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Lightbridges metallic fuel is derived from Russian maritime reactor fuel :

o Uranium zirconium fuel composition
o High power density
o Can withstand high burn ups in water cooled reactor
Lightbridges metal fuel technology came out of the research and development work for
thorium-based seed-and-blanket fuel assembly. The metallic seed rods used in the seedand-blanket design are capable of operating safely at increased power density compared
to standard uranium oxide fuel. Lightbridge determined that a fuel assembly comprised of
only metallic fuel rods could provide significant benefits to a nuclear power plant.
Fuel rod:
o Zr-U fuel core
o The displacer in the center of the rod allows for incorporation of burnable poisons
o Cladding is bonded to the core of the fuel
o Increased surface area for heat transfer
Safety benefits:
o Higher thermal conductivity increases the rate the heat from the fuel can be
transferred to the coolant.
o Increased safety margin due to increased rod surface area
o Helical twist in coolant mixing
o Lower operating temperature improves fission product retention.
o The Lightbridge Zr-U alloy is a high-alloy fuel comprised of U-50Zr. One of the
primary differences, with respect to irradiation characteristics, of Lightbridges
metal fuel compared to U-10Zr is a significant reduction in irradiation-induced

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