same
thing. They will be
wearing black bottoms
with a black hoodie and
a mask to cover their
identity. We think this
works well as the
audience will be able
to understand that they
are the antagonist as
they have masks on, we
think this would be
interesting as in many
films the antagonist
will wear something
over their face to hide

Natalia Cotonou


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