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Acta Mecballk3! 1.

12; 19-35(199'9)


e Spdll~13r· Verlag 1999

Di.SrContinlllous birfm~cati.on8 in the C81se of tbeBurzym,ki- Torre yield condition,

$£i1jliiIlii"}'.M:aletia[ il!il!;[a'himy rrC51.13d:i[l~ in di5COn1imlollS plastic: biFnrcatioiBS Wag cOt'l!$!d~re,d in namerous papers f'OJ typi:cai ),eekl "o.j~.dilii)I1I!>;.[ic~e WI;! discuss thisphenomenon for the parli.ho](l:i~~ l)ur.z.yD:s&::i. Tom' yie;kl oon,djliol1" ~.deqU<llltre ff:llt :tJ;'WI!jy b!rhde il,la:slic materials, 'fhfis. cenditicu lIS d~ill;i~ !;i,y ~ functiCiIll 'whkh Is lliottiomoge:Jtlrol!1'!i wl~h. ~t¢t kl1 Lru. stress COlJljJ'lJ'JI1'e:I!IJ~S end iI1I!iill fl]ol. hr.iim,.gs :tn1l'l'bC !l!~dki(lrm] ciiffLcultW8.. Generlll fOl"fflu];a;e are ,d.et'lwd and Ull:lfll :plail1~ stress stares are discrtSilei:l in dtf:Ei:iL Relakrl decoh~~OQ:m phenomena are also mentioned ..

An claatic-pla.Slic deformatioa ]H"~S~ may leillid to the :foiTIlatiOilJ of di continuities. in veloeities aC:l'iIlS1l, a eenaincharacteristic surface. The)" were extensively smdliecl, by Hit! [I], It was shown by Jjbudlliicki and Rice [2], [3·~ that th.i~ .ptle::Il.oIiru!l1!Orll may b~de-SC"Ji1hed as a .typ.e ,of ]008 of material stability,. and simulwleow[y as the loss of eUipticuty of t;overl'li:ng diffei:'elitJia] equadons, namely formation of djsc.onti.l!nuitie:s, is due to bifurcmlion of equHi~rium :stat~, A shorter, though [bot quiteprecise name "discontinuous hDfU~1liQrus ]15 [lOW ineommon use. 01l1.rOOeJ!l. and R Ul"IeMOIJJ [4] discussed properties of discontinuous bifurcation so.liLlltions: f~1: ~!l. el:ntic-plastic body witnlnix.ed .o:soltopUC'·:ldnerlilatic hardening, by means of spectraiallalys:l::;; 11l general three-dsmenslonal case; ln pam6ct lat. (hey considered the fQUown .g yicld 001idi'IiO'iIl~:

Prager-Drucker, Huoer-Mises, Rankine and Coulomb. RlJIn'Cssonet at 1[51 a.l1!aJ]ly~ plane stress and plane strain states givi:~ooJ!i""~Tl:kmt geom.etrrol'e,presentatiQTl. of the f'e:¥l!.Ilb o btainsd. The stt:a:~," of stress ru1.d ~'tj1:tiilti. W'£lTe assumed to be uniform (hO'.ltlQg(""I1IItOllS,) and direction of disOOntln.uolJshiflm:::atLolll """aJ:S found by maximization of'tln.e IHlr-illenins modu:tus \V!i·th respect to directlonal cosines. A rc;:view Qr p,apel'S Oft material jlil:·,t:a:bili.u~ is given by Tomua [6]1,.

nginoering .a-pplica'ti;o"'I~' of' analysis of discotrrinuous bifurcations an; connected mainly with the fe!lUJtD11lg decobesien, This relation was mentioned in 196,j by Thomas [1],. but mere p:!',ec:issly formula:l:ed I'd~c:)eudy by Scb['r,*'eii' fliili(i Zhou [~].

