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SOLUTIONS — INTERMEDIATE DIVISION 2 e 1 2005 + 5002 = 7007, In the diagram, the two angles 2° are eqnal as they are correspond ing angles. Then x? + 130° = 180° and so. = 50, hence (B). (Also 39) ‘The lesson started 55 minutes before 10:10am, at 9:15am, hence (A), (Alternative ‘The perimeters of the shapes are (in centimetres), 12, 10, 12, 12 and 12. ) (B) 44. x 2 So the smallest perimeter is 10cm, henee (B) (Altemative 2) ce all the shapes are made up from five squares, the one with mallest perimeter will be the one with the most sides inside the shape, and that is B, which has 5 while the others have 4, hence (B). 1200 + 40 = 30, 240+ 8 = 30, hence (0). Iso J14) s Since the diagonals divide the square into 4 equal parts, the area f the square is 4 x 16 = 64 square units and the side has length 8 units. The perimeter is then 4 x 8 = 32 units, hence (D)) (Also $3) 1 1 2_9 egpprttyaltaep hence (B). (Also $5) ‘The number #8u = 100t + 10x 8 + u = 100 + 80-+u, hence (E). (Also J12) he average of 6 numbers is 4.5 so their sum is 6 x 4.5 = 27. When ‘the two extra numbers are added the sum is 8 x 4.5 = 36, s0 the sum of the two extra numbers is 9, hence (B) 45 10. (Also $8) 1e wheel with the larger diameter will rotate less than the wheel 1e smaller diameter, so the difference in the number of rev- joumey of 1800km is the number of (200cm diameter) minus the num- ber of rotations of the larger wheel (diameter 225 cm) ‘This difference 1800 x 1000 x 100 _ 1800 x 1000 x 100 = 200 225 = 900000 ~ 800000 = 100000, hence (D) 11, (Also J13) Let the 3 smallest numbers be a, a+1anda+2. Thena+a+1+ o+2=33, 3a = 30 and a= 10. Hence the numbers are 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and the sum of the largest 3 is 45, hence (F)) 12. The area of APQR is the area of the rectangle PXYZ less the areas of the triangles PXR, RYQ and PQZ. PREEZe So 1 1 1 area APQR = 4x6—5x6x3—ZXx1x5—5xIx4 = M-(9+25+2) = 10.5cm?, hence (B) 13. The plane from Montreal arrives at 2am Montreal time, so the journey takes 7 hours, So the return flight would arrive in Montreal at 6pm Paris time, which is noon Montreal time, hence (A) 14, (Also $13) ‘The outcomes for the digits to be a perfect square are: (3.6), (4, i possible outcomes, so the probability is hence (B). 15. Let the dimensions of the first rectangle be (x +) x y and the folded one be w x v. vy) —*—> y eeaeeiaearaal . ‘Then 22H pe ee y= 2? hence (E). 16. Let the distance be d and the speed of the aircraft be ». Then, a 5 ince d= vt, we have S = t= 3. 5 wehave # = ¢= 3 “When the speed increases by 20%, the new speed is, 2 ‘The time taken then is olga i a7. 18. So the new time is 2hrs and 5 hence (B). (Also $14) Let the area of the shaded portion be 2, so the area of the white portion is x and the part of the square not visible also has area 2. ‘Then 32 = 12 and 2 = 4. Let the side of the shaded rectangle be y. Then 5 xy? =4and vss ‘The length of the fold line UV is the hypotonuse I of the isosceles triangle with two equal sides length y. So [? = y?+y? = %y? = 16 and |= 4, hence (A). (Also J24) Note that 11 = 3 x 37. So we have 11 =3x37 222=3x 74 3333x111 444=3%x 148 555 = 3 x 185, 606 = 3 x 222 TIT =3 x 259 888 = 3 x 296 999 = 3 x 333. this we can sec that the only case where the second digit in case shown, so the number is 148 and the sum of the digits is 13, hence (C). 4R 19. It is easy to see from the diagram that the fold must bf lit bie center of the middle pieve after the cut. One such cut is shown. cut Since the cuts must result in lengths in the ratio 1: 2: 3, the possible cuts, from the end 12, and the distance of the fold from ‘the same end are as foll BRON oe “This tellus that the fold 5 from this end-allows two cuts, as does 7 from this end. ‘The diagram below shows a diffferent cut to the same fold illus: trated above. ‘This gives cuts as follows: through 2 and 6 with a fold 4 from the 12 end; through 2 and 8 with a fold 5 from the 12 end; through 4 and 6 with a fold 5 from the 12 end through 4 and 10 with fold 7 from the 12 end; through 6 and 8 with a fold 7 from the 12 end through 6 and 10 with a fold 8 from the 12 end. So there are 4 different folds and 6 different cuts, hence (B)- 49 20. As PQRS is a parallelogram, the triangles PML and RMS are ngular and hence similar, PM _PL Then 7a = FS = hence (A). 