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Colgio Estadual Jos Ferreira Pinto

Data _____________________ Srie : 3 _______

Turno __________________
Disciplina : Lngua Inglesa
Professora : Luciane Brito
Aluno( a) __________________________________________________________
1- Use a UNO deck. The standard UNO deck
has 108 cards, as follows: four "suits" color
(Blue, Green, Red and Yellow) Action cards (+2
Buy, Reverse, and Jump), Joker Joker cards and
letters +4.
2- Choose who will give the cards by having
each player take a letter. Who hit the highest
card will be the dealer. At this point, the Action
cards (including the Joker and Joker +4 letters) are worth zero.
3- Distribute seven cards to each player and place the remaining cards face down on the table. This
pile of cards in the middle is known as buying cell
4 - Turn over the top card of purchase stack and place it next to it to form the discard pile.
5- Start the moves with the player left of the dealer and go clockwise around the table.
6- Place one of his cards on the discard pile when it is your turn. Your letter should have the same
number, color or word that the top card of the discard pile, unless you have a Joker card; in this case,
you can choose the color of the letters that will follow the moves.
7 -Draw a card if you cannot discard any. Play a purchased card if you can. If not, it is the next player's
8-Choose a suit when playing a card Joker in discard. You stack can throw a Joker Charter at any time
and choose the suit that you want, but only when it is your turn.
9 - Choose a suit when you play a Joker +4 letter in the discard pile.( When you play a card Joker +4,
the next playing should get four cards buying cell.)

10 Follow the instructions of a letter of Action that has been thrown into the discard pile by the
previous player to you. This means that you will have to buy two cards, lose time or even buy four
11 Remember to say "UNO" when with only one card left in his hand. If you forget to say UNO and
another player notices, you must purchase two cards.
12 Update the score of each player at the end of each game. The game ends when a player is no letter.
He wins all the points.


Como formado um baralho padro de UNO?

2. Quantas cartas so dadas para cada jogador?
3. Qual jogador comea o jogo?
4. O que acontece quando o jogador lana um coringa?
5. O que acontece quando joga-se a carta coringa +4?
6. Como escreve-se coringa em Ingls?
7. O que acontece se o jogador esquecer de dizer UNO?
8. O que o verbo To SAY ( dica11) significa ?
9. Circule 3 pronomes possessivos no texto.
10. Sublinhe 1 adjetivo possessivo no texto
11- Analisando a frase: They decided to spend their vacation in the Soviet
Union. A palavra grifada, morfologicamente :
a) pronome pessoal
b) adjetivo possessivo
c) pronome possessivo adjetivo
d) verbo
12- Complete e depois marque a alternativa correta:
He is Jim, and _____ car is black.
I am Carol, and that men is ______ father.
She is Suzan, ______sister is Meg.
a) her, his, their
b) her, their, his

c) his, my, her

d) his, her, her
13- Jane and I decided go to the park, and ___________parents will go too.
O pronome que completa a frase corretamente :
a) our
b) your
c) their
d) her

14- Analisando a palavra destacada da frase: Love of my life o my um:

a) adjetivo possessivo
b) pronome possessivo adjetivo
c) substantivo
d) adjetivo

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