Us,1!Ia:ny decohesion in p]ilis~icily is. considered as a separate phenemenou and. described h~ various pl:J.y.s:ilcal criteria, In rea] ma terials diverse forms of decohesioa may take 1'1600" either as a result of Yrilid ifii~ia tion snd growth, or as a resulit. ·ofc:ra!l:-Ik: initiation and pr'QP~Vi-t:[on. or without all~' of these phenQn)ena, A cOrmp::Il:'isun of various phy.s(i,!:;aIC"..rite-ria of doooihresiooIl was given e.g, by Zy-cZikowilb. [9]; Clift et al, [lO1 and Needleman [:~ I]. [0 conclusicn of :[101],


tll1e euthers stared, that a lirn~.tsd vahre of mIlt. plastic work.is inthe best agreement witi'D.e:.tpeu1menwl re$"l1I~t$_ P~astk strains are tileR limited as well,

But eY1;iH i:fWiE: O:L~i3ill!n]e ~'tjJe, ideali:z:eci, ,clas'ticperfeclly W·lasEic material wirhobj,'I, ,any Hm~~aliol] of plastic strains, deoo:iles:UQn I1I1i:'1.)· Ol:cur as a result of formatti.o.ll of ImIdm:l,sslMe disoO'l'itt:i't.lwities due to :infanJre lnerease 0,( normal strains e. The ccrresponding IO<l!di11g par ame ter was called by SZII,'I;.\'2Isk[ and Zyc-ikQw"~i~i [12.] n:~le d.eoo1u.es~,veca~r-yi.ns QIlPIll~ty. This ",IiIl~tfu.em!i!ti~ cal" orutcllriO:IiL of d,;,coho&sio!lJ!, connected ",Vith i!:erXlJinie!.ti,Qi.n of ~, ccutinuous ooh,nlon and! formanon (if inadruissibie dii$ccoOntinllhie.s, may 'be fie;g.a;oooo as an u~?pi<ir boundto an ph:ysi'C;l.l,~ c.r:iite..1!ia of dBCQ,:h.es'Ion, S-Ullfce uaNliE!- of them ,~,dmit$ i:ru1initeJy b,rge· strains, Many papers cl!(:vomd. to, deoohesive c8iny~n~ capacifr,), 'Wel'~ re ... iewe:d, by Szuwalski [] 3~,

T.Rtere is a close rciSi!t40'Il beil,~1tI the app,roiilC!hof S~.wal~~d·ty~kowski [:12] and Scbre.yer.Zhm.!l, [8~,; Under 'ithe: assumption of umfoflnhy of the sta tes ()f MruS-S 3Jnd strain Schreyer <incl. Zfui.ol] [cElI.l:ize that ilIIt. (ljiSClOll1iti,ll,l!1IDUS bufll]0C3t1O;Il there eeisea a $~'ll!:I:l!.ti(lii1 011 the verge of loss .of ,oompatibilil,y J~aJditfl,g to deeohssion .. TfuJ€T.i. either a sll.IIdde!,ll! decohesion b!<:es plaee, as a8SWIllJ~d by S4l!11wrusii and ZyczkCiwsk], or a certam 'prulcr.itJic8!l analysis :US possible if one mtroduoes a certain relation 'bet .. veen the traction force across (he disc'Onrti:rm.iry line and the cilcspl:a.'ct:rnttlt j ump ~Nttdleml1m [1.4];. M:ro.z ,aUld Kowak:l.yk [151, Skrzypek [16]). Usually the LOflding ln .poo~,dvical s[.:a;~;e decreases, ajj;d,~ieUl,ce the term o:.d~oohesi''!i\6 ,eanYln,g eapacity" :~o;r t:he~oadillg corresponding ~o d:i,8ICQ!.:lli~]JlI;I!o~]:s bi:fl).l:~·cati'l;li:t]l is jusliilled. IM1:me e~e.I1l~~l diffeI,· en'Cts ii'i.:tlj( be due to iW'Ii'i-Ul1i.fOrrllllil:r .[!iF tfuJe stress state, Sir.IIDe. then the surface or line of' decohesion ma:y be, aprwri prescribed fln,d not snlJJ:em [,0' eval.li.Iii'nilon IlLS it is usua] in the theOi[)' of diseoathsuous bl.f:IIil'l"Ca~im1S.

