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T-Ks Weekly Class Update

February 22nd-26th
Letter of the Week
This week will be introducing letter
S saw
and the two phonetic sounds it makes. We will learn
the writing of the letter and build
words on our Word Wall.
Alphabet (cont.) On Tuesday, starting to write first and last name. Journal Writing (daily)
Learning our following Sight Words in, the, and, at a,I,is, and it Family Words: Blending beginning
consonant letters to theit family words bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, mit, pit, sit. Continue sight word drills. Continuing of the
letters and phonetic sounds mastered thus far.
Language Readiness:
We are Journal Writing in our journals daily using our Sight Words

Number of the Week:


6 six
. Recognition of the number 6 the word and quantity of the number.
Number, writing and quantity recognition 1-6. Counting objects 1-6. Patterns . Addition and subtraction from
numbers 1-6.
Color of the month:
We will be focusing on the color
and the recognition of the word.
Social Studies
Sun vs. Shadows
Share Day:
Bring something to share that begins with the letter

Shape of the Week:Recognition of the
shape and recognition of the word.
From Mrs. Hajeks
Assembly Change:
School Assembly will be held on Friday, February 26th at 9:00 am. We will be saying farewell to
Lucy, who has been visiting our class for the last two months. Lucy and her Mom , Mrs. Ha ,has taught us a lot about

traditions and Korean culture. We have enjoyed having Lucy and Mrs. Ha in our class and will truly miss them. Wishing
the family a safe trip by home.
PTSL Father/Daughter Dance-An Evening in Hollywood
February 19th 5:30-8:30pm. at the Harveston Center

located at 40135 Village Road in Temecula, 92591 Cost $30 per couple $10 per additional attendees. RSVP
flyer went home in Backpack mail. RSVP no later than Tuesday, February 12th.
Hug Project:

We are receiving mail daily!!!!

*First Friday of every month, school ends at Noon for our minimum day. Afternoon Day Care is provided if

your child is enrolled in the program. Please remember if your child is staying for Daycare, to bring a lunch or $5 for
Scholastic Books Organizer:
Thank you for your book orders! Due to the orders we are able to get more books for
our classroom. Thank you to the families that have ordered books. Mrs. Tammy Kulwicki is our parent volunteer for
organizing the book orders. With each book orders that you purchase our class earns point rewards, which allows us to
purchase free books for our class! Look for more info in your childs file. You can register for the Reading Club online
by entering the
Class Activation Code PKBW9
. Thank you for your support!!!
*Homework Activity Folder
: The homework activity is due weekly, on your childs last day of their week..
Box Top Fundraiser
: Mrs. Angelique Chappell is our parent volunteer in organizing the Box Tops.
If you would like to get in contact with me.. Teacher Contact: If you need to send me an e-mail:
Happy Valentines Day to all my families!!!!! Mrs. Hajek

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