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Anya Schultz |

Period 4

Are you Really Just

Drinking Water?

Our water is just hydrogen and oxygen right? WRONG! Many other
chemicals and pollutants live in your very water sources. These toxins
dont just affect you and me; they impact the whole ecosystem that we

live in.

What is the Problem?

You might think that the US doesnt have many contaminated drinking sources. Well, let me tell
you; youre wrong again. A study from the US shows, Tap water contains dangerous and
hazardous chemicals and more (Gucciardi, 2012). This proves furthermore that most people have
no idea chemicals they are being exposed to everyday. According to another source, The area
around the great lakes are urbanizing and becoming too developed which is causing pollution to
drain into the natural water source (Heath, 2005). This article tells us how we as human beings
are polluting and poisoning our own water supplies. This shows us that we are at fault for illnesses
put forth onto animals and other people.

What is Causing the Issue?

We are not the only thing that makes our drinking water contaminated. A study shows one way
this can happen, Many of the pipes in he US are centuries old; this can cause bacteria to get into
the water (NRDC, 2006). So our pipes are at blame for some of the toxic water that we are
drinking. Some of these pipes can be even more harmful if theyre made of lead. A different study
shows how algae can be at fault for polluted water, toxic algae blooms contaminate US drinking
water and kills marine life (CNN, 2015). Algae is a living organism that is majorly affecting us
and our marine life. This shows us how toxins dont nesecarly need to be harsh complicated
sounding chemicals. Things like this dont just affect us.

What are the impacts to the environment?

Toxins affect the environment in a major way. For example a study shows that, The algae has
gotten into drinking water of those who rely on the great lakes as a water source and can make
humans very sick; it is also killing fish and wildlife off the pacific coast. It has also closed down
fisheries and the clam harvest (CNN, 2015). Killing of wildlife or making them sick can impact
the ecosystem that the algae is thriving in. Another study shows the impact on the environment
that the toxins have; in saying that, The contamination is being caused by lawn fertilizers and
pesticides that find their way into the water and cause pressure on the sewer systems which sends
sewage into the water,. Wetlands being wiped out, which kills plants that filter pollution out of the
water and provide mating areas for wildlife. Also hardened shorelines or shorelines that are
reinforced and can change how the water flows and increase erosion (Heath, 2005). This shows
how we are changing the environment in doing these things while also allowing pollutants to
become more prevalent.

What are the Impact to Local Communities?

There are many of the same effects on the environment that there are on the local communities,
seeing as the local communities are the environment. A resource states an impact by saying,
USGS only looked at public wells but it is possible that 250,000 private wells have contaminants
too ( Becerra, 2015). This shows us that communities that use private wells as a main water
source may not even know that their water is contaminated. This can be an issue because if this
drinking water is going untreated it could lead to health issues in the local people.

What are the Impacts to Personal Health?

Health issues have a very broad spectrum that can very, but none of them are to be taken
lightly. One source shows us some of the health issues that come with contaminated water in
stating, If there is as low as 1 ppm of fluoride in our water it can lead to permanent damage, a
lower IQ, permanent damage in unborn children, and 25% increased chance in spreading or tumor
growth (Gucciardi, 2012). This shows how only a slight change in water can really affect a
person. This also shows the impact that it can have not on yourself, but also future generations.
Another source gives us ways that different chemicals impact us with stating, Chlorine can cause
bladder and rectal cancers, and also asthma. Recently, experts have linked chlorine to breast
cancer. Also lead, which enters tap water through corroded pipes, is in drinking water and is
harmful to pregnant mothers and children. Lead poisoning has been proven to cause learning
disorders and severe developmental delays (Wagner).

Current Solutions
There are a few different solutions to trying to get rid of these toxins or how to avoid being
affected by them. One source says, The current solutions to fluoride in our water are things like
water filter, treatment plants, and using bottled spring water (Corriher, 2009). In this article on of
the main ways they suggest to avoid drinking poorly treated water is by going and buying bottled
water from outside sources. They also suggest to use water filters but whole house filters can be
quite expensive.

Possible Solutions
Of course we all want to find an effective method to make sure our water is safe. Possible
solutions to this could be putting more funds into treatment plants and bring them more up to date.
Also funding research on how we could do better at keeping toxins out our selves. Lastly making
whole house filters more accessible to everyone.

In all toxins come from organisms living on this earth including us. We can all try and prevent
further toxicity of our drinking water. What do you want for future generations?

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