lDil, tthe present paper we derive the conditions for disDm~timJ,Uo!Uis; bjJUin;::lIJljJOI~S [(iJ: the fl:t..llt- 2y~s.1ki - Torre yi.e.ld eonditicn, described Iby flrO~8i.tio:DII~] paraboloid in the '$p~ Q:[ pli]ljci,lfa~ stresses, f:Jru ,cQ~1~l:adistj~c~,io~1 to' the yield ccnditious ~nillJy2ed by OUoseiJ. s:DiId R.llIr1etlSOill 1[4] th~ fb<asj_{: form of this yield m!l1.d:ihon :iis descdbed! by :3J :rll nc~iO!Ji .. vhioh is not ]}mno~ile[l~ W~'[hooSjJecl 'co' the stress OOiWp(iliii,t,ntll ~md this, f3!tJI:. brings same additionai, di.ffic!!JI.ltie.s" Ge.neral formulae ~I:e dedved end plane stress ]8 ~i:sctlssed ln <.tet;ilil. JD~Qoh.o:::s:uo,n as S!l!dri, wm not ~ discussed here but the f;oirmula.€ derived censtitute the bl!.lsk: :!S,t.e,!) towards subsequent a.:DlaJ,j'sis of docohes~(!Ii:1i.

We foUow here the Ouosen-Rueesscn [41 dleocruptiuJ:I of di®ton.!:iinIlHJ!I.lS bifurcafions h1l. elasto~)I~stici~ - U~d!eJ' the assumptlen of smJU strains w,e may [&ii:1ese\['It (ioflltititutive equations by the ~ucremB:llt.tdly ]One-ar r·d;'j!tlOll);,~hi,IJ' between stress niles (l(j and st.r,,:dlll r&~BS 4j:


W.~Te the Einstein siUlJIi!illllll!l:iion con v ellltili;lilU hO:~d;h and the tan.gent stiffuess tensor D!fi1t ]S ,gi.ven by

(E) (P)



.1.-"' a!:td Gp., Ibn~ also on the fo['.rn of [ii1eir :tlotattOii (see ool!ow)" Sub;s:tiUuimg 1(19) into 07) w'e, ,6!lil8lim



III 'fi'fuie case of a p'.u-ai)olQ:id cOIILS"udta:rroo ]:I1i. tha p.l:~t'tn~ paper we ba 'i,ffi /v. ~ CD and ci.islmlly o S; !It] :S; J". A:ssumillg bOI[lhimwd,ic:it eq nations for land g wr!i:t.k:IIi in a uniform manner we nflve 11. > o anti, hence i:Dl WM,I: foHow.'l, we ~J.l!:ilil] consider just, tle case r 2: l[il, ]f gO) "" iv.1 ~ we have aseociared mow rule for w~a:1 str<'lin !:'&l.es:j, i:f g.., = 0, the to nil strain rates fI!['iil p!lI:rely dlev]atork. Denote the aIllgebEi!l!l.ci!lilly ordered derivatives I. by Roman indices, namely j[ ~. in 2: ![[I;;I'he same iho:~cfl3; also f.or JI. Tben the m~imjza[1()~(),f (20) wLil:Jh respect to no lesds W the fol1o'Viing results ('Wid12G(1 +r.-} l)ep~,a.;;:~d by YQiUJD.lg's, m.(ldlJ~uS E), If

- ~ [+!.I

([ - v)qa = 1m + !V'in + ~ (I", + t~£h,) ::; 0 (22)

'l: ( )2

p,. ,II;Ij. = (11/ ~ f.J.9v} _ 10 + to' + JIg"

E 18{1, -~) 15


If, moreover, 'me deriveuves }; are di:;:tin(::i, it means J\J: » in > jm, th~rni the bi:furC8&~{}1I1i diIJI;:C'tiens are g[",e,n by ~~l- Oaud

'tan2 IS' = n12 "" IBUr + Jllll) + {1 +1-'){!t.o + fIB ... )

~2 -6(v !u+ fin} - (1 -+ .v) Ut' + )J{l'i)


where f) 1[:lI,e[]i.o~~· the O'!:lDgJe Jnthe ~));l!; .p~al1Je from tlle!ll:a. axis to the normel · ... oot.or"~r nat all ]. are di~tul'lict, then n~is not n~\Ssal:ily equal to .:reI:O', all par~i~lllhJ!r eases :an d!~!lCU;SSf..-:d .1iYlt OUosenand R'iliIi.ei180!l:'i [4].

