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The Feynman Hughes Malibw Lecture Seriey FHMLS Volume V Mathematical Techniques of Engineering & Physicy Oct. 1970- June 1971 Weekly 2 Hour Lectures Notes taken and transcribed by JohwT. Neer Ym C, heerwne \ cae 3 4 3 MATH PAySICS Inmodvenon To hecwees ons MATemANCAL Techniques of Emurnecaing & Phy syes Serves Aeeroy MATION MeThods of Dilferentianine dy Inregeariete Hole on meTuads of inTEerATION solving DehwiTE MmTECeALS COMPLEX Mu Mbers Funcrions of P compLee y aR AbLES NUMEFCAL (MTECRATON piHterennac Senator ERROR Puncrion: EXPONERNAL (NTEGRALS Bessel FuncnowS MeThod of STeepest pescenT Neuman'S Poncmonm— weeneranne foncrion S PoissoM DisTribuTOn cman Funcnow, BeTA Puncnont necendye Pony NoMIALS Pourien Serves Fouriet Tomato ons DitfereaTIAL EGuaTion S SoLvING [UTECRAL EQuATIONS cALCULus of VATIATIONS MATVICES Mamvix THeowy & sowme POLYATUMIC HOLE CLES 10 ‘4 au 3Y ay 50 S3 S56 GY go Be By go 9S Te 12 us 13/ (se 133 WS Ye LecTure | INTRODUCTION To THE LECTURES ON HATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES of ENGINEERING AND PHYSICS Toda? bees A Mew tehe of LECTURES AWD THE TINE We wil ‘Discuss The subsecT of MATHEMATICAL MEMODS of ENGINEERING fuD PHYSICS. WE WILL DE DSCUSSING Soch TOPICS fis COMPLEX NoTHNON, VECTUFS ,TENSOFS , UATIOUS SPECIAL SoMCTONS LIKE Bessel FoWCNONs With come Mhour W wow Linear PObLEMS, FoorieR awAwstorns, Alo Series. Our Problem iS POT Te FormulATE The Phrsics of A Given Problem bur rATHEr TO APPLY USEFRL MATHEMATICAL TechNIQuES IN SOLVING THE RESLLTING EQuAMOws. As such our EfforTS wil NOT bE Divecten Tewhrd GewErAUz NG ovr FESVLIS To A BronD cuAss of Problems buT vAThEr To PAY ATEWTONS To CEThw ASPECTS of The Problem iM QuésDoy. The FirsT fd formosT TASK before V5 1570 Form Lave fiw APPROMIM Ate EQUATION winch conrmns The Physics fad Which GAM be APO re MATELY SOLVED. IT IS IMPorTinsT Te APPrEcIATE THAT we APE NOT STIVING for The ExAcT ANSWER boT onty for AN APPFOXIMATELY TI@KT ANSWER. THiS MusT he KEPT IM Minh AS WE ProsresS, ALWAYS feméuber ThE Agcoracy of The DesireN AalsweR. SoLvinG EQUATION We AU KNOW how 70 SOLVE The SimPLE QuorANC EQuATON, x4 Ux47 20 AND WE Should Kalow HowTo SOLVE ThE Cubic EQuéTOM Wot Ket K-12 bur how DO we solve for X GIVEN The Equa e* = cosx? These Simple EXAMPLES CAN bE CATEGOrIEED AS A SET oF EQuATIONS which AYE + Q) Uinefr AND Therefore TriviAL @) QuapraTiC. " " mid G) ALL HE REST Wich Are NON THUIAL Ir 19 The Third cATEG@ Ory Which IWTErESTS The MOST SINCE IM The REAL WorkD ALL The Problem ARE tou IN Ler TAKE Aw ExAmPce of A Cubic EQofmon find See how WE MIGhT SOLVE IT, Given The Cubic whith we wriTe AS, oe = ax 14x WE WiLL SOLVE IT bY The TYIAL And Error METhoD. If This MeThod GIVES OS The FIGhT ANSwer-GreaT! There 15 NOTHIN WRN WITH TUFITING Down SOME Numbers mM The Process. Twis doesn't represewT A CULTUMAL LAG | IT 1S Sick TO ThIWK THAT wis IW order To HELP US Solve The EQUATION WE WILL INVENT. SOME WAYS To INCREASE ovR Efficiency IN GUESSING The ANSWER. LeTs Tren form A Table of varues toR X The LEAT hAMD Sipe of The EQUAMON AND ThE RIGHT Also WE WiLL COMPUTE The vifference benoces The Twe SIDES, The followin STEPS ae Maen step x LAS RWS Dit Las - RHs 1. TRY X=0 ° 1.000 + 000 1.000 Ro ThAT DiDW'T WOFK ; TY X=] 1 0.50 2.00 = S00 3.THAT DIDN'T WOrK EM er buT we fre On €1mET Sipe of TE selon, we MrchT, Guess ThE Swe Lies 4 oF Ime WAY tad So bens oY KEY 4. Were CEMNG beTTEr TY S.gince Me Dilferooce IN 3 Ann 4 is" on citer Sive oh Tre Ans we! INTEPPOLATE betwee Then, Le so Wy x2 424 Ary 847 848 001 emeey 6S x 1.00 = .200 “4 86d + 800 +060 AnD Now WE Ave The ANSWER TO AN Accuracy of .1 40. So Ts meThoo 1S Prey ACCUrATE Ald 1s beTIErT Tht A MACHINE becuse IT Ch'T GUESS WhAT JO DO NEXT. 2 Tes HEeToD of INTERPOLATION works we when The Difference BETWEEN The Two sues of The EQUATION Come ovT TO bE + AnD = When THAT hMPPeNs POU CAD INTERPOLATE AND GO AGAIN. One Word oF CANON NEVER USE GrAPh PAPER ITA IS Atways EASIER TO USE The NYMbERS. There ATE TWO MORE METHODS Which ARE More APProPrIATE of MACHINE Thad bY hho; They ARE The METoD of iTeRAMOW find NEWTON'S METHOD. The IDG 13 To WHITE The EQuMO AS Xour > L 1 Gas Whene You Now Try AN Xm VALUE, €.@ Xw=0 And find Xout | Then Plue Thar Valve bACK IW ETC Step Xow Xour 1 ° +80 a Ss 4 3 4 Mt 4 434 Ade Hvar want A Lor of Accuracy i The fniswen This HEemoD has AM Error which DECreAseS Much More SLOWLY Twitnl The Préviovs meted. Also rou Wive te be caRefl Tht The guano Is written IN The RIGHT form oTMEr Wise The ANSWER WON'T Converse. To Show This Sovve tor xiw Kee / 2Xour MAKE & THLE fin START EVALUATING Xin Kovr call Ss +S 0.0 ° ee) To see WhY The ANSWER IS DIVERGING LeTS SubSSITUTE Xin? Xrave + Gm Where : x Xr {ao Then (aan jr Ew Xe {ire Rlxr t Ew) (exr Tie 44 Exptninine we have Xo - Sy 8X0? so mar ours = Lb. €w Bxo Cour 1S Then Genter ThaAN TWIte The Error IN $0 ThE Answeér (S DIVEFGING NewTon'S MéThop ThE NewTen's METHOD REQuiREsMaITING The fUNCON IN ThE ‘orn eRe -%K 20 Fix)= Ht you are close TO The MuSWER wiTh A Guess SAY Xs Then Evatvate f(%0) and Also f°CX1), IN This case axe fiops 28-2 \ oe) $9 Teen The NEXT Tre would be x 2x, - {0 a rou TRY X20 Men f(Xa)= O- Ye = SL Ad FOXD= ty aoe Xen S- be gay 2.64 TS TECHNIQUE DOESN'T REQURE Much INTELLIGENCE «SO IT 19 erent for f COMPUTER. The ASWeR WILL ALWAYS CONVERGE excerT for f& few Thre ExAMPLES, However THiS Memon REQuIES evatvatitne Both F(x) And 40K), 4°CK) MAY be nad TO compute find Difficvrr to EvALUATED. ox SoLve e Os x To 1 %ls A word ON ComPLex Roots. If You MADE A MISTAKE AD DIDN'T DO THE PODLEM RighT Or TOU DIDN'T ExPECT The PRYSICS RighT The roots MAY be compLex To finn Compren ROOTS You hAve To SoLve TWO EQUAMONS IN ZA UNKNOWNS. This CAN bE Dowe bY The Sime Procepure AS ovTLINED be tore. GWEN F0x,y) 29 Ald GOX,Y) 200 Sind PAS A fonmon of X 1F POSSIBLE THEN SubSITUTE BACK INTO ONE ot The Equanions. SERIES WE WhIT To DEAL WiTh The Problem of Summing SeRiEs. There AE Lots of WAYS To Do IT, The SASIEST way invoLvEs. ADDING THE NUMDEFS, TiS MAY STTIKE You AS odd since You MAY Have bee THUGKT A LOT of ShfirP MeThon of SumMinG SERIES which you have Alt foreotren. You cit of CouRse Try To Menoree The ANSwer IM Some SPECIAL CASES And THAT IS GOOD SomeTime, Yor EXAMPLE IT 1S QUITE USetVL TO KNOW maT —,rrC—s—SC mK ON | WANoW THAT SERIES 1 CAM deAL WITH MOre COMPLICATED Séres such AS It acos® 4+G*cosz@ + ar coxa r= 2 First ican SubsnTuTé der cose, é “8 coe: Re? = eS re z Then | have ° 8 u 2220 tt nree + pnae” spate? 