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Guatemala, February 10, 1989




Dearly beloved children, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Dearly beloved children, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the God of
the God that died nailed to the Cross for love of you, speaks to you.
Dear children, today I have come as always to instruct you. As you know, I am now doing this, I
am instructing My children, so that the confusion and the darkness that now reigns in the world does not
reach you. Well, My dear children, today I am going to speak about a sacred book, about a book that for
many years and for many ages has been discussed and not understood, and this book is THE BIBLE.
Well, dear children, as you know, I am coming to instruct you, so you will learn, so you know
is happening in these last times and what is to come.
The Bible, dear children, is a book that has caused much confusion, has caused many difficulties
for My children, because they do not understand it. This book was written by the inspiration of the Holy
Ghost, because this book has in it the Word of God, in it there is everything that He has wanted My
children to learn, and to know. It is full of difficulties and teaches man that, in order to understand this

book, he must read it kneeling down, that is to say with humility.

Anyone who approaches the Holy Bible with only the desire to acquire more knowledge, to boast
to his family and to his friends that he has read the Bible, shall not obtain any fruits. Only those who
approach this book with humility and simplicity, and only with the desire to know Me, to understand the
Life of his God and to understand His Words will obtain the fruits; because by knowing Him, he will love
Him. Only those persons who approach this book in this way will find the wisdom, which is hidden in it.
But those who approach this book only to boast will not obtain any fruits, and the Word of God shall not
be revealed to them; because to read this book, one needs humility and a true desire to really know Me.
I am speaking now about this book, dear children, because Easter is coming. We are already in
and these days are favorable for you to read the Bible, for you to absorb the knowledge of everything that
is in it: There are hidden treasures in the Bible that have not yet been revealed to the world.
My children say that all of the prophecies have already been fulfilled, that everything has been
fulfilled and that there is nothing new to see, and this is not true. Dear children, some of the prophecies
in the Bible have already been fulfilled, but many more will be fulfilled in these times. Your eyes will see
that the prophecies that many believed to be dead and buried are not dead and buried, and it is precisely
in these times that these prophecies shall be fulfilled.
Many say that the Bible is totally fulfilled, and I say in the Bible that I would come for the
time to this world, and they do not want to accept this, they do not want to see that by doing this they are
stopping the Word of the Lord. They do not study this book properly, however, the Bible shall be fulfilled.
Many believe that the prophecies are outdated and nobody will speak about them again; but these
prophecies are going to be fulfilled and it is precisely now, in our time, when these prophecies will be
In past years, in other epochs, everybody believed that only the Book of Revelation was the one
that was going to be fulfilled, but this is not so. The entire Bible has prophecies from the beginning to the
end, which in these times are going to be fulfilled. All of the prophecies are stated there, but many shut
their eyes and do not want to listen. They do not want to understand that this book is always up-to-date,
that this book is for yesterday, today, tomorrow and always, because it is the Word of the Lord, and the
Word of the Lord shall always be alive, because I said it in the Bible: "Heaven and earth shall pass, but
My Word shall not pass. They shall not pass, because everything, everything from the beginning to the
will be fulfilled.
Blessed are those who wash their garments in My Blood, because I am the beginning and the
and you must be prepared to have the right to the Tree of Life, to be able to enter the Holy City that is
already so very close to you.
Look, I am telling you this, because it is very important. Look, I am coming to give My reward
everyone according to their deeds, according to what they have done in this short trip through life,
this world, that is nothing more than a dwelling for you, because this is not your land, you are only here
temporarily, you are only pilgrims, because your home is Heaven and you must get there. Your goal is to
get there, because I have made preparations for all those who follow Me, for all those who believe in Me,