CUIt!iVersellY'1 if 1.)1 de:filiLed lh;y (22)18 :~on·ltegallve, th~T.I! :r.Il";: = ]" n:;;: = ll;J =: 0, .itmB3:rni:!i, fJ = SO", <'Iiud


Yield oo:L~dit~om for a w.i.dc class of mater.ials whoseplastic behaviour dependson h.ydm5tdi<C p!tt3snrurntl!.ylJe d~8CI'ii.'lbed bYI.'i(Jji.iIii.tiOfi:li of ]()ta.tiooally symmemc surfaces jiil the spaee of mdnc;inal s1:res:ses: witlt tlte: .wmm~r'" altUS a'[ "" 0':" = a», 'Th.eir ueneral form ~\S, fl (F (J' \ =: 0.

~f''' .. ,11:"'"'-- _, '.'. • -' ",J ' ". ,}.". - .c - oJ;. .. "t:- .'.- ' .. \ <lR>!I ~! ' -:r


The :p(iiiSsibilltt}'o[ gs;ne[a!i2ing the Hube['·M!:ses~Hencky~ieM !()(}lm.dit~(iiii1 0" G = (;10118(. [0 the form ,,,.~ "" /(,Qi":rd was fiest noticed in ]9'26 by Mises iiill. the dU!EusS'iail of thEJ Lode paper 1:11]; and then b~' lode [l 8] .. Howevtl',llile firs; effective: Iormulation 0] saeh a condition lID! generat form was gi"~n!i. by :BlII]fzyl)~k~ jl!i! 9.2:8 - 29 [19]. ,(20). akh\tl; into (l,O(C)Un[ the simpHcity of the flnal formulae, :~,~ restricted thf! gB!Dlli.Itilil. flllmlcl!:~on J(d'~, Cl"e) ;;;;;; (!I 1:0 a tlnee-parameter ·DOIIlditiQr.!

,,- :l: ..!..B,.,,2 _1_ ,'C' "'" -'1 - '0

l'1oD',:;: L·· .... ;or,: -.. ""til . ~ ,


AssllUnin:g that I!Jrue yield surface is detarmiaed b:1I '~h£i fo'ilowil'lig theee teM;~:. l!luw:xial '~[k'$i:O~l (yieM stress (i'{4.). uniaxial oon!J.PJ!.I;~:'5skm (a-fl-), and simplt sJi,ear (TO); Burzynski evahiated the eonstauss A) B; C; finally


"Ibis eqlllfl.tiomi describes :il1!~ht:: spaceof principal. 3~!Jje:::5eS a.J'I eIlip~oid (if 311) 2 > 0'0+ (l"iI)-). Of ;a hypel'bo:.!oid {if .3TtJ2 < (1"1).+0"(1-,. but this Ca:S0 is [ather witho'ut prud~CR!. meaning). Bmzy~;s.ll;i [19'], p,. [:51, considered also some ]J~n-tio(;ulal" eases of the relation between 7(J.JJ, 0"0+. run_d(V()~ . .( then due mumiberof i'rldepe'[j;deII~ p~:u~me~,e'I'3 is reduced to two). A:5SU!!:l1i.l'l£; TJ:)VS as a g_eo"t1~ert.rle mean (if G" + and ""!!l-.



then, after ex.tracdngL11e root, he oibtaiood $Lein::I:~la:t co:n.e

..!.. oil .fTD- - '(](I;+ .' _ 2 "'0+ 0"0- _'-"

O"B • CI ll'ffi - u ..