4 nate, -.- = : moe rte te Ye(1 tae pater? ae) (irae erate... Je a rt 1 S - acoso 40 asm 8 coo -apoo ‘e a Neer t (1-ae"?) © ci-ae?) Gracey lasmayt C8290) *4Cing = |racose 1-24 ws9 40% A KnowreDee of COMPLEX ROS Numbers 15 VERY IMPORTMIT. IN SIMPLYING GEoMETrIC SeRies, LIKE WIRE IT 1S IMPORTANT TO PE ADLE TO EXTEND ONE formuLA TO Hore APPLICATION, 6 The series 4 14% Ho Now have A New Problen where Iwmt The Sum of The series l-x 4 KY eee ES) zy 37 4 Lf me NUMbers IN The Demominftor Are NICE Numbers 1 cf Sum THe Series buT TO Do ThAT \ NEéeo TO KNow tow To DiFFeremN rE MD INTEGTATE SERIES. UNML | GET The The Series in & form 1 Recognize, IN The ome Above Pex 4 atexda er = Lwmt tm GET MD of 2,3,4, -77- + To Do Thar Differewmare wT respect Te CwRT) x Sd [x Se] = x- 2493 _ x4 dx I 273 q = xt end xt ee eb itx + o:d Sex) ie fils )] oR x SK) = Ln (ltx) + CONSTANT To fiNd The consmwT LET X=0 They XSCX) 20 So C20 fd | the SOx) = 4 Anco) Suppose we MAKE UP The SERIES 2 x3 4 2 + x3, x so TK Rey Ore ) ind We want To find Tex). BY DiFFeReuTiATING It ky Wy Wa --. = TH) an er) From The case Above ; a oes - T'cx) x x) Now WE hAve TD INTEGYATE, TU) = \. - 4 Ja timgiag af Subsnnte 1-1 Fe Then 4 © Tux) = j sue du = J oo l-e Pet} So ARETE? ALL pur Work WE fre STUCK WITh A INTEGYAL whith we have To Look UP IN A TABLE. The ONLY OTHER fecotirse TO SoLVIMG The PREVIOUS Problen 18 To Add UP ThE NUMBERS, TWAT SouNDS DIRTY buT believe ME There IS NOTHING WONG WIT IT, We hAvEe Then For TOI) tt Yq t Vg + et m7 14.250 4.1 $.003 4,090 +. 0t8 4.016 FOR 4.010% --— And we hive The fwswer TO 19/0 ACcurAcY, \ Ch ADD uP ThE Semes more rapro”y tf consiper The SERIES FY, . a One why To Treat This SETIES IS LIKE The ADDITION Of A lot of recmmeLes of 2 INTEGER IN WIDTH ANd CONSIDER Am Continuum of VALUES. HF 1 Go TD The 38 NuMbex fd INTEGrATE Te remmmninG VALUES 1 have © it ted ok z ie 3% xr ° 2 3 4 § Note THe LowER INTEGrATION LIMIT IS The miedLE PosMoN of TRE LAST INTEVAL TAKEN. LET Me compare The Accuracy of This RPPTOKIMATEON ulTh The crodest,l2 ouly LtErms ° +2 oe: irso4 L = he Pte 4 Nes xe Sot, ! “7 rm > Already lr toe cD G Va hrde Sn 2, h3el + ba | AMd Me MexT Terevis Me mere 4s tyus s70128s? ee ee ee 6458 hi At /4 he eee 4% IT 18 Good TO KNow THE folLowINa SERIES Vex gata Some Problens Me Se exe 3S fas A ne hie + ‘as too $y 4g tas 4 Ya, 2 Leds womben sum 42 4 3 4--- 3! a som + doi4 fer = aes 34 ‘Robie sove €* = cosx TO 1% “| < + axe 1x 424 Xt CK+ 4) - 12x 424 20 ROG) = ex ad a) us X* = 12 Cx=-2) he EY xt4 foxy e Bate 4x -12 = 0 Try x2 @ — xt> (ZC x-2) "44 x Lis RWS ° ° -24 z 4 Ws ta mH Wy Kt Kee sors red Xa soe 148 LEcTURE 3 METHOD Sof DItfERENTIATING AND INTEGRATING THE 1S A STP MGhTfeWwArd WAY TO DittERENTIATE COMPLICATED FUNCTIONS, SuPPOS Wwe hAvEe The fuNCTION, ‘ fon = Caxt)® fax Ci eceex) Xt Ivd we want F'CX). Here's WhAT You vo: step 1. WaiTe DowN Te funcnon And bese IT put A bracKeT are") x [sen of Derwarive of Teens } Circo KE rs stort DifferesTIANNG EACH factor ONE AT ATINE bY firsT wriTNG DOWN The ENPONENT, Then IN The DeNominATor write The funcnon THAT 15 bem oifferevmared, iN The Numerator puT The derivate of The