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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs : January 15, 16, 2014

2014- 02- 02 11:02:31 GKToday

1. Anjali Devi, who passed away recent ly, was a f amous _____? [A]Act ress
[B]Dancer [C]Writ er [D]Art ist
Anjali Devi was a vet eran T elugu and T amil act ress. She is well known f or her
myt hological role as Sit a in Lava Kusha and roles in movies like Suvarna
Sundari and Anarkali.
Show Answer 2. Who among t he f ollowing has been named t he
Conf ederat ion of Af rican Foot ball (CAF) f oot baller of t he year? [A]Yaya T oure
[B]Samuel Et oo [C]Didier Drogba [D]Abedi Pele
Yaya T oure
Manchest er cit y and Ivory Coast midf ielder Yaya T oure has been named t he
Conf ederat ion of Af rican Foot ball (CAF) f oot baller of t he year. It is a t hird
st raight t it le f or T oure, who also won Decembers BBC Af rican Foot baller of
t he Year Award.
Show Answer 3. Which of t he f ollowing st at es is host ing t he 2014
Lusophony games? [A]Karnat aka [B]Goa [C]Gujarat [D]Madhya Pradesh
Goa is host ing t he 2014 Lusophony (or Lusof onia) games f rom 18-29 January
2014. T he 2014 Lusophony games will be t he 3rd edit ion of t he Lusophony
games, a mult i-sport event t hat represent at hlet es f rom Port uguesespeaking count ries and t errit ories.
Show Answer 4. T he Spice Rout e Project which is aimed at sharing t he
herit age among t he f oreign count ries along t he ancient rout e is a t ourism
promot ing init iat ive t aken by which st at e? [A]Kerala [B]Goa [C]Manipur
[D]Maharasht ra
T he Spice Rout e Project is aimed at sharing t he herit age among t he 31
count ries along t he ancient rout e. T he init iat e is expect ed t o bring in a
subst ant ial number of f oreign t ourist s t o Kerala t o t race t he hist oric journey.
Show Answer 5. Which of t he f ollowing dist rict s of Assam has been
declared t obacco-f ree dist rict , recent ly? [A]Karimganj [B]Golaghat [C]Jorhat

Jorhat has been declared Assams f irst smoke-f ree dist rict . In Jorhat , almost
90% of f ices now have a t obacco-f ree environment in compliance wit h Sect ion
4 (Prohibit ion of smoking in public places) of Cigaret t es and Ot her T obacco
Product s Act , 2003.
Show Answer 6. T he General assembly of t he Unit ed Nat ions has declared
t he year 2016 as _____? [A]Int ernat ional Year of Pulses [B]Int ernat ional Year of
Cereals [C]Int ernat ional Year of Fruit s [D]Int ernat ional Year of Veget ables
International Year of Pulses
T he Unit ed Nat ions general assembly has vot ed t o declare 2016 as t he
Int ernat ional Year of Pulses. T he move is t o raise t he awareness of pulses
globally and t he import ant role pulses can play in advancing healt h and
nut rit ion, f ood securit y and environment al sust ainabilit y.
Show Answer 7. In which one of f ollowing st at es t he per capit a availabilit y
of Milk is highest in t he count ry? [A]Andhra Pradesh [B]Punjab [C]Haryana
[D]T amil Nadu
Punjab wit h 961gm daily per capit a milk availabilit y is highest in t he count ry.
Show Answer 8. Which among t he f ollowing organisat ions has launched No
Lost Generat ion project f or Syrian children, recent ly? [A]Unit ed Nat ions
[B]European Union [C]ASEAN [D]SAARC
United Nations
No Lost Generat ion is a new init iat ive (2014) by t he Unit ed Nat ions childrens
agency is aiming t o raise $1 billion f or Syrian children. T he project is f ocusing
on educat ion and prot ect ion programs f or children in Syria and in neighbouring
count ries where Syrians have t aken ref uge t o escape t he violence.
Show Answer 9. Consider t he f ollowing st at es: 1. West Bengal 2. Assam 3.
Sikkim 4. Meghalaya 5. Mizoram Which of t he above st at es share borders wit h
Bangladesh? [A]Only 1, 2, 3 & 4 [B]Only 1, 2, 4 & 5 [C]Only 2, 3, 4 & 5 [D]1, 2, 3, 4
Only 1, 2, 4 & 5
Indias f ive st at es West Bengal, Assam, T ripura, Meghalaya and Mizoram
share a 4,096 km border wit h Bangladesh.
Show Answer 10. Recent ly, which among t he f ollowing st at es has rolled out

Jeevan Amrut Yojana (blood-on-call scheme) which is said t o be f irst of it s

kind in t he count ry? [A]Maharasht ra [B]Haryana [C]Rajast han [D]Gujarat
Maharasht ra government rolled out Jeevan Amrut Yojana (blood-on-callscheme) across t he st at e. T he ambit ious plan said t o be f irst -of -it s-kind in
t he count ry, is aimed at f acilit at ing blood supply t o pat ient s scheduled t o
undergo surgeries and medical procedures, at cheaper rat e by dialling a
dedicat ed helpline number 104.
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