to have dwellings up there in Heaven, where you can live eternally with Me.
But you must understand, you must know that you are here only temporarily; here you must
sacrifice, you must fight to arrive at that Celestial Homeland, from which you were outcast. Your place is
up here, this is what the whole world must understand, My children, understand that this earth is only a
place of testing to see if you go to the Celestial Homeland, to the Holy City or to Hell. It is up to you,
you will decide this by yourselves; all of this is in your hands, it is in your heart.
If you follow goodness, if you follow Me, you shall have Heaven; but if you do not follow Me, if
you stubbornly believe that the earth and the world is the Kingdom of God, you will not get to Heaven,
because as I once told you in the Bible, My Kingdom is not of this world. That is why you must fight to
get to that Kingdom, where I have prepared beautiful dwellings for you. But you must want to get there,
and you must understand that here in this world you are only in transit, you are only passing through to
get to Heaven, where you will be in the company of the Eternal Father, the Triune God, My Blessed
Mother, the Angels, and Saints, and Me.
But you must strive to enter the narrow path that leads to those beautiful and eternal dwellings
of joy. The broad path, dear children, will take you to perdition, but the narrow path will take you to
Dear children, I want you to understand that the Bible is a sacred book, in which I left My
Word, so that all of those who listen and follow it, so that all of those who love truth and justice, so that
all of those who really want to, can return to the Celestial Homeland, which is Heaven. Do not forget
this, dear children, do not forget it.
Obey My Blessed Mother, obey Her. She appears time and again. I also appear. I make requests,
urgent requests, so that you will understand that you are in great danger and that you must walk the
path, the path of goodness, the path of thorns, which later will turn into roses and then you will be
eternally happy.
We are already in Lent, and I want you to meditate on all of this. Read the Gospel, read about
My Passion, why I died, why I made this Sacrifice for you. Read and meditate and repent, and humbly
for the Holy Ghost to come, and He will come to enlighten you and to tell you what you must know for
these cruel and difficult days, which will become crueler and more difficult and darker.
That is why you must walk the narrow path, why you must meditate on My Words in the Bible;
do it properly, not as many of My children are now doing by imitating the Protestants, who interpret it to
fit their needs. And this should not be like this, because remember that this book is full of difficulties for
man, because you cannot approach it like this, but only with love, with humility and with a true desire to
know My Word, to know Me better by means of this book.
But you must do it assisted by the Holy Ghost, because if you read it like the Protestants do,
because they interpret it according to their views, and they see only the things that are convenient for
and this is dangerous, very dangerous, because it is a trap which the Devil uses to confuse you. That is
why you must be alert, very alert. And to approach this book, you must do it as I said before, contritely

and humbly, full of love and humility, so that the Holy Ghost will come to enlighten you and to give you
the intelligence to understand this beautiful book, which is full of difficulties, as it cannot be understood,
if God does not give the necessary Grace.
Take this into consideration, take this into account, meditate on My Passion, meditate on the
Gospel, meditate on all of this, and you will see how little by little the Holy Ghost will penetrate into your
minds and your hearts, and He will make you understand everything that you do not now understand.
Dear children, the moment is coming when all of these difficulties, that many of My children
find in the Bible, will be revealed by Me.
There will come a time when this book will be understood as it should be understood and the
whole world will see the prophecies that the Bible contains. Many prophecies have already been fulfilled,
but also many are still pending and will be fulfilled in these last times. That is why I say: Blessed are
those who clean their garments in My Blood, and who obtain My Mercy.
This book contains many prophecies that will now be fulfilled and it also says: Anyone who
to add men's words instead of My Word will receive all of the plagues that are written in it. And anyone
who takes away My Words, who takes away the books that are written there or who falsifies My Word,
part in the Tree of Life will also be taken away from him, and he will not have access to the Holy City,
to the Celestial Homeland. All of this will be fulfilled.
As you can see, men have changed the Bible, men have modified it to their likeness and to their
own way of thinking. They believe that what is said will not happen and that is why they change it, they
do with this book what they want. But they should have respected it, because it is the Word of God.
Many are turning the Bible into a book, which does not have even the first part of what it should
contain. It has been changed and this is why My children do not understand what they read, because My
children have corrupted the Word of the Lord. But their punishment is coming, their punishment is at the
door, and many will be sorry and cry, because they dared to change My Word, to change it for words of
men. All of this is coming, dear children, all of this and all of those who have changed or omitted words
of the Bible will be judged severely, very severely.
This is why I wanted to talk to you about this book, because it has been widely distributed and it
has spread with very grave errors and is doing much damage to My children, much damage.
I want you to be alert and to see that the Bibles that are now being printed are not correct. They
are falsified, they have changed My Word for the word of men. Now, if you want to meditate on My Word
as it was stated in the original Bible, you must search for old editions, editions that are really hard to find,
but you must do this, you must find old Bibles, because they are the only ones that have not been falsified
like the newer ones. The Bibles that are being printed now are not correct and have caused much
for My children.
You must be very careful about this, you must be very careful. Yes, dear children, I wanted to
to you about this, because it is very important, very important now for the whole world. As you can see,
there is in My Church those who call themselves Charismatics. They take away and add to the Bible as

