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4th Grade Spring Conference _


Basic facts I am (very accurate, somewhat accurate, or not very accurate) with my computation.
I know my addition facts (automatically, when given time to think, or need a number line).
I know my subtraction facts (automatically, when given time to think, or need a number line).
I know my multiplication facts (automatically, when given time to think, or need a chart).
I know my division facts (automatically, when given time to think, or need a chart).

Multiplication The class has learned how to multiply multi-digit numbers by 1 and 2 digit numbers.
They learned two ways to multiply numbers. We will continue reviewing multiplication this year.
Division - The class worked with simple basic division as well as long division. Students learned two
strategies to divide. We will continue reviewing division this year.
Factors & Fractions - The students have learned rules for divisibility, how to find factors and multiples,
and relating factors and multiples to fractions with common denominators. Students are also
learning to add, subtract, and multiply fractions.
My greatest strength in math is _______________________________________________
The area I want to improve most in math is _______________________________________
To improve in math I am going to ______________________________________________

Language Arts
Writing, Spelling, and Grammar - We continue studying how to write complete sentences with proper
capitalization and punctuation. The goal for 4th grade is that they learn how to apply their spelling
knowledge to their daily work. The students have also been writing non-fiction reports.
My strength in writing is ____________________________________________________
My weakness in writing is ____________________________________________________

In reading, we are continuing to work on comprehension and vocabulary strategies in a variety of genres.
My greatest strength in reading is _____________________________________________
The area I want to improve most in reading is _____________________________________
To improve in reading I am going to _____________________________________________
My favorite kinds of books or magazines to read at home: ____________________________

Social Studies
In social studies we have been learning about the Midwest region of our country. The rest of the year will
be spent studying the other regions of the United States.
Each week students continue to have History Mystery to complete. This requires students to conduct indepth research from a wide variety of resources including maps, atlases, reference books, historical
artifacts, and the internet.

In science we have studied weather, the water cycle, and planets. Currently we are studying some human
body systems and how to keep them healthy.

My favorite classroom subject is __________________________________________________________
One study skill that I need to improve: ______________________________________________________
I am most proud of _____________________________________________________________________

TRUE - FALSE My homework and assignments are always completed on time.

TRUE - FALSE My desk is always neat and organized.
TRUE - FALSE My assignment book planner is neat and complete.

The school goal I have for myself is ________________________________________________________

My favorite recess activities are: ___________________________________________________________
My educational goals and plans after high school: ____________________________________________
In order to be ready for FIFTH grade, I need to: ______________________________________________

Thank you for coming to my conference!

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