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Lecture 8 Setting and sedimentation: Part 2 TYPES OF GRAVITATIONAL SETTLING PHENOMENON @ Discrete particle settling: Applicable for very low concentration solids «Particles settle as individual entities «No interaction between particles Gi) Flocculation settling Applicable for dilute suspension of particles that coalesce or Alocculate + By flocculation, particle size increases and terminal velocity increases. ‘© Settling can be increased by addition of some ballasting agent such as polymers Gi) Hindered settling + For suspension of intermediate settling « Inthis case, particles are such close together that the inter-particle force due to one hinders the settling of other particle The particles remain in fixed position with respect to each other and particles settles as awhole Gv) Compression settling © Case in which particles are in such high concentration that a whole structure is formed. © Compression takes place due to weight of whole mass which continuously increases © A clear water is formed above compression zone CLASSIFICATION OF SEDIMENTATION TANKS © Grit chamber: For removal of sand, grits, ete + Plain sedimentation tank. For removal of settleable solids. ‘© Chemical precipitation tank for removal of very fine suspended particles by adding coagulants, ete ‘© Septic tanks For doing sedimentation and sludge digestion together in households «Secondary settling tanks. After activated sludge or trickling filter treatment systems SCOUR VELOCITY Maximum horizontal velocity though the tank which does not allows resuspension (scouring) of settled particles. Itis given as [1] G81) Where, fis the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (unit-less) and its value varies in the range 0.02- 0.03; k is cohesion constant that depends upon the type of material being scoured (unit-less). Its value varies in the range of 0.04- 0.06. For sticky interlocking matter k=0.6 whereas for ungrounded sand k=0.4 Important point in design of sedimentation tank Assume tis the detention time for which a suspension is detained in the settling tank having height H, length L and width W. Also assume, Varis the horizontal velocity and wis the terminal settling velocity of the target particl Cross-sectional area of tank (Ac)=H»W Surface area of tank (A)=LxW If Qis the flow rate of wastewater into the tank, Q=A,V y= HW, 8.2) Since the target particle should not re-suspend during its flow along the length of the tank, therefore, detention time t= G83) Vu Also, the target particle should settle down before it reaches the outlet, therefore,

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