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Name: Heather DeLude

Total pts = 4 ______

PHED 239: High School Module

Worksheet - Chapter 3
Be prepared to discuss in class:
As a physical educator, what are the implications of grouping
high school students by chronological age rather than by
developmental level? Give examples.
All students develop at different rates as compared to other students. By grouping high
school students by their chronological age it can put some students into situations
where they are not going to be as successful as these same students would be if they
were to be grouped at a developmental level. Some examples of this include things like
team sport games. If you have one or two kids in the class who developmentally are
not at the same stage as their classmates it can have a negative impact on both those
individual students and the other students in the class that are more developed.
Another example of this would be students who are smaller or havent fully developed to
the same level as their classmates may get discouraged if they are unable to achieve
the same goals their classmates are achieving and they could get turned off to physical
education, which is not what we as physical educators want.

Share examples (at least one each) of characteristics (physical,
social, emotional, and intellectual) of high school students, and the
implications for each trait.
Physically students are approaching physical maturity. This means that it is an
excellent time to improve motor skills and learn new skills. Socially high school is why
they are there for all of the parties and athletic games. This means that students want to
be able to express more choices in their physical education, and more lifetime fitness
activities such as lifting, aerobics and pilates are more appealing to these types of
students. Emotionally high school is usually the time where students have already
finished puberty and they are comfortable with their bodies. This means that they now
need to learn how to control their emotions. Intellectually high school students are
reaching their potential, they have a large base of knowledge and experiences. This
means that students should be given choice in the activities they would like to
participate in and they should be taught more about the why of physical education as
opposed to just being told what to do.

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