they please without really understanding what they are reading and those who approach the Bible like this
will not obtain any fruits.
I say this, because many believe that with their own intelligence and their free interpretation,
know what the Bible says; and this is not so. If a person does not have a guide that helps him to
understand the difficulties that are in the Bible, that person will not obtain fruits.
Be careful, dear children, be careful, and do not do what those who call themselves Charismatics
are doing with the Bible, they are damaging the Bible gravely. They are deforming it, they are changing it,
they are destroying it. And with this, they are destroying My children, My true children. That is why if
want to get fruits out of this Holy book, which are inspired by the Holy Ghost, you must use old editions,
not new ones, because the new ones have many errors and they have grave errors, grave errors, My
You must then, My children, be alert and tell the people that it is better for them not to read these
Bibles, because if they are going to get confused by reading them, it is better not to read them. But they
should try to obtain those Bibles, which are still true to My Word, true to all that I left written there for
your salvation, for your edification, for your knowledge.
But My children the priests have not been careful about this and the Devil has introduced
and he has caused that men change the Word of the Lord as he, the Devil, wanted. And it should not have
been changed because, as I tell you, the prophecies are close to being fulfilled, and if the Bible is falsified,
it is going to provide false information, and My children do not understand this. They even read in the
Bible that I left Word there that I would come for the second time and yet they deny that this is true, and
they say that I will not come. Do you see how wrong they are?
That is why I tell you that you must be very careful, because confusion and pride has been
introduced into My children, and they do not want to understand that I left My Word in the Bible, that
I would come for a second time. It is written in the Bible and yet they deny it, they do not want to accept
it. But the day will come in which they will see Me and they will understand their error, but on that day
it will be too late.
That is why I am giving you some time, dear children, some time for you to meditate, for you to
come to the fountain of My Mercy, of My wisdom so that you can fight with these weapons and
that you must obey the messages of My Blessed Mother and My messages.
You should realize, My children, that times are tough, dark and difficult and that evil has
introduced itself into My Church and that is why My children have changed the Bible. They have changed
it to justify their thinking, without realizing that all the punishments that are spelled out here are for those
who changed or add words that are not the true ones, and the ones that I left, will be severely punished,
because they have introduced error, because they have helped the Antichrist to confuse My children even
Well, dear children, that is what I wanted to talk to you about today, what I wanted to tell you
today, because you must be prepared, and you must understand everything, everything. And in these
days, you must be in the State of Grace, you must meditate, you must realize that I am coming and that

My Blessed Mother will also come to instruct you, so that you know and you are well prepared, so that
when someone speaks to you, you will know whether he is telling the truth or telling a lie. This is what I
have been doing these last few months, I have been instructing you about all these things, so you will be
prepared, when the time comes, and you will know what to do and where to go, and so that you are not
confused, because everything, everything that is written here in the Bible will be fulfilled from the
to the end, because as I repeat, I am the beginning and I am the end.
I am making a call to everyone, a loving call, an urgent call, because the Wrath of the Eternal
Father is getting closer each day, it is getting closer and your hearts will suffer, when you see all the great
calamities that are coming and you will see them. But if you are under the protecting mantle of My
Mother, you do not have to fear, because the Holy Ghost will help you in those dark and difficult days.
must then ask the Holy Ghost and pray to Him and invoke Him so that He reaches your hearts and your
minds and dissipates the darkness, that is surrounding you.
Yes, dear children, that is why I have come to tell you that you are in great danger, that you must
place yourselves under the protective mantle of My Blessed Mother.
You see that in all the apparitions, We always say the same things, that you should be in the State
of Grace, that you should wear your Sacramentals, because a day will come, when you will not find them,
because everything will be scarce and you will look for them, but you will not find them.
This is why I tell you that you must be prepared, that you prepare with Sacramentals, with Holy
Water, with blessed pictures, with crucifixes, because the danger is at your door. But I also want you to
prepare not only physically, but spiritually and this means that, if you are in mortal sin, you must change
your way of life, you must immediately acquire Grace, because the day will come to the world like a thief
and when everybody says that they are in peace, then the events that I have warned you about in many
places and through many seers will come. Those were warnings that still had to be fulfilled, but now, dear
children, these warnings, these messages are at the door, now the clock in Heaven is signaling the final
hour and they will come, My children, like the thief in the night and those who are not prepared will die.
Many calamities are coming, dear children, your eyes will see so many things, so many afflictions that are
That is why I, as a loving Father, have come to warn you, to be careful, because these days are
near, very near, be careful, be careful.
Dear children, now I am going to bless all of the Sacramentals, I am going to bless these pictures,
Sacramentals, water and roses, so that you will have protection for the coming days. I bless all these
here present for your protection, salvation and the health of My children and that they protect them during
the difficult days and for the day of the Wrath of the Lord that is coming. I bless you in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Dear children, as you see, I did not want to frighten you, but I want you to be alert, because this
year your eyes will see many things, some of them wonderful, others tremendously, tremendously
But you must be prepared, so that the terror does not reach you and that the Grace will help you to wait