O"o~ +0"(1+ Oil)_ + (l"~+

He discussed also an Mithmetvo mean but s~.ated 't!h~t tl'ilil> case is, not particalarly ~_ntel["e:'lbl:lg .. F~Ttl:t~U, if .;J!a- :;;;;; 0'(1+ ;;;;;; ,(1(j and! f'o "" flO! ';s1, then thege~era] yielJd. ~,lluJaoe ~lS) tums ]D1to~'hc Hu ber-Mises-Heneky circular C'yl~_fjdeT, Tile relevant lJ:mitcurves. in ulite BUlZyn:dd pialile 0':"", - Q'f!' (genei"~tol~S:) a~f:': s1:!ewili in Fri£!;. I. The iti1li~Jet.i:ill under m:msidil1;H!I.tioll show'S, ill gslll.j1jT:l!I-; different p~::f!;stk pn:;,pf.J:~ies in tension and compression, Q"O+ ~ 0"1)-, Such a phcruJ:illi.tIJi.()il'i is bei:llIg called ":mreil!lltlHjljf'fE!r,(lfit~al effe:cf' (IDituclk,er [2 ]]~., or '·iil.l!]i!l<06eJD"i~.u'i'lty" (Z~oww I~'J)-

The .~c:nernl ,cquat:iol1 O,B) or :u~s parliclIl(l![i' cases 'Were later proposed - mere or less. ioode~flde!.Jidy - iJy many 3U~irt{):rS • An exlAln:s;lvG ltS,11 of .rdl1::J:01IDfiS is gji.'0ll'n byZyczkQ'wski [9,], Here '~lfe mention just same: mote important, rnt~er .Q~.a.er SOlH't;(:S.

Eq!latJ!O'i'i (28) was :S,'tilg_gestoo in 1931 by ¥a~n [221, and ill. 193:!l by Re!'ldl!l~:rc [231- BC!.U~.ti:~!i ,o:f LIITiG; @!l!l':lI bQ.lo~d (30)~ discussed in d.et~Hby :B.ur:zynski in dle full f'\;)liilh version I[ 19]. butnot ill the German SII.lJ:mna if [20], was mef:);tioned in 19'30 'by Sandel [14], iii 1931 iiJy Balandia (2SJ and widely dmrdoped i:n ill. series 'Of papers. [2~] - [[29]1 by Torre, Tille lequ1l:tk),o of the cone {32}


llu rz~n.I--Dr!J' k.~-"""~'." oO~

-oJ'g-Il 0

was, developed in '1934 by Klebowski [30], in 1940 by Botkin [:m. and in 1,952, b .. Drucker and Prager [3.2] (the lastreferenee is the most often quoted in the :literatu.l'e - the authors gave detailed anaJY'Sl'S, Qfpb ticity equations based on this condition). In the present paper we discuss flrst the general ease of tile: Bm:zynski yield condiuon, and then pay rome al:.t~llrtion to the paraboloid, [lJ1!Lm.o;,(j[lit'!il<re t~ BurzyruJd-Torre 'yaeld ,oondition"

Ottosen and RlUne~S!o;n [4] considered in detal1 four particulat cases of yi~id OOfidhio!ls:

Bunyrnski.Ptagcr.Dl'ILu::I;:'!::r (called there the Drucker-Prager yield, condition), Huber-MisesHencky, ,Rankine and Coulomb. An these conditioas have one common .fealur~: the .fi.:~lictiOilS F(O';j,) are homogeneous, or at Jga!i,'~ seiJiti.no,m.og;e.fi¢OUS, (If the llL'st degree wildl respect to (he arguments aq_ We call. a ~iunc:[ci,cm. :li.omo;gelil,em]s of the: first degree if


holds for any multiptie:L" k; aJ.Jd seeri-homogeneous if. (33) ho,ldB [of non-negative k and does not hold for negative k: Conversely, it is soon that the nurzyns,' fllJ eiions {27), (28) and (30) do not comorm to homogenei~y, and -Dllily (32) is semi-hnmcgeueeus, as il was mentioned above. Thl Cad brings some addi.rional difr.tl1ll~iti>.

ln order to evaluate the critical h.a[',derlli:t'tg modulus Jr., and in pSJrticular die' modalus {If discontinuous bifurcariens IF', we need to differentiat» the yield condition with. respect to stress components or '1:00 principal stresses" Differerrl,ia'l.iiol1 of (2.:8) is ii'~'Il.ef shn,p~e;, namely we ,o,lM~

dP 0(\+171\1- .(' a'D+"'G-"),

J~j = "'_ =~$tJ +2 .3 -~ .. O'm.(jij + (0"(1- - 0"11+) &;;

