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Court of Record

115 George Lane

London E18 1AB

Dr. Klaus Martin Schwab

World Economic Forum Switzerland
91-93 route de la Capite,
CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva
Tel: +41 (0) 22 869 1212
Fax: +41 (0) 22 786 2744
via Pope Francis, Holy See
Open Letter
Amicus curi


23 January 2014
Dear Dr. Schwab:
May it please the Immaculate Virgin Mary with Her Child Jesus!

From the Global Isles Court of Record, on behalf of our Plaintiffs, in pursuit of justice and right for all
people, we send greeting!
Enclosed is our Open Letter to President Obama, the cover letter to U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
The Honourable Mr. Jacob J. Lew and a copy of our Letter Rogatory to the former Secretary of the
Treasury Mr. Timothy Geithner and our Letter Rogatory to the British Parliament.


Our other Open Letters to Britain, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Council of Cardinals and so forth, that
have made NATO and the UN irrelevant are available at www.courtofrecord.org/letters.html
It is a wish of this Court of Record that the United States corporation be shut down and replaced
with living men and women, masters of their destiny.
It is a wish of this Court of Record to nurture the wealth creating genius of those in the W.E.F.
community and to reveal Reality.


The intoxicating froth of irrational exuberance created by the open loop credit banking system
must be replaced with a return to the sober civil society laid down by Moses almost six millennia ago.
The purpose of these letters is to initiate a discussion at the highest levels of world society
regarding the consequences of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) mirror reflection.


The Court of Record has an office in Switzerland that can assist men and women of goodwill who
wish to use Bills of Exchange, trade by exchange of Gods good substance and to Render unto Caesar what
belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.
Kindly contact Pope Francis with any questions.
Yours faithfully,

Joseph Ray Sundarsson

+41 43 508 1447
+44 1234 816 393
Best times: noon to midnight GMT

GICOR-ref: US-WEF-cover-v1.0

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