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Character Profile

Michael Dave Douglas

Age: 25
Most Recent Role: Imprisoned by AnandjiWade production

Michael Thomson aged 24. when he was aged 9 lost both his parents and was
adopted by the Andersons. He grew up with James and was always put in his
brothers shadow and was never felt accepted. 15 years later the Mr and Mrs
Anderson pass away leading Michael to rapidly become unstable. This leading to
thoughts of committing suicide He is physically cannot cope with the death and is
willing to do whatever it takes to get his over this leading him to become mentally
unstable. This links in with the relevant topics found in todays news

Michael Dave Douglas our actor fits the

requirements to play the character
Michael Thomson as he has the
physical built, and is able to play an
emotional character like Michael Thomson to a high standard. Michael is able to
express him self-very well through his body language and his facial expression and
tone of voice, which is key to playing Michael Thomson in our film. This helps as
there is a lot of dialogue in the five minute film meaning the delivery of lines along
with body language and facial expressions is key in creating a believable world and
successful product.

Odain Regan Clarke

Age: 21
Most recent role: N/A
First Role

James Anderson aged 20 years old is adopted brother with Michael Thomson. He
lived with Michael since the age of 9. He was always favoured by his parents
compared to Michael but has never recognised it. He has lived a relatively easy life
and has had no real troubles. 15 years after the adoption of Michael, James parents
pass away which hits both of them. Both handle it in different ways with James
relying a lot on Michael as a way to get through the difficult time. Although
appreciation may not be shown as it should James does not show this which also
contributes to Michaels tipping point. James receives a voicemail message and
works out Michaels intentions of killing himself. James unaware of how Michael
really feel is confused and is desperate for Michael to not act as he has deep
affections for his brother.
James confronts his
brother and is left
heartbroken on the

Odain Regan Clarke our

actor fits the requirement
to play the character
James Anderson, as he
has the emotional
capacity to play James Anderson. Through delivery of line and body language he
has the ability to meet the vision of the project by telling the story in the manner it
has been created. He is also physically fit meaning he is able to cope with the high
demands of running followed by an emotion discussion with a heavy amount of

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