UU'ij "'f) . "0





F'WTitUlie.rr, we assume that '~~,e p!3IsitJic iPoten[i.a~ Gp is deacribedby frb.e same Eq, (28), ~ut in gelll.e· nil I, with ather constants: instead of 0iJ.+, "'0- and 1'0, we ,as:S,ULne ha.G~ the constants G-D+ 'I Jo&:IiiI.d fo. If they 1:UIi:,hrl turn, equal to each otner,'!.Mil. obtaiu ~!he ;lJssoi;:lm,ed iiow rnle,;;!!l.~d :if iFo- ,,,,, cJ.n+. and 7", = 0"0+ ../3, we' 0 lM:i:!ijj~11'IMic incompressibility. The;L~ the dl;'i\r:Ua toriccompoI'I~IlIt.~ of the diBriva'ni'll'es mi are eq.liIa~



in this case !:J = CWMt. VOIUlJfl.etr.1c stradn rates 0' .. are, :i,~ ge'Aer.a], es;M:nl:i~n)' dilf>i.::n;ut' from f~.

For e.,''tamlPle, consider 'I:fl.!.'l case rll), it means


Tbese fonnulae ma,y ibe ,rogard)(lo as correct jntS~ at the onset ,oif yielding, ~U~ they do wH deserihe CQil::IT«:dy the case 'O;fP~Mti,C hfl.oo.eITing, To Olbit:m:~!i:1! i,'l, COJH:>O( {lege[',ip[]'b,n we iua'lle' to ,Present (28) in !:Jll1othc:.r fonn, and namely by iutroci!!.!l.ciug. the notion ,f:}f reduced stress, :Iit.y the. reduced slIre!lS weundersrend tbart!: ~1:~~.si~J l,.IJ)iaxiaJ.~e'illlSi():I1 O"roj which, f'l''Om U:l.~ paint ,a:f view of plastic be]}av]olll under :simple. J@aJding and in flClI;;ordal1~ with tht'l fa!~ure l1iy'pot:lles:i~ adop~cd, ]S eq niY~.k.J.l1:t to HillE si:'il€l1 ge;ne[8:I. ;sta'~ of stress,


In order '~CI p~l:lt (28:) in $eJni.hlOm(tigene~u:3 Form of the futst degree, necessery to d~if'ib~ properly i::;;otropLcplastic ~ill\d~ni]'lg, we :ul~lrodlJlce the' reduced stress gQiing the WI!iI)' described 'by Z~C2kQ'~,r.51H [9], !P- 1'1.. Nam,!dy, fi:rrst WGi 1~:l:prl.iSsaH tho!) ),iel.dl stresses in comparative states (uniaxial oom~io,tiLt ~efi[ f1ild SCI on) as frSiC~OI.!JS(jif d:te yieild stress in U11ria::-::ial tension 0'0+ :,;: 0'(1_" In 01;1[' ,~se W~ introduee two dirn~r]~iQ!1I~~, parameters


:.:,~=-, 0'0

andrewrite (28) in the, form,


N OW\I/e solve this ~"(tlJj;,'i'~ion with. r,e:spI;M to 0'0 and den.ot.epofiiMve so]UtlQtli by O'wt (l'ed~c:ed :!i,~r-e3S):


Rm::leed., ill ... ~~, (J ,,,.:I - 0'0, = Qli descL'ij,bes l~hG ~:DiI:i.~i!:'!] y.i:rud condition, an .. d (44) is sf,lj]'Ji.homogenoous of the :ff]rs~dl,'jgre>e, hence 'ihe relevanr yiei]cl surface 1·5 subiectto :p:r-QIJonion:d eXran~QI1 with i:tl!creus:illg stress composents. Of COI1r.s.e; an additlenal li;:ililem1:li'~:ic. oampo!l1f!nt of :pbl:5,tnlc. lla!!1rneU!intg :may 'be intredueed nl1.!!.I~l,.IIalway t,op>lii.ci!fi,@; CJ# by "active stresses" o:~! - '~f.

