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"There must be at least 2 forms of cancellation to get a real nichha-bhanga"

According to The Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley,

At least two forms of cancellation are required to achieve full neechha bhan
These are the possible methods of cancellation:
debilitated planet occupies a kendra.
The Lord of the neechha graha = uchha
neechha debility = reduced somewhat if the lord of the neechha graha is stro
ng or swakshetra
neechha debility = reduced somewhat if debilitated planet hosts an uchcha pl
anet in its domain or its rashi
neechha graha = retrograde
BPL note:
Kendra is the strongest criterion for cancellation and 10 is the strongest Kendr
Neechha-bhanga definitely applies if the neechha-graha occupies bhava-10 + any o
ther additional condition is also met.

Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga

Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga is one of the most powerful yoga (combination) that makes
a person powerful, wealthy, prosperous, famous and virtuous. Horoscopes should
not be under-estimated simply because they have debilitateddebilitatedDefinition
: A planet posited in specific degrees in a sign with fall in power and energy i
s known as its debilitated sign This is the 7th sign from the sign of exaltation
and opposite to exalted....
This yoga will offer wonderful results during periods and sub-periods of debilit
ated planets, exalted planets, sign lordssign lordsDefinition: Ruling planets of
signs, e.g. Mars-Aries, Sun-Leo, Jupiter-Sagittarius...
of debilitated and exalted houses, especially when occupying beneficbeneficDefin
ition: planets having natural beneficial and positive influences, opposite to ma
houseshousesDefinition: These are twelve sections of zodiac circle having 360 numb
ered clockwise Ascendant is known as the first house and the last house is known
as the twelfth house Each house represents specific traits used for prediction.
and signs. The horoscopehoroscopeDefinition: synonym birth chart, prepared with
date, time and place of birth of an individual....
should be examined very carefully, before going to any conclusion.
I have collected the related information on Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga as much as I
could from various available sources, before writing this article, the final dec

ision will be from readers and critics and I hope the readers may get benefit th
rough this article.
The negative experiences and hardships due to the debilitated planet in the horo
scope make a person strong willed and channelize his/her energy in proper direct
ion. If you have strong will power to achieve what you want in your life, Neecha
Bhanga Raj Yoga will remove all your negative approaches and lead you to a succ
essful life.
Many celebrities and dignitaries have born with this Yoga and they are famous fi
lm stars, sports persons, and political leaders or hold high official ranks. Ash
ok Chavan, former chief minister of Maharashtra was born under Neech Bhanga Raj
Neecha Bhanga means cancellation of debilitation of a planet. Neecha means debil
itated and Bhanga means cancellation. This is a very important and most powerful
yoga among all the yogas. The debilitated planet gets power after the cancellat
ion of its debilitation. Though a person is born with Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga wil
l be like a king and will be just and meritorious.
Rules related to Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga which occurs due to cancellation of debi
litation of a planet, in a horoscope can be present in the following situations:
Debilitation of a planet gets cancelled:
If a planet is in debilitation (e.g. moon), the lord of the sign (e.g. Mars)
in which this debilitated planet is placed (e.g. moon in Scorpio) at the time o
f birth is in a Kendra (quadrant) from Janam lagna(e.g. Aries) or Chandra lagna,
the debilitation gets cancelled.
Debilitation of a planet (e.g. moon in Scorpio) gets cancelled if the lord o
f its exalted sign(e.g. Venus) occupies a Kendra or quadrantquadrantDefinition:
One of the four sections of a horoscope, each bounded by two angles....
from Janam lagna(e.g.Aries ascendant) or Chandra (Natal moon).The person wil
l be like an emperor.
If a planet is debilitated in a sign (e.g. moon in Scorpio) and has aspect o
f its lord (e.g. MarsMarsDefinition: Mangal...
in full strength).Here the planet which aspectsaspectsDefinition: Angular di
stances between planets, based on zodiacal longitudes, calculated in specific de
grees, viz trine, square, represent relationship between two planets Planets gen
erally influence 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th house due to their aspect....
the debilitated planet should not be in combustion.
If a planet is debilitated (e.g. moon in Scorpio) and is aspected by its exa
ltationexaltationDefinition: A planet posited in specific degrees with enhanced
power and energy at its best. Opposite is debilitation....
lord (e.g. VenusVenusDefinition: Shukra...
in strength).
If a debilitated planet (e.g. mercurymercuryDefinition: Budh...
in Pisces) is aspected by another planet in debilitation (e.g. Jupiter in Ca
pricorn), the debilitation gets cancelled.
Debilitation gets cancelled if a debilitated planet exchanges sign with its
dispositor (Parivartan yoga or exchange yoga occurs). Example: Mars is placed in
CancerCancerDefinition: Kark...
and Moon in Scorpio. Dispositor is a planet in whose sign another planet is
located in the natalnatalDefinition: Birth, natal chart is used for birth chart.
Debilitation of a planet (e.g. moon in Scorpio) gets cancelled if this plane
t s own sign (e.g. Cancer) is occupied by its exalted planet (e.g. Jupiter in Cancer
), in Kendra (e.g.in 4th house from Lagna) and has aspect on the debilitated pla

