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INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the
worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they
may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and
passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of
feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type but when
they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be
a fountain of joy and inspiration.
INFP personality
Being a part of the Diplomat (NF) personality group, INFPs are guided by their
principles, rather than by logic (Analysts), excitement (Explorers), or practicality
(Sentinels). When deciding how to move forward, they will look to honor, beauty,
morality and virtue INFPs are led by the purity of their intent, not rewards and
punishments. People who share the INFP personality type are proud of this quality,
and rightly so, but not everyone understands the drive behind these feelings, and it
can lead to isolation.
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is
strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.
J. R. R. Tolkien
We Know What We Are, but Know Not What We May Be
At their best, these qualities enable INFPs to communicate deeply with others,
easily speaking in metaphors and parables, and understanding and creating
symbols to share their ideas. The strength of this intuitive communication style
lends itself well to creative works, and it comes as no surprise that many famous
INFPs are poets, writers and actors. Understanding themselves and their place in
the world is important to INFPs, and they explore these ideas by projecting
themselves into their work.
INFPs have a talent for self-expression, revealing their beauty and their secrets
through metaphors and fictional characters.
INFPs ability with language doesnt stop with their native tongue, either as with
most people who share the Diplomat personality types, they are considered gifted
when it comes to learning a second (or third!) language. Their gift for
communication also lends itself well to INFPs desire for harmony, a recurring theme
with Diplomats, and helps them to move forward as they find their calling.

Listen to Many People, but Talk to Few

Unlike their Extraverted cousins though, INFPs will focus their attention on just a few
people, a single worthy cause spread too thinly, theyll run out of energy, and
even become dejected and overwhelmed by all the bad in the world that they cant
fix. This is a sad sight for INFPs friends, who will come to depend on their rosy
If they are not careful, INFPs can lose themselves in their quest for good and neglect
the day-to-day upkeep that life demands. INFPs often drift into deep thought,
enjoying contemplating the hypothetical and the philosophical more than any other
personality type. Left unchecked, INFPs may start to lose touch, withdrawing into
"hermit mode", and it can take a great deal of energy from their friends or partner
to bring them back to the real world.
Luckily, like the flowers in spring, INFPs affection, creativity, altruism and idealism
will always come back, rewarding them and those they love perhaps not with logic
and utility, but with a world view that inspires compassion, kindness and beauty
wherever they go.
INFP strengths
Idealistic INFPs' friends and loved ones will come to admire and depend on them
for their optimism. Their unshaken belief that all people are inherently good,
perhaps simply misunderstood, lends itself to an incredibly resilient attitude in the
face of hardship.
Seek and Value Harmony People with the INFP personality type have no interest in
having power over others, and don't much care for domineering attitudes at all.
They prefer a more democratic approach, and work hard to ensure that every voice
and perspective is heard.
Open-Minded and Flexible A live-and-let-live attitude comes naturally to INFPs, and
they dislike being constrained by rules. INFPs give the benefit of the doubt too, and
so long as their principles and ideas are not being challenged, they'll support others'
right to do what they think is right.
Very Creative INFPs combine their intuitive nature with their open-mindedness to
allow them to see things from unconventional perspectives. Being able to connect
many far-flung dots into a single theme, it's no wonder that many INFPs are
celebrated poets and authors.
Passionate and Energetic When something captures INFPs' imagination and speaks
to their beliefs, they go all in, dedicating their time, energy, thoughts and emotions
to the project. Their shyness keeps them from the podium, but they are the first to
lend a helping hand where it's needed.