Now, if~ regard 1(44) a.:[i.llie fnnetio.11 .F" tke.n the deIlva.tive8, !j,J, ff} and J~; are equal

" {~" - 1 i [ ... ~ 'il..t,Jl'] "'on·}·· . "i'!-t $'f.J

Ai = ... -,-,- +;;;;-. 3(l<'>o;; +.1) - 4--:z R" ..... ~j + ~iO ,

I 2)1;.,: 1IM.t, ;;I .• " . _ }o;'.l' .1"

'i,1 1) '=I' [ '" 1>"]

oJ\:%c - , } ..:J •.. .. ,':l . ">i; 17m

f" "'" 2 + ~ ::t(v.., + 1) - .a~2 1"."

Me .::I{~. 'X~. ' 'l,.




Easily i~ 'IDaI' be showntha t ifO':rea - a'1jJ ;;;;;; 0; then thJe j;ig~t ... hand sidf$ of the formulae (~;5)., (41§},. and (4J}ar,~ proportionaltc (34}, (35), flJi:'i(] (36). r,e;spocliwiy, :l!Jlull!ely, we obtaln (3~+ 36) if we mruil;i:p1y (45 +47) by l~ = R(I'td, .it 111le~ns b:y 3. \o"a[]able f<1!~wr,

Further, we ~SIJ,]jIDe astheelasric potero:tl~~ Gop the same function (44). but 'wJitib tful.e cocffi· cif':[1JIS "Me ant! Xs defined! similarlyto (42» .. Compering ~ 41,;) witl'a. the mev,ant [o:rr-muJa for ;i']ij 'We' evaluare the ooefficient {j in ,( 19), namely



where.R :is dcfl.il.~d by (48.) with Me and ~ .. I'e,p~;a'Cf;X! by X" ~iI1d R.. respe~tlrvely. His seen that for the present form of the y]eJ.d. conditien and {)f tmit plaMi(: potential J1 d!~:pe:m1I.ds on (\Iii' th()!II~k for t~ pr~~QI.~'lg fQUll ,,~ was eonstaat, (3:3).

lit nrmy also be shown, ilfier :m-it"N.e 11e~m:am;e~J<e.nts, that :if o''"R\ - 0)) = 0, tlliemt ~he III.equality (39) does :tlKH change, lNH tM formala fo.t HdIt, (4:0). dlill:!lges e~lliliiil]y., uamely by a v:adaMe 111 !!lHiplieJ: aceordiag t(:l the JisC\llssiolii .given in the APP'E'llclux, MmooYer, if UI'fJd ex.cm:xiti,Jc)' as: .it is,typical. for is~trD'pic plastl.chAroe~i1g, the differesees are evelQ mose <esser.taiaL For exampte, theangle ,f) dle~-e.[minoo. ~y (4T) wou'ld cha!l,§e< with proportioluny~llcrea:si:!li.g stresses, which is false; tile relevant rOrtfLllla, t!;iiset! 0[[ {.:IS + 47)~.V'iiS 'OOIroo1:~y to,ns~all~ values of {t characterjstic for di.soo:!l.tinuousbrllfuru:ltio:i'I:S, In whar fol~.owfl, we restrict our cousideratiens [0 rue lElIltZ,:dllski- TONe j)arrai;Jolokt

, 1I)i'W(!iJlJtiIJjU~li!S bjj'llln::atJ.~IJlS: Wt .. ler tdal'daL stress f. the IhU'zy~!S::_~ 'I~m;e yiiic~tli ()lim.ditr0n

The formulae derived above are mucll simrJi.fled if WC1:I:5"mm.c (29) both for P ana GI' and confine aur considara ti()llS to the iBnrlytLw" Torre palt'a bolol(j, Then we obtain



J. '3 8~;i

u= 'R"



SiIl1dlar formulae hold for ,{J]j and Ii wiili ~ replaced by rto; moreover, J' .,; Rj R. For eKfl:mpie, consider U1e case {12}. it maans

( - ') J"" c, ' 1 + v { M..- 1[,... 3 (" 'I 1 -1/ C:n .. = ".5lm +- 3Yolln + ~ . -;;;::- :U + ' .. 111' - I, O"m

~rr!b '1 {' ]' ~ 1 '}:!