function. IT Goes UKE THis , ym Derwanve tex’) "5 Anxf kX 44. Lg cemx Lag Saye ticecivcoss) Crrcosay xt | 3 Cott) ae wae re wnat is peme dfferowriareD 3. Combine The BracKeT TEPM AD simPLITY If possi bLE The reason WAY This TEcHWwIQuE WOFKS CM DE EXPLAMED rieouroUsLY but Quite SHAPLY IT 1S ASsociATeD WITH The derwanve of Looariinn. IF Lhave The function Fiuywr = Uwe wh and 1 wand fC) Trew dybwe) = us yb we J ltvew’) 2 uky wi (8 $46 rad yc dw) ox 0 yo Woon where 1 vse The fact That Iz dimy 2 4 dy dK N dk 10 1 USE This Téchique every Time 1 nave TO DIFFERENTIATE Even when IT 1S f& SimPLe fuNcTION LIKE a 2 Pe cx: * where flys (2 ) Foose ah fy C&T iss | DoT Thar WAY bechuse 1 CA NEVEr PEMEMER ThE ruLE for pifferesmiANnG The PropycT of Two foncnou ne ey ee - 2): 3 - udv Ix Vv u v 2 Vv TMs methoo Of DITFERENTINNG 15 MOT DISCUSSED IN VERY MANY Books buT | Recommend You LEARN How TO use IT because IT 1S QuITE VALUABLE, TIETHODS of INTE@rATION There ARE S€VErAL WAYS IN Which ComPLicATED INTE rALS CAN be EVALUATED, They ARE? (). BY substifynon of vaRIAbLES @ INTEGrATION bY PARTS (3. BY cOmPLeX variables The Third memoD 1S The ONE | WANT TO Work wiTh bechuse IT 1S The MosT PowerhiL MeTrod for hfnld LING CompucaTen INTEGRALS « The SudSMTVTION Which IWILL BE MAKING, WhICh I PRESuUrE You ALL KNOW IS “OL ~ 7 = Cos@ +USINO One of TRE BULDING BLOcKs Which | NEED 1S The FOLLOWING Infor MATION: 2 1 em dx = = lo : a Now Suppose | WANT TO EVALUATE The DEfmITE INTEGAL ° ax \ e “os px dx WhAT Do 1 dot i. cosbx da = \r 0 PEATTANGING we GET a en eee t{Le OT] ag ANd fECALUNG THAT. = Genem mene j e dx = Something we have ThaT T-4 [ oe ] = thath asib atebt ONE NOTE THAT This TECHNIQUE ALSO Works ON Tne IndefinnTE INTEGFAL AS WELL, 1 é 2 2 cosbx dx WE WILL offen TiMES HAVE TO DiHeRENTIATE UNDER The INTEGYAL SIGN Before GETING The mTesrMmy INTO A form Thar WE CAN EMSILY INTEGY ATE. The Gener AL formuLA ThAT WE WMT TO use 15 . rac) Te) toxadd Xia) The SIMPLEST CASE 1S When X, ANd Xe ARE Fixen vALUES AWD DO NOT DEPEND ON The VATIAbLE o&. IN This CASE he rt. (x at = Sa | [Fenn as] : \, ata dx 2 IM The omer CASE WhEN The LimiTS of INTEGKATION DEPENO ON kh we hAVE ThAT wud) ddI: Ot) 4 Fox dm Foal dy Ce Xt) ae ae a As fh EXAMPLE ° da a (ead) 2 (% -3 2 xe dx Th (Peta 1 Uke wise 5 ax, v a I> {we dread’ Ce * dx a (4). £ da da b@ a3 SINCE WE ATE WorKING WITh MéETRoDS of MATHEMATICS WE WmsT TO LEACN TO EXPINO OUR NEW KNOWLEDGE To New Probléns suppese | Gtve You The fotlowING INTEGYAL 70 EVALUATE jr SINK dx ° x WhaT wouln you pot Wei try PuTTING % IN The SINE foNCNON So TAT Lia) eS j Smae dx ° x T' cx) ves : i, [* 2847 Tax 5 os cosax dx UnforTonATely Wwe CAN'T EVALVATE The LAST INTEGYAL SINCE The fowcnom Cos Kx IS OSCILLATORY With f ETO AverAGe VALUE. Lets Te? a DitteresT tuncnow r+ (? Se Jo essere Th “Ts fade dh 13 So FwALLY we have TAT 2 Lax (Per swhr da > dm" Bore . a @ To find C Choose b=O which umplies C=O. WE Are Now IN & POSINON TO fmD se sinbx dy orf we LeT az0 Then om . 