Dedicated and Hard-Working While others focusing on the challenges of the

moment may give up when the going gets tough, INFPs (especially Assertive ones)
have the benefit of their far-reaching vision to help them through. Knowing that
what they are doing is meaningful gives people with this personality type a sense of
purpose and even courage when it comes to accomplishing something they believe
INFP weaknesses
Too Idealistic INFPs often take their idealism too far, setting themselves up for
disappointment as, again and again, evil things happen in the world. This is true on
a personal level too, as INFPs may not just idealize their partners, but idolize them,
forgetting that no one is perfect.
Too Altruistic INFPs sometimes see themselves as selfish, but only because they
want to give so much more than they are able to. This becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy, as they try to push themselves to commit to a chosen cause or person,
forgetting to take care of the needs of others in their lives, and especially
Impractical When something captures INFPs' imagination, they can neglect
practical matters like day-to-day maintenance and simple pleasures. Sometimes
people with the INFP personality type will take this asceticism so far as to neglect
eating and drinking as they pursue their passion or cause.
Dislike Dealing With Data INFPs are often so focused on the big picture that they
forget the forest is made of individual trees. INFPs are in tune with emotions and
morality, and when the facts and data contradict their ideals, it can be a real
challenge for them.
Take Things Personally INFPs often take challenges and criticisms personally,
rather than as inspiration to reassess their positions. Avoiding conflict as much as
possible, INFPs will put a great deal of time and energy into trying to align their
principles and the criticisms into a middle ground that satisfies everybody.
Difficult to Get to Know INFPs are private, reserved and self-conscious. This makes
them notoriously difficult to really get to know, and their need for these qualities
contributes to the guilt they often feel for not giving more of themselves to those
they care about.
INFPs are dreamy idealists, and in the pursuit of the perfect relationship, this quality
shows strongest. Never short on imagination, INFPs dream of the perfect
relationship, forming an image of this pedestalled ideal that is their soul mate,
playing and replaying scenarios in their heads of how things will be. This is a role
that no person can hope to fill, and people with the INFP personality type need to

recognize that nobody's perfect, and that relationships don't just magically fall into
place they take compromise, understanding and effort.
INFP romantic relationships
Love All, Trust a Few, Do Wrong to None
Fortunately these are qualities that INFPs are known for, and while it can be a
challenge to separate long-fostered fantasy from reality, INFPs' tendency to focus
their attention on just a few people in their lives means that they will approach new
relationships wholeheartedly, with a sense of inherent value, dedication and trust.
INFPs share a sincere belief in the idea of relationships that two people can come
together and make each other better and happier than they were alone, and they
will take great efforts to show support and affection in order to make this ideal a
But INFPs aren't necessarily in a rush to commit they are, after all, Prospecting (P)
types, and are almost always looking to either establish a new relationship or
improve an existing one they need to be sure they've found someone compatible.
In dating, INFPs will often start with a flurry of comparisons, exploring all the ways
the current flame matches with the ideal they've imagined. This progression can be
a challenge for a new partner, as not everyone is able to keep up with INFPs' rich
imagination and moral standards if incompatibilities and conflict over this initial
rush mount, the relationship can end quickly, with INFPs likely sighing that "it wasn't
meant to be."
As a relationship takes hold, people with the INFP personality type will show
themselves to be passionate, hopeless romantics, while still respecting their
partners' independence. INFPs take the time to understand those they care about,
while at the same time helping them to learn, grow and change. While INFPs are
well-meaning, not everyone appreciates what can come across as constantly being
told that they need to improve or, put another way, that they're not good enough.
INFPs would be aghast to find that their intents were interpreted this way, but it's a
real risk, and if their partner is as averse to conflict as INFPs themselves, it can boil
under the surface for some time before surfacing, too late to fix.
Better Three Hours Too Soon Than a Minute Too Late
This aversion to conflict, while contributing greatly to stability in the relationship
when done right, is probably the most urgent quality for INFPs to work on. Between
their sensitivity and imagination, INFPs are prone to internalizing even objective
statements and facts, reading into them themes and exaggerated consequences,
sometimes responding as though these comments are metaphors designed to
threaten the very foundations of their principles. Naturally this is almost certainly an
overreaction, and INFPs should practice what they preach, and focus on improving

their ability to respond to criticism with calm objectivity, rather than irrational
accusations and weaponized guilt.
But that's at their uncommon worst at their best, INFPs do everything they can to
be the ideal partner, staying true to themselves and encouraging their partners to
do the same. INFPs take their time in becoming physically intimate so that they can
get to know their partners, using their creativity to understand their wants and
needs, and adapt to them. People with this personality type are generous in their
affection, with a clear preference for putting the pleasure of their partners first it is
in knowing that their partners are satisfied that INFPs truly feel the most pleasure.
The true friends of people with the INFP personality type tend to be few and far
between, but those that make the cut are often friends for life. The challenge is the
many dualities that this type harbors when it comes to being sociable INFPs crave
the depth of mutual human understanding, but tire easily in social situations; they
are excellent at reading into others' feelings and motivations, but are often unwilling
to provide others the same insight into themselves it's as though INFPs like the
idea of human contact, but not the reality of social contact.