.f:.! '". . ''H" -.... '. x.- .s: , ~.

--=. ,,·.- .. -[R+3(·»! -1)0 '---IR+.?,:t". -1)" I"

E SO - .!I)RR. lot[' "". Tn] ,x., \:"". '"'.


wWclt a~~Q' determines !he, HMH yield cOi1ldH:.iollJ and or.LIy this cOllditio[l (SInDe the first hnllcket cannot be sqll!ail to zero) and di1iel'e~1tia~!ng it we fho.d a variabie rnl!Jitjlp~ier and tllJ,e le.rig~ifi. (Iii the $ra(h(:;fit does not determine properly lhe rate of steepest asoe'llit Such ,oo!Jiside,miiomloQk!J'l.I.:reiy a~~d!emk;. ibm, in general, this is nM.mg case: for example, t:h.e hNiplic:ite-qu@tion of '((lite B'ltlfZyrglb~Tone ~:rn:~QIQjd (:3{~) £s ~el1d!liHy dlffcl(':n.t from (44) ""'iiith ;:,;ubsdmmd. {29~, ,{l,rild. t1\ie derivatives diffen by a vsriable l:Ilullh,:~liel~_

Ifwe s!U!ootim[·e (l2.) ]tlto ~ S} and (2}!~h!'=,n in the final f{]Jurl/uk!. for nffo~ ~ll m;lJJ~iph>t;:r5 o:f /;j and g~J ate; ;slJlbjt'>l;tt()cit~oelHa.tioil~ and the- lesl,.!l~ dO'BS not de.pel1d ,0'[[ [b::~orm OIt F and Gvo as it should take pbce. 01'] theother hand, in jj:~e deflnhion of the gener,alj:zoo pitt'Stic modulus 1I,. (5)., &'~h .<1. canceJ~tio'.l does not OCCur, and ihetlct Bus t'l:M d.::fined UII~qlllcly .. EV~L) the sag:n of H moil.)' ,cli<l!uge if we cibange the sig,n of For G1" which isadmesible, C:[, (Al}, This is a 011:[tajn dlefioeiiency of the d,efmiti.oll of R and 'it should! be re:l1twv..edi by III oe1'uin addi!i(j[ll~l eonvention i~os:ed 00[1 F aad Gp•

Two such C(}ll'iitmtJ,Ons seera til) be jlt!l:s.tified, Fint, we may ifih-,oduoo the n()t~,on ofru(hI~d stress U,rod, ~siifi [,!\if p'i'estFJ.t ]K~,pet." and write the yi,Bl,d ,oondiiti,o't'! in tbe fQrll!1 G'Hd - O"ij "" I), Th,en at uulaxial tension we ha;ve always (JF/8ul "'"' L Seeond, we may use tile unit external L1Qrma~,

where the :l,ign shoald be choseuin such a. wa.y as to elll'S1lL!1re ,e:.d'€Tilai sense of tile 1l{l1'n~<d; 'l:b.ell lui" I """ 1- he OOVOllltlge of thf::fijrli,~ appro8!cJJt. IcS, Q;;O.!llllbCted willi de.'lcr.tpliml or iSQ'tr9])ic. hardenh~g:, 1!JIIJd ins dmwIDack- wiidt I'ossibJe d]fficulties of a:na.]ytk:ad soluticn of the relevant (;"lIl]~t.i(lJill. 'l'i,ritiILre$PQC:~ '~,() (1"0. Th~ <l.{i.Y<l.r:dage ofl.ililiZ second i1[p:p[iQ;a,ch is tbait i!msl.y eff~Uve1y be. used f()l§ a_o,y basic fUJJ,ctk"fiS F and Gil" but the resu:liIS ere usually mosecomplicated. ln the present paper weused fne fi:r~lawr'[)a.dJJ, Wi~hollt such a eO'nvefitiofi the fo,tm.lJIi.a.e for .ge,nern]j"ed! pla:s,lic: modllilllS 11 an: I1JGlt lllrliq ue,

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