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5- Thou shalt not covet another tech's headset/torch/blacks.

6- Thou shalt not drop things from fly tower/catwalk.

7- Thou shalt not crave sustenance other than coffee.
8- Thou shalt not kill another TECHIE. Actors not inclusive.
9- Thou shalt assist the actor when walking through the wings
of darkness.
10- Thou shalt be as God like as possible - fast, quiet,

If it wasn't for the

last minute, nothing
would get done.

Presented to:

On this the:

Day of

-OHS Techies

We hold
hold this
this truth
truth to
be self
self evident:
That all TECHIES are created superior.


My friends, be not deceived by deluded actors masquerading as

TECHIES. Remember always the signs by with thou shalt recognize
a true TECHIE: they move softly during scene changes, not
stumbling or falling; they are silent backstage, ever watchful, ever
vigilant; they can speak with secret knowledge of Tools; they respect
another's craft and aid where they can. They do not just stand and
watch but wait to serve.

Behold, my son: here is wisdom. Pay heed to

these words, and in the days of thy rehearsing,in the
hours of thy performing,thou shalt not be caught short.
For truly, it is said,pay heed to the errors of others and
you shall not make them yourself,and again, as we
have been told from on old,to thine own self be true.

Go Thous and Do Likewise.

I. Give not unto the actor his props before his time, for as surely
as the sun does rise in the East and sets in the West, (s)he will lose or
break them.


II. When told the placement of props by the Director, write not
these things in ink upon thy script, for as surely as the winds blow,
so shall the mind of the director change. Do likewise unto the cues
for sound and the cues for light.
III. Speak not in large words to actors, for they are slow of
thought and are easily confused.
IV. Speak not in the language of the TECHIE to actors, for they
are unenlightened and will not preceive thy meaning.


1- Love thy Gaff as thou would love thyself.

2- Honor thy Stage Manager and thy director.
3- Thou shalt not get caught in light.
4- Thou shalt not talk louder than a whisper.

that thou art a team, for thou shalt party together.

how he wants things done--then do it the way that works. In the
nights and days of thy labor, he will see thy wisdom and to himself
give credit and rejoice.

V. Tap not the head of a nail to drive it, but strike it firmly with all
thy might and with all thy soul, pivoting upon the angle of thy
elbow, not thy wrist.

XIV. And above all, get carried away not with the glow-tape, or
thy stage will be like unto an airport or carnival fun-house.

VI. Join not the head of the drywall screw and the #2 Phillips bit
of the power screwdriver at an angle, for surely thou shalt strip the
head of the screw and screw up the bit.

XV. Remember the first performance and keep it holy, for only
afterwards shall you party.
XVI. Remember the Strike after the last performance and keep it
holy also, for only afterwards so too shall you party.

VII. Remember always that the TD is never wrong. If it seemeth

that he is, then wait patiently upon the getting of wisdom: you
obviously misunderstood him the first time.
VIII. Leave not the area of the stage during the play to sojourn in
the land of the dressing rooms and talk with the actors, for as surely
as you do, you will be in danger of missing your cue and there shall
be much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments: yours, by the
stage manager.


IX. Beware of actors when flying in walls, for they are fascinated
by anything they do not understand and will stand and watch and be
crushed as the petunias underfoot in spring.
X. Beware of actors during scene changes, for they are not like
unto you and are blind in the dark.

Remember always that thou art a TECHIE, born to walk the dark
places of the stage, and know the secret ways of thy equipment. To
your hands it is given to mold the dreams and thoughts of they that
watch and to make the Stage a separate place and time. Seek not, as
do the actors, to go forth in light upon the stage, for though they
strut and talk and put on airs, their craft does truly depend on you,
to shape the dreams that they would show. Remember also that
although they depend on you, you exist only to aid them. Remember

XI. Take not thy cues before nor after their time, but at the proper
moment, each in its own time, like unto the musician at his
instrument. And cover thy screw-ups with style and grace.
XII. Take pity of the actors, for in their roles they are as children
and must be led with gentle kindness. Thus, endeavor always to
speak softly and not in anger, even when they be schmucks.

XIII. Pay careful heed to the instructions of the director as to

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