net (i.e. moon). Example: If a planet is in its debilitated sign (e.g. moon in S
corpio) in 8th house and this planet s own sign i.e. Cancer is occupied by its exalt
ed planet Jupiter, which is in 4th house from Lagna (i.e. Aries) and the exalted
planet Jupiter has an aspect on debilitated moon, debilitation of moon is cance
Debilitation gets cancelled, if a planet is in its exalted sign (e.g. Venus
in Pisces) with a planet placed in its debilitated sign (e.g. Mercury in Pisces)
or conjunctionconjunctionDefinition: Within 8 degrees of arc....
of an exalted planet (e.g. Venus in Pisces) with a debilitated planet (e.g.
Mercury in Pisces), in a Kendra or Trikona from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna,
the person will be an emperor or hold a high official rank. Example: If both the
planets Mercury and Venus are placed in VirgoVirgoDefinition: Kanya...
(in 4th house), the lord of the sign, i.e. Mercury that gets exalted in the
sign Virgo is also occupied by the debilitated planet Venus, both are in a triko
na from the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet Venus (i.e. Ju
piter in 8th house from GeminiGeminiDefinition: Mithun...
Lagna). Here Jupiter has an aspect on both Mercury and Venus placed in Virgo
Sun and SaturnSaturnDefinition: Shani...
in either AriesAriesDefinition: Mesha...
or in Libra
Mars and Jupiter in either Cancer or in Capricorn
Mercury and Venus in either Virgo or in Pisces
If a debilitated planet (e.g. Mercury in Pisces) is aspected by another debi
litated planet (e.g. Venus in Virgo) or by its own dispositor.
Debilitation gets cancelled if a planet is exalted in the NavamshaNavamshaDe
finition: In Indian Vedic astrology, this is the 1/9th divisional chart(varga),p
owerful and the most important of 16 charts(varga), mainly related to marriage p
rediction. Predictions are made through position of planets in various houses of
Navamsha chart, quite similar to the judgments are given according to the posit
ion of planets in different houses in astrological natal charts. This chart is n
ot used in western astrology....
If the debilitated planet is in Vargottam Navamsha (i.e. a planet occupies s
ame sign in Lagna and Navamsha charts), the debilitation gets cancelled, as the
planet gains strength.
A powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga also occurs along with Vipareet Raj Yoga.
This kind of Neecha Bhanga is like a chain which is formed between two or more d
ebilitated planets.
If debilitated Sun is placed in LibraLibraDefinition: Tula...
and its sign lord Venus is also debilitated in Virgo, both the debilitat
ed planets gain strong Neecha Bhanga and debilitation get cancelled for both the
If Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, PiscesPiscesDefinition: Meen...
lord Jupiter is also debilitated in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury both
gain a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga
If debilitated planet 6th lord (e.g. Mercury) is placed in 12th house (e.g.
Pisces) and debilitated planet 12th house lord Jupiter is placed in 6th house (e
.g. Virgo) from Janam lagna(e.g. Aries) , both the debilitated planets Jupiter a
nd Mercury have mutual aspect, a strong Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga occurs along with
both Vipreet Raj yoga and Parivartan Yoga. This Yoga is extremely powerful.
A strong Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga occurs only if the debilitated planet i
s not combust, gets aspect of the benefic planets in strength or owns preferably
a benefic Bhava (house) or occupies a Kendra (quadrant) in a benefic and friend
ly sign, otherwise only planet's debility is removed and it gains strength.
Neecha Bhanga Yoga is a very powerful Yoga which occurs even if a nativenativeDe
finition: One who takes birth, this word is used for astrology purpose....
has debilitated planets in his/her astrological chart and produces wonderful res

ults beyond one s expectation and gives prosperity, wealth, political power, name an
d fame during the periods and sub periods of related planets.

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