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7 Leadership Principles

from the Life of Moses

Exodus 2:11-13
Moses saw what was happening to his
fellow Hebrews, and he knew that it
was not right. Thinking no one was
watching, he took matters into his own
hands by killing the Egyptian.
When a leader does something morally
wrong, that action can prevent him
from having effective leadership. When
a leaders actions do not match what he
says, people will not follow his
direction or vision.

Exodus 3:1-2
God approached Moses in a foreign
land while he was doing the normal
work of tending the flock of his fatherin-laws sheep. In that ordinary
situation, God approached Moses.
God can approach His future leader
wherever he is no matter what is doing.

Exodus 3:11
Moses saw himself as someone not
worthy of the task of leading the people
out of Egypt. He did not see himself as
worthy to appear before Pharaoh or to
lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.
In His sovereignty, God choses for
leadership. Even if that leader does not
seem capable of the task, God can still
chose that leader.

Exodus 6:12
Moses was honest to confess what he
perceived to be a weakness but also
believed his weakness was stronger
than Gods ability to overcome it.
It is ok for a leader to share his
unbelief in his own abilities. It is a sign
that he is reliant and dependent of God,
not himself. However, a leader must
believe in God more than his own lack
of ability.

Exodus 14:13-15
Moses showed faith that God would
save him and the Israelites. However,
God told Moses to get the people
moving. Faith in God was not enough;
the people had to act on that faith.
A strong faith in God and His power to
save His people is a good quality to
have in a leader. However, the leader
also needs to play an active role in
Gods plan.

Exodus 14:31
The people put their faith in God and
Gods appointed leader, Moses, after a
miraculous thing happened.
When good things happen people put
their faith in the person who led them
through what happened. Effective
results of leadership allow followers to
have confidence in their leader.

Exodus 15: 22-25

The people complained to Moses
because the water did not taste good.
As their leader, he is the one they
looked to and complained to.
Even if the leader might not be
responsible, he has to listen to
complaints, even if those complaints
are beyond his control.

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