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Rational for Circuits Unit

The fourth grade students will be exploring the sphere of circuits and electricity. The
Circuits unit will include discussing how simple circuits are made, how electricity flows, the
by-products of electricity, Thomas Edison (a key figure in the exploration of electricity), and
more advanced circuit work such as series versus parallel circuits and making and using
switches. The unit will address the following Pennsylvania State Common Core science
3.4.4.A2- Understand that systems have parts and components that work together.
3.4.4.B3- Explain why new technologies are developed and old ones are improved in
terms of needs and wants.
3.4.4.C1- Understand that there is no perfect design.
3.4.4.D1- Investigate how things are made and how they can be improved.
3.4.4D2- Recognize and use everyday symbols (electrical symbols) to communicate
key ideas.
3.4.4.D3- Investigate and assess the influence of a specific technology or system on
the individual, family, community, and environment.
3.4.4.E3- Identify types of energy and the importance of energy conservation.
Students will begin by first getting to explore and manipulate the three key pieces that
will comprise their kit for the remainder of the unit which includes the cell (or battery), the
wires, and the bulb. Next students will begin to take a closer look at the lightbulb as they explore
its history and inventor, Thomas Edison. The students will get to take a virtual tour of his factory
and see more than just where and how he created his famous lightbulb. Moving onto more
advanced components of the circuit will be the next step as students get to use Fahnestock clips
and bulb sockets to help improve the design of the circuit.
As students become more familiar and comfortable with making circuits, they will begin
to add more pieces to their circuit, the next pieces will be conductors and insulators. Using these
will help students begin to see how circuits work in real world circumstances by looking at what
will and will not allow electricity to pass through it. Students will continue their examination of
real world applications by looking at what real electricians and builders use to draw up plans
when they design buildings. The filament in a bulb will be examined next and students will be
asked to determine what may be a better way of creating a filament and attaching a filament
along with important safety ideas for why lightbulbs are made the way they are. Finally, students
will examine what type of circuit is more useful as they experiment with parallel and series
circuits, which will help them to think about what kind of circuits they will see in their lives.
When the unit is complete students will be able to examine a circuit or circuit diagram
and explain the circuit along with the critical components of the circuit. The students will also be
able to begin to troubleshoot advanced technological problems and begin to think about new

designs for future issues. This content will help students analyze the important inventions and
developments around them so that they will be able to think about designs of circuits both
practically and critically.

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