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" The Israeili - Palestinina conflict has a possible solution.

" - Jimin
The Israeili - Palestinina conflict is one of the most complicated and a close arguments
in todays world that is still happening right now. This conflict, despite that there were so many
evidences given from both sides, are not coming to an end. I believe that this situation doesnt
have a solution. Conflict of these two are like a fiendish puzzle with no workable solution.
Data 1: Each group is insisting on making Jerusalem its capital city and they are
unwilling to accept anything less than that.
Data 2: The Israeli government demands that Israel is the historic homeland of the
Jewish people and the Palestinese, on the other hand, insist on the right of return to the land
in the Israeli territory.
Data 3: This is not a remote conflict in a godforsaken place, but one constantly at the
center of international awareness.
Data 1: This proves that neither side is willing to give up the land. This means that this
conflict cannot be solved unless one gives up on making Jerusalem their capital city. However,
no one is willing to accept anything less than that. The data shows that conflict has no possible
solution. Both Israeli and Palestine states that they have the right to own the part of the land.
Data 2: This claims that if the Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people, they
are disagreeing to become a binational state with the Palestine. However, Palestine which insist
the their right to the land in the territory is agreeing with making the state binational. Both states
want a different result which is Israel and Palestine becoming a binational state among the
Data 3: This means it is one of the most extensive conflicts in the world. The conflict
between the Palestinians and the Israelis has been the subject of serious attempts to solve by
many countries and international organizations. There were many people involved in the
meeting to solve this conflict. However, because this is more than just a religious and
godforsaken place, it is in core of international hands and it never reached a satisfying solution.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a question of territory but a battle over the entire homeland.
For both sides, and mainly for the Palestinians, the size of the nation is not clear, whether it
consists only of Israeli Jews or the entire Jews. And the Israelis don't know whether they are
confronting only the Palestinian people or the entire Arab nation. The boundaries of the two
sides are not clear either.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the longest-running conflicts in the modern era. This
conflict has been active for about 130 years. The reason why this conflict is not coming to an
end is because there are no possible and reasonable solution to cease the argument. Due to
the reasons stated above, such as making Jerusalem their state and the unwillingness to agree
to each others offer and that it is not just a godforsaken place but a center of international
awareness, this has no way out. This is therefore a fundamental conflict that constantly creates
mistrust and miscommunication between the two peoples, preventing a possible solution.This
means that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has reached a point in which the ancient Greek
philosophers would have described with the term "aporia" meaning "to be at a loss" or
"impassable." There is no peace process and no way forward.


Linker, D. (2014, April 9). Sorry, there is no solution to the Israeli-Palestinian

conflict. Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://theweek.com/articles/448116/sorrythere-no-solution-israelipalestinian-conflict
Yehoshua, A. (2011, April 26). Why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict refuses to be
resolved. Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://www.haaretz.com/printedition/features/why-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict-refuses-to-be-resolved-1.358095

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