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Where can you apply for media biased jobs?

There is a website on the intranet which has a large variety of jobs within the film industry.
This website is called production base; you have to register into their server then choose an
appealing job that suits someone educational qualifications. You can apply online, you can
apply for any job on their server, and there is a large amount jobs that production base
supply. Here is a link to their website:

Applying for jobs is very simple within the Film industry you can go and easily get a job
online and applying there, or career fairs are fairly popular because lots of people always go
because there is abetter opportunity at a these fairs because there are more jobs that are
being advertised there. Everyone wants jobs in the film industry which is why career fairs
are done. An example of a film industry careers fair within the UK that called the Low Down
which takes place on the 25th of January, this fair is also a television careers fair but there is
also film industry companies that are there such as the Warner Brothers and other film
productions. Here is a link to the Low Down careers fair website:


Another job careers fair is at Kings College London and there is also a part time work there.
At this careers fair there are job offers which with the correct qualification you can apply for
a job there and then. You must register on the online website or where the careers fair and
that is how you get into the fair. Here is a link to the careers fair at Kings College London:


The Guardian have various amount of jobs that they advertise in their newspaper. Below
there is screenshots of jobs that are available. In these screen shots there are quotes on
how much money can be earned from them. These job offers and these advertising of jobs
are in the newspapers every day and on their website as well.

Job Contracts are very simple after applying for a job within the television industry, the
company that you will be working will say what type of job that it is that they will be
working for. It could be part time or full time depending on the company and the job type.
Part time job is where you work less hours than full time and to the job on different days
depending on what the company decides. Full time is working 40 hours a wee or more
depending on the contract given by the company, this could may mean working on
Saturdays. If you are on a contract you cant break the rules of the contract because it will
cause problems with the company, and it is a illegal to break a contract.

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