INFP friends
How Poor Are They That Have Not Patience
In a lot of ways, this limits the potential pool of friends to other Diplomat (NF) types,
who are able to pick up on the subtle clues left by their INFP friends, and who are
more likely than not to enjoy something of a human enigma. A friendship with an
ESTJ on the other hand, governed by social conventions and community
participation as they are, would almost be a non-sequitur though INFPs may find
the idea of being paired with their opposite fascinating enough to outweigh the
practical challenges to such a friendship.
To top it all off, ideas like networking and "the friend of my friend is my friend" hold
little weight with INFPs. Friendships are earned on their own merit, by dint of the
intuitive respect INFPs have for those with similar principles and values, rather than
more practical alignments like those of coworkers. INFPs' tendency to protect their
sensitive inner cores and values from criticism, especially if they are on the more
turbulent side of the spectrum, means that acquaintances will likely get nowhere
near them without sustained and tactful effort.
But, if INFPs' shields are properly navigated and they decide to open up and trust
another person, a strong, stable friendship will ensue, marked by passionate
support and idealism, subtle poetic wit, and a level of emotional insight that is hard
to match. INFPs' friends will be rewarded with calm, sensitivity and depth, and an

ever-present desire to help, learn, and grow. But even the most confident and
assertive INFPs will only be able to keep up this relaxed and present exterior for so
Even as friendships grow stronger and deeper, and friends are lulled into a sense of
mutual understanding, INFPs' enigmatic qualities will never truly vanish.
INFPs will always need to disappear for a while, removing themselves from others so
they can re-center on their own minds and feelings. Often enough people with the
INFP personality type will emerge from this time alone having come to some
momentous decision that even their closest friends didn't know was weighing on
them, evading even the option of receiving the sort of support and advice they so
readily give. Such is INFPs' way, for better or for worse.
People who share the INFP personality type share a tendency to not only strive to
learn and grow as principled, moral individuals, but to bring likeminded people on
that journey with them. In their own subtle, often shy way, INFPs want to lead others
forward, as kindred spirits they will find no greater opportunity for this than in
From the start, INFP parents are warm, loving and supportive, and take
immeasurable joy in the wide-eyed wonder of their children as they explore, learn,
and grow. People with the INFP personality type will give their children the freedom
they need to do this, keeping an open mind and letting their children gain their own
sense of understanding. At the same time, INFP parents will try to provide a
backdrop to this freedom and experience, establishing a set of morals and values
that guide that liberty with a sense of personal responsibility.
INFP parents
INFPs never stop encouraging their children to learn and grow, and they consider it
their duty to inspire and motivate them, both by using their sensitivity and intuition
to speak in their children's language and by leading the way themselves.
However, this sense of responsibility has a harder side if their children fall foul of
their INFP parents' values, it will not be taken lightly. People with the INFP
personality type take their responsibilities in parenthood seriously, and in this
measure above all others.
In some ways, INFPs' tendency to hide their inner selves from view can be an
advantage in parenting, as they are able to portray themselves as good role models
on the outside, shielding their loved ones not just from their own occasional anger
and depression, but from the broader evils in the world as well. This helps INFPs to
demonstrate outwardly the moral lessons they want their children to adopt, and at
the same time to establish a sense of harmony in the household.

