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Aan H, SCHORR & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys At Taw ‘Alun HL Sehore*™ ey spit osk rive Aglah A Trabea? Sp (Ghrey 1 003 ‘adn Le Soho fs row 886740050, Seni Huard | a B56574 5080 Settee ne So ware che peakemraon July 22,2015 Ni ‘State of New Jersey Department of Childtea and Fansliee P.O. Box 729 ‘Trenton, NT 08625-0729. Re: ‘San Payne: Termination of Employment Owls: 9197 ‘To whom it may concetn: Please be advised that this offic as been retained to represent San Payne in togard to hee :vcent termination fiom employment withthe New Jersey Department of Children and Families (iezeafter “DCF”. I would appreciate an opportunity to speak with you or appropriate legal ‘counsel as soon as possible to explore the possibilty of negotiating a fur and amiable resolution. ‘Based upon my discussions with Ms. Payne and my seview ofthe facts and circumstances -surounding her employment and termination, [have concluded that Ms, Payne hasbeen ‘wrongly tecminated in violation of the New Jessey Law Against Disrimination (NILAD”) ‘and Conscientious Employee Protection Act (*CEPAY). [nraching these conclusions have ‘considered those factor required by courts For a plaintf'to make outa prima facie cas of iserimination and wrongfl terminetion Ma Pay Loyan wth fox DCP ou Ju 2, 2004 asthe Manager of the Glowvzser ‘County office, Ms. Payne’ office consistently ranked inthe top five in the slate dung hee {tenure there, As a result of her excellent performance, Ms. Payne received a promotion to Area Dikeotor of Camden County in March 20]4, Aa Area Direotor, Ms, Payne oven fou offices, ‘Ms, Payne immedistaly bessme awace of numerous problems regarding rece discrimination and _uosafo work conditions and began trying to remedy these problems. (Ms, Payne received munerous complaints stom Black and Hispanic employees in the ‘Cameen South office alleging thatthe Cauonsian Manager of the office was harassing them and Later oe Daprtnent of Citra Pes Say 2,205 . Baeza ‘resting them pooly because oftheir ce. Ms. Payne attempted to solve th problem on her own, ‘nd informed the Directo, Lisa von Pie, ofthe issue, Ms. Payne also received complaints fom the Camden Catal office tat heals conditioning was broken, leading to temperatures inside the building exeneding 85 depres, and that the building lacked metal deteeiors an Human Service police, Ms Payne brought these concerns to hee Director inan attempt to resolve these issues, Bafore they wer roolved, there was a violent knife attack in the Camden Central office requitng an employee tobe hospitalized. ‘Me. Payne also became conceened about che accounting ofthe for offices she oversaw, ‘She assigned an employes, Aileen Williams to review financial documents to ensure that all “offices were complying with all applicable rules and regulations. When upper management

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