2 Sunde dx = tae = x z Tus if beo J site de = -o , HF pvo § = +a ms bso § 20. GraPhicALy The fuwcron LooKs LIKE v4 z x ola DELTA FUNCTIONS We Tred To EVALUATE THe INTEGrAL |y cOSaxdK Aud CONCLUDED THAT IT WAS INdeTEerminanT. This 15 NOT STTICRY Tree venue WE CAM EVALUATE The INTEGAL TO bE ° ty cospxda = 1 S(a) whene §() 15 CAULED A deLTA fwcnon. ThE concert of A AeA FNCDON 1S QuiTE Sete IN PhYSICS Aiud Therefore woRTh discussing HERE. The deh Fuwcnoy ConceFT INVOLVES A Séquence of Fuycnons CENTETED ABOLT A POINT AND Whose AEA EQUALS UNITY, THAT IS The width 13 PropornowAL To xX fd The Hel@hT versety ProPOrTIONAL To Xx, IN The LIMIT The déLT funcnon 1S ZERO EvErYWhere ExceeT AT X20 ; There IT AS AN freA EQUAL TO UNITY, jf sea dx +1 co 14 The GENEFAL Formua for The DELTA fumcnioN 1S j2 400 §G-a) dx = Fea) AS fM exampce ler fo Then x ® 5 { Sora)dx 2 af Scx-ajdx xa” by ° SOME IMPOCTANT PrOPERTIES OF The DELTA fumcnOoM Are Tre foLLOWING, j funy d'Cx-a)dx = -f"Ca) The devivimve of The dELTA FUNCTION LOOKS LIKE Sax) = 1 Sex) boxy tal And Sx) = + SK) WE CAM EASILY Prove Scan = 1 Six) DY MULTIPLYING by Ay drbimary fuMCTON ix) fd Then INTEC YATING (x) caxydx = 1 tx) Soxjexs co) j Z iat) ? at ¢ OTHER DELTA FUNCHON PROPERTIES ARE 8’ x) x SCx) K 8'Ox) 2-8) 6 (gen) = L$ &%) gine) ~ Sx), Iwo me Propten [° cosaxdx 215A) fnid stralGhT-forward WAY W EUMUATE The INTE@rHT’ 1S To CompuTe The Ind chwiTE vate JL cosexde = A Sane = SIAL Ad UT LP @ seT ws ° 4 SINBL =O Since for ALL PhysicAl SYSTEMS SIN PL WiLL EVENTUALLY ‘DAMP our. 15 As fmoMeR EXAMPLE, 1 WAS ONCE GIVEN The FOLLOWING INTEGYAL TO EVALUATE pe cos (mtme) do To Stir Tis Problem set x= tANO Tren do=X, i { = is cosme dx = SCm) 8 roa Diff ErenNATING: Stem) = jp me dx Oar. Acmny = S"om) 2 -{ x* cosmx dx 2 bexe Now 1 htve duLLT A POLYNOMIAL INTO THE NonerAroR by DifferenTiATING. BY ADDING | inside The § sex U have 2 Caer) a X) cas mx dx = Sem) - S"Cm) 2 Cra) which becomes The forlowine ndifferesmAl EQuAT low - 1 &Gm) s"(m) - Sem) To So.ve The pifferenTiAL EQuANON YOu hfve To break The Recion of m wTo Two PATTS; mco fd m0 tor moro stm) -Scm) 20 wo meo Sm) = Sm) 20 The Solomon Tw The EQuATIONS Are for m 70 Stm) = Ae™ + Be” ~ moo Sem) = ce™ 4De™ We dow'T Kwow WhaT A,B,C, AND D ARE 86 TO Co Sorter WE hfve TO USE THE §6m) fNCNON TO RELATE The Wo REGIONS. This Shows You how ComPLrcATE THESE INTEG NON Cam GET. Ke FEYNMAN ON THE THEORY of QUARKS — - 10)2/70 Bday | mime hfve discoverep A fond AMENTAL PeLATION ship between SPIN STHTISNcS ANd QuATK Theory, There has been A counmumne EMorT to TrY TD reLATE boTh Fermi fnld Bose SPIN STMHNGNCS IN QumMTUM mechmIcS. Fermi STATISTICS SAYS ThaT SPIN ‘TL PArTCLES DON'T LIKE TO BE IN The Sfme smTE White Bose STANSTICS ( BoSonS) LIKE TO Be IN The SAme STATE | These Nee The INTEGYAL SPIN PhMcLesS LIKE PhoTOMS. Now Qufrxs ANd TheorenchitY spin th Parncie. Ture Quirks AMAKE UP The fundimentAl PATCLES , £4. ELecTrows PROTONS. SuPPOSEdLY MS SPIN Yr PmyTICLES The obey fermi STHNSTICS. Protons however SEC TD hAVE QufrKs Which obey Bose smAMsNcs- 1 Now believe THAT ALL THe APRTENT ANOMALIES IN QuftrK Theory ci be EXPLAINED If WE CONSIDER QuATKS To BE Pieces of MATEY WITK SPIN Th THAT OdEY Bose STATISTICS. 