Modest Doubt Is Called the Beacon of the Wise

The biggest challenge for INFP parents, especially more turbulent types who often
have even more trouble with self-doubt than most, is to establish more practical and
day-to-day structures and rules. INFPs may be able to convey the abstract value of
honesty with remarkable skill, but it's not always easy to equate that idea with the
practical reality of their children being home from the movies when they said they
were going to be, and it's especially challenging when these misunderstandings
result in conflict. In these situations, INFP personalities do best with a partner who is
able to play a stronger hand in more administrative tasks than they can, so they can
focus on the underlying spirit of those rules.
It is perhaps more challenging for INFPs to find a satisfying career than any other
type. Though intelligent, the regimented learning style of most schools makes long
years earning an advanced degree a formidable undertaking for people with the
INFP personality type at the same time, that's often what's needed to advance in a
field that rings true for them. INFPs often wish that they could just be, doing what
they love without the stress and rigor of professional life.
Oftentimes, as with so many things, the answer lies somewhere in the middle, in a
line of work that begins with passion and dedication, but which comes to require
training so that the academia feels intimately linked to that passion. Too many INFPs
drift in frustration, ultimately succumbing to the necessities of day-to-day life in a
job that wasn't meant for them. But it turns out that, despite such exacting
demands, modern economics places a premium on the very keys to INFPs'
challenges: their creativity, independence, and need for meaningful relationships
with individuals who need their help.

INFP careers
There's Place and Means for Everyone
First and foremost is seemingly every INFPs' dream growing up to become an
author. While a novel is a classic choice, it is rarely an accessible one, and there are
many viable options for freedom-loving INFPs. The internet brings to the world the
opportunities of blogging and freelance work as organizations expand their reach
beyond their native tongues, they will come to depend on INFP personality types,
with their gift for language and written expression, to take their rougher translations
and stale pitches and inject them with a sense of beauty and poetry. Smaller
organizations will need more than ever to express with elegance the value they
bring to local communities.

Most any cause, idea, or field can benefit from the artful and natural expression that
INFPs bring to the table, and INFPs have their pick of the world in choosing who they
work with.
The real beauty here is that it takes a core interest that people with the INFP
personality type share, while helping a cause they believe in, independently,
through creative expression and personal growth, and makes it applicable to any
interest there is. There will always be a need, and now more than ever, to win
people's hearts and minds with the written word.
Some INFPs will prefer a still more personal touch, being able to work face-to-face
with clients, seeing that their personal effort really impacts another's quality of life.
Service careers such as massage therapy, physical rehabilitation, counselling, social
work, psychology and even academic roles and retraining can be exceptionally
rewarding for INFPs, who take pride in the progress and growth they help to foster.
People with the INFP personality type have a tendency to put others' interests
ahead of their own, a mixed blessing by itself, but when a patient takes their first
unaided step in the long road to recovery after an accident, nothing will feel more
rewarding than that selflessness.
If to Do Were as Easy as to Know What Were Good to Do...
Where INFPs will not thrive is in a high-stress, team-heavy, busy environment that
burdens them with bureaucracy and tedium. INFPs need to be able to work with
creativity and consideration high-pressure salespeople they are not. It can be a
challenge to avoid these roles, as they are the basis for so much starting work, and
it's often a risk to break away into something less dependable, but more rewarding.
To find a career that resonates with INFPs' values though, that's more than just a
job, sometimes it's just what needs to be done.
In the workplace, INFPs face the challenge of taking their work and their profession
personally. To INFPs, if it isn't worth doing, it isn't really worth doing, and this sense
of moral purpose in their work colors everything from how they respond to authority
to how they express it. Though the way the INFP personality type shows through
depends on the position, there are a few basic truths about what INFPs seek in the
workplace: they value harmony, need an emotional and moral connection to their
work, and loathe bureaucratic tedium.
INFP workplace habits
INFP Subordinates
As subordinates, INFPs prefer latitude, and would much rather immerse themselves
in a project, alone or with a close team, than simply be told what task to do and
move on. People with the INFP personality type aren't looking for easy, forgettable