for the moment of My Coming, which is very near, dear children, very near. The Celestial Clock is
in hours; therefore, dear children, I wanted to warn you about this, so that you begin preparing for the
coming tribulations and are not afflicted. And remember that I will be with each one of you and My
Mother will also be with you. And also, dear children, as something very special when these tribulations
come, invoke Saint Michael the Archangel, as it is he who will help you in this great battle, in these great
afflictions, that are now very near.
Well, dear children, I want you to meditate during this Lenten Season; I want you to understand
that the days for the world and also the days for all human beings are now numbered. Have a holy Lent,
so that you will be prepared for the great day of the Coming of the Lord, Who will come to judge His
people and Who is coming very soon to give everyone their reward according to their deeds during their
short passage through this world.
Well, dear children, pray much, do not forget the Holy Rosary, implore My Mercy, implore the
assistance of the Holy Ghost, implore My Blessed Mother to place you under Her Protective Mantle, so
that you can wait for My Coming. Those who do not obey will die.
Well, dear children, I will be waiting for you at the next reunion, when My Blessed Mother will
and give you advice for all the dark days that are coming. If you have difficulties and cannot come, do not
worry. Implore as I told you and pray and ask for My Mercy, because the days will come, dear children,
when the whole world will enter the Great Tribulation.
Well, dear children, I will wait for you at the next reunion and I bless you from the bottom of My
Sacred Heart, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. May the peace be in your


December 27,1988
My dearly beloved children, I bless you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Dearly beloved children, the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God,
speaks to you. I have come today to this place to communicate with My

children, to communicate with the whole world, so that they can see the
Beloved children, I communicate with humanity through My
beloved daughter Sister Guadalupe. She spreads these messages, she
speaks, but it is I Who speak to you through her, and My beloved son,
Brother James, spreads these messages.
Listen to Me, dear children, I want you to listen to this and to know
that I have always
communicated with the world throughout the ages ; I have
communicated with you who are My children, because great dangers
await you, you have always been in great danger, because the battle is
I have always come to talk to My children, and I have told them
that the end of time is near and that all of those pious souls that spread
My messages and the messages of My Divine Son will have earned for
themselves a place in Heaven and those who hide them or make fun of
them will have earned for themselves a place in Hell, because they did
not want to listen to the Holy Ghost Who is warning you of a great
danger that threatens and it is the coming of the Antichrist.
Beloved children, I call to you, to the lay people, to those children
of Mine who love Me, but do not belong to any Congregation, because
you know that My children the priests and the nuns do not want to listen
to My voice, they do not spread these messages that I am giving to the
world, that I am giving to humanity and to My children, so that they can
save themselves and find life.
Yes, My children, I have always called My children, always,
always, always, through the ages and they have not listened to Me. You
can see that in the apparitions of La Salette, in My apparitions of Fatima,
Lourdes, Garabandal, San Damiano and many others, and lately with
Sister Guadalupe, they do not listen to Me.

Yes, beloved children, your end is near and that is why I ask you
to be the ones to spread these messages that I am giving through My
beloved daughter, Sister Guadalupe.
Dear children, I gave you a previous message, in which I told you
that all of those who promote My messages and the messages of My
Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, would have a crown waiting for them in
Heaven and, when the Eternal Father calls them, I will come to take
them, I Myself with My Divine Son will come to take them to the
Celestial Homeland, as a reward for having listened, for having believed,
and for having spread My messages and the messages of My Divine Son
Yes, beloved children, I now call on you, and on all pious souls, to
do this and help Me, because the battle against the Antichrist has begun,
and you can help Me by spreading these messages according to your
Do this, My children, I ask this of you, because humanity needs
that these messages be propagated. Do this, My children, do this and you
will have earned Heaven.

For more Messages, Please contact one of the following Centers of

Also please look for the languages you need in parentheses.
Comunidad de Desagravio
9a Avenida 6-71, Zona 7
Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemala, Centro Amrica
Mission of The Blessed Virgin
The Lady of The Apocalypse
15851 Quartz St.

Westminster, CA 92683 U.S.A

Crusaders of Our Lady of Fatima
P.O. Box 751
Lancaster, CA 93534
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
681 Marshall Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
The Lady of the Apocalypse
P.O. Box 2639
Kumasi Ghana (W.A.)
Knight of the Immaculate Heart
P.O. Box 283
Iloilo City 5000
Mrs. A. Libera
Box 915
Atikokan, Ont POT 1CO
Phone: (807) 597-4415
P.O. Box 326
Petit Rocher, NB. EOB 2EO

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