17 Lecture 3 PROBLEMS ATI o (v EVALUATE ea dx 2 x 2. Show = ~by (2 ‘2 otte™ 2 GQ) Gwem jo “« ua) > 4° edgy - 2 2 d MNT. PUT GQ INTO The First | Then viffereuriate ee @. Finn 5. en PR - He y, © aatyt bt (). Prove ( eS wosbx dx > Heit ca dy (eth [ee pF Py Pedy apenas tat f yen : oo 2) foe t Tie) =-f yey s - TiO = - dncay ] Tzlb) = - Ln cb) Tite) = ee etdy — ok el T= Drea, + Late) = Im (40) Gwen fo olay = ff ° 2 fa (opety a fe f ed dy Ticay= §-y* end dy = Ee -y* Tea) drew) - = ytd Ica) e “ Ln p= - gre +7? Ie)+ et pared: Ba et Find fe ehh He yy Lecture 4 MORE ON METHODS OF INTEGRATION L wir Jo Pot out ThaT CLEANING ThE TricKS of CALCULUS 15 QUITE IMPORTANT because wiTh A Few TICKS YOU CAM SOLVE ALMOST ANY SeLVABLE Problen. BuT You witt NEED THE HELP of A Number of KEY INTEGFAL from which ALL The oTMErs ATE derivAbLE. For EKMAPLES Iw Prerces TABLE of INTEGYALS ONLY A couPLE of ThE DEFINITE INTEGTALS CANNOT bE QuickLY SoLveD, TRE Two Which wave food Taar Require SPECIAL INGENUITY fire The foLLowinG: a fetus = ° d oe i Sih x : q@ In Host of The dehmre mwTeeras IN Pierce They cAn be GeLven bY USING SevecAL TechhQues Such AS INTESYATION bY PATS, sobsronion umntbies find diferesTiATING UNdEr TRE INTEGRAL SIGN: IN The Exameres f#booT IT IS ofTerd PossibLE TO solve The mTecraL BY SErIES EXPANSION. LET'S Work The Secono InTesehL OUT. © -* We have That f dx Substitute for SIWhX ere Jo Simhx % Ind pene ance f 26" x de ea ee SINCE WE CAN HfDLE The INT EorAMON of E* The More we have Te beter off we WILL DE, Thus ExPind The demdminATor AS 2 ende(rse*ee Maes. J = : > -sx | xetde + af cede + axe dx tee Now we should rEMEMDER ThaT joe" dx ee ed [fede > 19 USING THESE INTEGTMLS WE Then have ThAT 2 Be = a(tr ks hades) Sinhx x gt gt Now | happens ToKMow TRAT The Series CA be SUMMED Mid hAS pn vawe of We If You dou't KNow ThaT YOu Are sort of STUCK. BuT if YOU ONLY WaWTEd The ANswer T A CovPLe of decimAL PLACES POU Would JUST ADD Some Térmgs AS I eExpumnen before. Thus we hive THAT i xdx = nt SIwhx 4 | soeGesT You TYY To WOK OUT The defMITE INTEGTALS GIVEN IM Pierce CPAGE 62) bechuse You HfVE ALL The NECESSATY TOOLS. SOLVING INTEGRALS USING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Last TIME WAS TryIMG TD Work OUT The INTEGTAL Sim) = : cosmx dx eText L had Goren AS fir AS WHITING The INTe@rAL AS A DIPfErewTAL EQuATION Som) = 5"im) a cosmedm = 1 Sem) Te solve This EQUATON 1 CAN FIND A formucA IN fy bOOK Which SAYS TRAT The SOLUTION TO The EQuIMON dt ~4 = 46 i 4 x) & 1S Given by ° g? nt ef fue) dt -e"") e* fit) dt +Ae™ +Be* “ K where we hkVE THAT yes Kem fd Ff = - ahem) Ro We MAY SPECULATE THAT SCm) cONTMNS & déeLTA funcnow bur we BOON PEALIZE THAT 1F IT DID ITS S€cond DEMIVATIVE would bE A horribLE FUNCTION CONTHNING- The Second RErIVATIVE of A deLT® fVNCNON. Thus we Are LED TO bELIEVeE ThAT S"tm) Continns A detT fomcnon. If This were The CASE The First derivANVE Would Be comTAIM A JUMP OR STEP CHfhiee. Thys WE HAVE INTE@rAtE OVER A JUMP, TAT MEANS Thar scm) has A KINK IN iT The Two SLoPes Differ bY A faaDR of Tt, It 15 Now Knows TAT WwW The Neichborhoed of m=o The EquaTION for Sim) becomes Ss cm) = - tem) cme oy -nddm) + consmat {7 fy m3? stem) Bud fn Sem) = -tm dom) + om 4D If We Nove THAT AS mo stm) 0 we conclude A=0 nd LIKEWISE AS mM >< Sim) PO S20 D=9. DoT The STMMETTICAL Character of SCm) we have THAT T=-C. Thos we chm white for mo, Be" And for meo Ber™, Since SCm) = Be™ myo md Bem™ WE CAN EVALVATE GB SINC > -Be™ m0 + RET — meLo s" = Be™ m0 4ger™ méo or s" = -2B Som) but Shs = WN EOM) 30 Bea z frid WE have © - sme 2 scm) = Tel a TK e ge al Then OF INTERMEDIATE ANSWER IS 4 The first INTEGYAL WiLL GIVE The value = rh The INTeorATION from = hoy 70m conus The derTm funcnow Scv), If IT Doesn't THEN THe SECOND WTESFAL WILL Give The VALVE =I. WE CAN wriTe Tren e i e’L-ns]dy - e| © E-asevi]dy the” + Be” Sem) = -we™ tim) +e™(1-dom) + Ae + Be Here The fomcron Jom) 1S DefNED AS The STEP funcnON Cm) 1 domz 0 meo tomy= 1 m70 ™ Thus, Sor myo Sem mee Aca Gem fn © Ser me . | Ee Scm) = 4ne™ + Ae” + Be ToGo former iT Is NECESSATY TO fiNDAMMID B. By SYMMETTY of cose foucnon for m bot # we have THAT AAmd B Most be EQUAL. Then If WE LET Me ThE COSINE IN RAPIDLY OSCILLATORY WHICH DAMPS OUT EVENTALLY so A And B must Go TO ZERO, Now IN The RANGE of m #0 1.6 where Sem) 20 WE tive The DIffEFENTIAL EQuATIONS + Scm) 2 S"Om) —= sem) = Ae™ + Be” for mao pnd 7 -™ Sem) = S" Cm} = Sem) > Ce™ 4 DE for mio We have The Problem of FITTING These TWe SoLUTIONS TOGETHER AT m=0, This 18 commonty cékleD A BoundAry VALUE Problem. Nor ALLY These fre ThuGhT To The STUdNT To be QuITE DiffCULT but ThE BELT FUNCTION RESOLVES ALL of The weIRd CONDITIONS developed by Te TercHER. BoTh The deith foncnon Aid STEP funcTion seave To TELL US WhAT HRPPENS beTwEEN The TWO REGIONS. aR AWOTHER WNEGYAL WorTH WorKING OUT 15 oe o 5 Cnt iem d 0 3 4 WE cit Ger Tre ANSwEer A Number of WAYS beT NOTE If WE work WITH The frst INTE@rAL 5 et dy we cre 4 differesmare WRT a And GET dT. (Mey 2 1 de \ d a se T= - ma 7 constant To EVALVATE Tne CONSTANT WE Need TO EVALUATE The INTEGrAL AT one seT of O And b VALUES. NoTe 1f Gb We have JosT =, : ° 20 id ae Srey = AS = 0 therefore I frid C= +hab. Thes es ln lon observe Tht we cfin'T TAKE The Lower Limit of The INTESYAL en dy since The VALVE brows UP LocAriTHeICALLY IN The LIMIT, Sus TO GET A FINITE LimIT LET 0 be reptaceD bY € Prd TAKE The LIMIT, Therefore ere c “4 a ware = ST — Ln (%) The Numbers ENTENNG IM Here APE m& CurIOUS THING Which you MAX TY To Derive, | wanr To POINT OUT find CAUTION YOu NOT TW be SvoPrey With The CONSTANTS of INTEGrATION, IN The CASE Where } spur of The INTeerAL INTO ~~ oy w -by ice cee je dy The INTeGrAMON “Gives ~Ina +0 +tnb- 0 fwd You cAN cASUALLY SobTYACT OUT The Two iNfnTES ToGIVE 0, Twis 1S brd ANd very ILLEGITIMATE. a3 To Show you WhAT CAN hAPPEN suPPose { SunsTITeTE FOR Y Ya Then | have : etd | \- ey = 2 aya. 3a 7 whenever You Trfstorm LimITS Which Go TO © You cAM GET IM TrOUBLE, THE besT DET 1S To PUT € And KEEP The LIMITS FINITE 5 ThEN You CAN COMBINE ThE ANSWER So IT DOES NOT DEPEND ont €, IM The MbovE CASE where WE Ser ler eds -§° etds 2 eb y & Sy So \ 8 ( tds « o 5 = In S)= tn (40) AS fw rove when | Go Throvch f Problem The frsT ME 1 fd VSURLLY QUITE SLOPPY WOT PAYING ATTENTION "TO SIGNS, Pi's Sacrs of 2 ETC. The refson 1S THAT more offed Thaw MOT HY ArsT mPeronch Leds To ded evd so | have TD RetrenrT To ANoTher THT. If | See | finfuty have & WAY TD ThE AWSWEr 1 Then Go BACK Very CATERLLY PUTHNG IH ALL The GOrresT FACTOrS, Pid @TINd ~GrINd~ Grind | meaTioned THAT when AN INTEGTYL IS SOLVAbLE There Are ® loo dulferesT WAYS TO Work mm ovT. To Show You WhAT | Met consider Amin The In TEGMTE \e Cosme dk. a Ts