work that pays the bills, they're looking for meaningful work that they actually want
to think about, and it helps for their managers to frame responsibilities in terms of
emotional merit rather than cold rationalization or business for its own sake. INFPs
would rather know that their work will help to deliver a service they believe in than
to know that the bottom line has been boosted by 3%.
If these standards are met, managers will find an extremely dedicated and
considerate employee in INFPs. As idealistic opportunity-seekers INFPs may not
always work well in technical applications, where the facts and logic really matter
and critique is often necessary, but they work beautifully in more human and
creative endeavors. While some types, especially Analysts (NT), respond favorably
to negative feedback, taking criticism as an opportunity to not make the same
mistake twice, people with the INFP personality type would much rather hear what
they did right and focus on what to do, rather than what not to.
INFP Colleagues
INFPs feel most comfortable among colleagues they aren't interested in controlling
others, and have a similar distaste for being controlled. Among their colleagues,
INFPs will feel freer to share their ideas, and while they may maintain some
psychological distance, they will make every effort to be pleasant, friendly and
supportive so long as their coworkers reciprocate. INFPs don't like conflict or
picking sides, and will do everything they can to maintain harmony and cooperation.
Most of this comes down to good communication, which INFPs prefer to conduct in
person, for that personal touch, or in writing, where they can compose and perfect
their statements. People with the INFP personality type avoid using phones if they
can, having the worst of both worlds, being both detached and uncomposed. INFPs
also like to feel like their conversations are meaningful, and while they enjoy
exploring philosophy more than most, their patience for arbitrary hypothetical
brainstorming or dense technical discussions is limited.
INFP Managers
As managers, INFPs are among the least likely to seem like managers their
egalitarian attitudes lend respect to every subordinate, preferring communication as
human beings than as a boss/employee opposition. People with the INFP personality
type are flexible, open-minded and give their subordinates the tools they need, be
they responsible delegation or an intuitive and receptive sounding board, to get the
job done. Keeping their eyes on the horizon, INFPs set goals that achieve a desirable
end, and help the people working under them to make that happen.

There is a downside to this style, as sometimes the boss just needs to be the boss.
INFPs know how they feel about criticism, and are reluctant to subject others to that

same experience, whether it's needed or even welcome. Further complicating this
role, when INFPs are under stress, as when someone really does warrant criticism,
they can become extremely emotional they may not show it, but it can affect their
judgment, or even cause them to withdraw inwards, in ways that can really hold
back their team.
Few personality types are as poetic and kind-hearted as INFPs. Their altruism and
vivid imagination allow INFPs to overcome many challenging obstacles, more often
than not brightening the lives of those around them. INFPs' creativity is invaluable in
many areas, including their own personal growth.
Yet INFPs can be easily tripped up in areas where idealism and altruism are more of
a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, making friends,
reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder or planning for the future, INFPs need
to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.
INFP conclusion
What you have read so far is just an introduction into the complex concept that is
the INFP personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, "wow, this is so
accurate it's a little creepy" or "finally, someone understands me!" You may have
even asked "how do they know more about me than the people I'm closest to?"
This is not a trick. You felt understood because you were. We've studied how INFPs
think and what they need to reach their full potential. And no, we did not spy on you
many of the challenges you've faced and will face in the future have been
overcome by other INFPs. You simply need to learn how they succeeded.
But in order to do that, you need to have a plan, a personal roadmap. The best car
in the world will not take you to the right place if you do not know where you want
to go. We have told you how INFPs tend to behave in certain circumstances and
what their key strengths and weaknesses are. Now we need to go much deeper into
your personality type and answer "why?", "how?" and "what if?"
This knowledge is only the beginning of a lifelong journey. Are you ready to learn
why INFPs act in the way they do? What motivates and inspires you? What you are
afraid of and what you secretly dream about? How you can unlock your true,
exceptional potential?
Our premium profiles provide a roadmap towards a happier, more successful, and
more versatile YOU! They are not for everyone though you need to be willing and
able to challenge yourself, to go beyond the obvious, to imagine and follow your
own path instead of just going with the flow. If you want to take the reins into your
own hands, we are here to help you.

I Introversion preferred to extroversion: INFPs tend to be quiet and reserved. They

generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of
acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extroverts
gain energy).
N Intuition preferred to sensing: INFPs tend to be more abstract than concrete.
They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details, and on future
possibilities rather than immediate realities.
F Feeling preferred to thinking: INFPs tend to value personal considerations above
objective criteria. When making decisions, they often give more weight to social
implications than to logic.
P Perception preferred to judgment: INFPs tend to withhold judgment and delay
important decisions, preferring to "keep their options open" should circumstances

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