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Setting Goals

March 2016
Short Term Goals
A) Harness automation to help with mundane teacher tasks
B) Try new activities that allow students to tinker
C) Work with Math Teacher on Annual Curriculum Plan
Long Term Goals
A) Develop plan to implement technology at school level
B) Modify instruction to become more student-centered
C) Develop plan as Middle School Team Leader at my school
Rationale for Goals
The aspect of the Katz article that stood out was, Too many campuses,
though, are leaving it to students and faculty to educate themselves on how to
best use the technology. As a CPS teacher, I am used to major technology
decisions being made downtown and implemented with no time to explore or
learn how to use the technology in a systematic fashion. I have spoken with my
principal about this issue, and we have implemented Tech Talks in our Grade
Level meetings for Middle School and at one staff professional development
meeting. I also need to be conscious that simply presenting a new application or
site is not enough, people need time to become familiar with technology and
determine if the technology in question is germane to the issues they face in their
particular context.
My second goal for both short- and long-term goals relates to my reflections
about the Alexis Wiggins article that have been ongoing since this past summer.
In short, schools can be so fundamentally oppressive. I have seen students break
down in tears about testing regimens this year, high school applications, and the
typical early adolescent emotional maelstrom of middle school. However, I do not
think that I have been giving enough consideration to student perceptions of

school. The fact of the matter is that schools are institutions, but I have a lot of
influence into how the authority of that institution is leveled on my pupils. This
year, I have been making more of an effort to be responsive to student feelings
towards school. By working more carefully with my school's Diverse Learner team
and by making the time to meet with student focus groups, I have got many
insights into the other side of the classroom, and I would like to continue learning
in this way. As a short-term goal, I know that in the semester-long focus on
physics, there are many opportunities for more independent student exploration
for my 8th graders, and I want to look at more ways to incorporate exploration
and tinkering into the 7th grade life science curriculum as well. Tinkering is how I
like to learn, and I know that my students are similar.
As part of my involvement with the Museum of Science and Industry's
Science Leadership Initiative, I am coordinating the science curriculum with other
grade level teams at my school. In addition, our math curriculum has completely
changed, and I need to make the time to coordinate with the upper grade math
teacher to make sure that we are both on the lookout for natural connections
between science and math instruction.
Finally, I became the Team Leader for our Middle School Team this year. We
began the year with only two of six 6-8 grade teachers in place and three of four
Diverse Learner educators with the middle school. As a team, we are off to a
great start, but as I adapt to my new leadership role, I will need to work with my
administration team to determine what directions we can take our team.

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