TIME witt KILL The Problem with # oe SLENGe hummer. Suppose we Knew WAT at ab e cos ex dx = §; 6 otape Them | CAM SUBSMTUTE AN INTEGTHL INTO The INTEGrAL for A Piece which 1S hfrd TO handle, HoPefllY The resarrING INTEGYAL 19 EASLer TO SoLvé. Thus je feosxt dt st ° tae a4 WE TEN HAVE THAT jr ome dx = { dx ( dt e*cosxt cosmx dt Tex Now dow'T be AN IDIOT AM INTESrATe WRT t firsT becmuse You WiLL bE MI@hT bACK Where You SMHTED from, SubstiMTE cosxt cosmy = 4 [ coscm4ty x + COS Cm-t)K] And recall je cos Kx dx = a7 §(X) ot e° EL Scmrty + Som-t)] dt You Wave TO be cheht here if we TAKE mM to be Grenter Man oO MEN we TAKE Scmot) ted GET Then Cy jo © cos mx ne” e ae dxo> Te m>o We CAN TrY ANOTHEr MeTod USING SEériés EXPANSION, FE Cosme : ctagd = x4 x8 gene J seer dx = cos man (J -xtextm xb x84) dp =e WG Cm) 4 SON) 4 eS Om) toe Now TAS 1S A MESS AA Ue STOP Ad TrY fener MeThod. Howerér You Courd Press ON usine Tre difterevnAL operator NOTATION cOSmx dx ++ Dl 4dte---] = On j sur dx wLia vt vf 408s ---] at ) Now you have TO Solve C= DY) Sony = 1 Sm] Som ~ Som) = WSem) And TOUTE RiGhT bACK Where You sTArTEd from, or as PROBLEM — LECTURE 4 ' Si dec dx 2 og dar Tex 8 Me x sinx = nt . = V+ cos" K a vo ax e* dx = 4 ° 1te™ sidan swhax dx 2 1 ¢an Ve Stnh xX Se Ae LEcTuRE S SOLVING DeéfiniTE INTEG TALS over some of The PPOBLEMS I ASSIENED Pd LiKE To Go Ugo About soluInr WsT Tine so pou cht Ger fA Feet How These definite ITESrALs SupPose (want The INTEGrAL T- (? sx . Se xt+at To SOLVE This 1 michT TrY fACTorING Since | KNOW ThAT pr e.e2 » Baet a 1 have THAT I: { dx = 1 i = Rrie)x cat) teat ie wp tla ] : eat Late ak Now | hfve TO RAVE The SQUAre rooT of PLUS Ard Minus 4. To cet Ti fd Fi 1 Take A COMPLEK CircLe ANd GET The HYPoTEM use AS 7 ' 7 ede g = ded fete ie Rope gard Then | have > «fig 2Ra> 4a3 Nore THAT The i's chcetcen ovT 582 | HAVE The PAGhT roots of TZ And Fe. tf i hamd TAKEN The NeoANUE roots | wodld have Gudtey The wrone w Answer - IT word nAVE DEEN IMAGINETY, ae Suppose | WinTeD The uflue of The followinG INTEGTAL ® Fom) = 5 cosmx dx tex Note 1f differewnATe Fem) four Tes wat m fad ADP Fim) 1@ Get Ww had FM om) + Pom) = fo” casmx dx = A Sem) The foncnon Fim) 1S SYmMETTICAL SINCE The 4 deruATVE of F cqums Te Neshnve of iTseLf. A foscmew which his The chértcrer 18 Fim) = e*™ Then The avferewnaL equanow Gives as THE rvots X41), Tas EQUAMON HS four FeeTS Arisinc from The QuAdvane a=EC panes 2 2ti- Be eo : ae gree) dae B (rt) ads Fle-s) eer) THE form of The SoLuTION 1S Thew Fimy = Ae™™ + Be™™ + COP" 4D e**™ WE Now observed ThAT AS m —>@ Fim) should Approach Qo; TherefoRE A AnD B =O 2THerwise The Anon ERPLODES, Now we - am oe om Fem mive MT eA. Ge RE LD mT which Ch be rewei en AS “AE » Fim) = @ Lctoos YA 4 D's un | Where Ci hud D' hive T be real Where C AND covid be COMPLEX, We how hive To find 2 reat comsTiMTs. When m co we have Thar Fomy = et /% Cclcosmm - D'sim “/A). The DELTA FURCTION MUST fELATED These Two values of F om, We KNow TWAT The 4 DerivATVe CoNTMNS A DELTA FuNcnon Ths THe DerivATvEs Gives YS Four EQguANON To find 2 Sees ems fC a) Fm Fmd ENG) 2s FE em) $"GO) ~F"Go) = | the Junr Gives us The f-foncnon In Tre 4h Deri ims, 48

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