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Unit Tests:

Name: ...........................

Unit 5

Class: ............................

Language and Vocabulary


Complete the sentences according to the pictures.

2 points each


2 points each


1 You use ...................... in a discman or a camera.

2 Smoking ...................... is bad for your health.
3 You need ...................... to light a fire.
4 Some drinks come in a ...................... .
5 There are many different ...................... to read every day.

Match the words with their meanings.

1 bottle

...... a. the paper or plastic that covers sweets and chocolates

2 wrappers

...... b. notices at the sides of roads

3 transportation

...... c. its used for drinks and its made from plastic or glass

4 signs

...... d. a busy road between cities and towns

5 highway

...... e. ways to go from place to place

Look at the picture. Then complete the sentences using

There was / There were, affirmative or negative.

2 points each


1 ...................... rubbish in the bin.

2 ...................... an umbrella near the door.
3 ...................... cigarettes in the bin.
4 ...................... chocolate wrappers on the floor.
5 ...................... newspapers on the table.

CHANGES FOR ESO 3 Photocopiable

B Burlington Books

Unit Tests: Unit 5


Write five questions about the picture in C.

2 points each /10






Complete the questions with How much / How many.

Then choose the correct answer.

2 points each /10

1 .................................. sugar do you want in your coffee? I dont want many / much sugar.
2 .................................. people are there? There are much / a lot of people.
3 .................................. good friends have you got? Ive got much / many good friends.
4 .................................. time is there before the film? There isnt a lot of / many time.
5 .................................. books do you take to school? I take a lot of / much books to school.

Read the article and answer the questions.

2 points each /10

People and the Environment

Many people are not aware of the environment. They dont realise that by cleaning up their mess and
recycling rubbish, they are helping to save the Earth.
Every day, millions of people waste paper. They throw away paper packages, wrapping paper,
newspapers, posters and other things made of paper. Paper comes from trees, so when we waste paper
we waste trees. Can you imagine a world without trees?
People also throw plastic bags, bottles and other rubbish into the sea. Sometimes sea animals, birds
and fish eat our rubbish and die.
So please remember a clean environment means a better world for all of us.
1 How can people help to save the Earth?
2 How do people waste paper?
3 What happens when people waste paper?
4 Why mustnt we throw rubbish into the sea?
5 Why is a clean environment important?
B Burlington Books
CHANGES Photocopiable
FOR ESO 3 Photocopiable
B BurlingtonBooks

Unit Tests: Unit 5

Two students are cleaning up the beach. Number the items in the order that
you hear about them.

1 point each


Answer the following questions about recycling in Holland.

4 points each


1 Why are the recycling bins underground?............................................................................................

2 What types of rubbish do people separate? ........................................................................................
3 When do lorries pick up separated rubbish? ........................................................................................
4 Name two big appliances that get recycled. .......................................................................................
5 What do the Dutch use car tax for?.....................................................................................................

Function Check
2 points each


Match the sentences to the correct functions.

a. Expressing quantity

b. Asking about quantity

c. Expressing an opinion

...... 2 There was a lot of rubbish in the park.

...... 4 How much time have you got to

finish the work?

...... 3 I think we should talk about pollution.

...... 5 I hate seeing dirty beaches.

...... 1 How many people were there at the party?



CHANGES FOR ESO 3 Photocopiable

B Burlington Books

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