21. (Also S16) Let the train from Canberra be at @ point P at 12:40 pm, when the other train leaves Sydney. ‘The train from Sydney will reach P at the same time the train from Canberra arrives at Sydney, that is at 3:30pm, which is 170 minutes later than the first train arrived at P. ce both trains travelled at the same speed, they passed at the mid-point between P and Sydney, 85 minutes after 12:40pm, at 2:05 pm, hence (C). 22, S18) Consider 5-digit numbers starting with 2. The following tree dia gram shows there are 4 such numbers starting with 2. Ina similar manner, we get 4 starting with 1, 8 with 3, 4 with 4, 4 with 5, 8 with 6, 4 with 7, 4 with 8 and 6 with 9, giving a total of 50 23. 24, 44448+44448444445 = 45 such numbers, hence (D). (Also $22) Using the fact that the four outer triangles are si obtain the additional dimensions as shown on the figure. ‘The area of the shaded rectangle is ay. From the triangle on the top we ‘From the triangle on the right we get 99 245 po2 yi 2k = 36+ ei” ao vi “8 ‘The area of the rectangle is = and tess then 8 ‘This is greater than 75 we hence (D). (also J25) F Here it is easier to find the maximum number of pairs of mumbers ‘which will not divide each other. Consider the case where the 5 and 7 are next to each other. ‘As 1 divides all others, place the 1 in the centre square which has ‘a common edge with 4 other squares. ‘As 5 and 7 do not divide any other mumbers, they must share an ‘edge with at least 2 other numbers, so there is a minimum of 3 5t 25. pairs which will not divide one another. 2/4 ]8 6ji]7 3 |9 | 5 ‘The diagram shows that this minimum of 3 is attainable, ‘Now consider the case where the 5 and 7 each have a common edge with 1. You then have the remaining numbers with 7 common edges, Of the remaining numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, the pairs where one divides the other are (2,4) ere must be at least one giving 8 ps So, in each case there are 3 pairs where one does not divide the otl ‘The total number of pairs is 12 and so the maximum number of pairs where one divides the other is then 12-3 =9. hence (C). ‘The angle sum of a polygon with n sides is n x 180 — 2 x 180 = — 2) x 180, so it is not possible to have n or n — I reflex angles nsided polygon. Hence an upper bound for the number of reflex angles is n—3, and the diagram below shows that n ~3 is possible. 59 26. P x ‘Phere are n—3 reflex angles at Q, R, $, ++, W, and 3 acute angles complete the polygon, hence (©) (Also $26) * Label the three pieces as shown. Deperiding on the angle of the cut, A may be bigger than C or vice versa, but whatever the angle it ig clear that one of them is going to be smaller than B. 10 So, if the cut does not go through the inside corner, it possible to make my piece bigger by moving the cut a sm: to the left, but parailel to the old one. So, for my best solution. I know the cut must go through the comer. 53 is easy to see that my piece will be Cand that this can be improved by making a small clockwise adjustment to the direction of the cut. So my optimum ion is of the third type. Start at the limiting position, rotate the cut clockwise and see what happens. At the starting position, Cis smaller than A and s0 is my piece. As the cut rotates, C gets bigger and A gets smnaller (smoothly), approaching where A is very small and clearly smaller than C, in same size. If we write the dimension as shown: 4 ar. 28. ‘We see that the area of A is 20x and the area of C is 100 ~ 5x, Equating these gives x = 4 and my piece is either A or C, of equal minimum area 80cm. So my largest possible piece is 80cm? Kim is using a credit card, so she can choose only 4 of the 7 check- outs. Kath and Sharon can use any of the 7 checkouts. So, as order does not matter, the number of ways they can choose the checkouts is 4x Tx T= 196. Consider the square PQRS of side Im, P Ea Clearly there are points on the sides which are Lm apart, so at least 2 1 colours are needed. Consider the equilateral trian LMN where each side is 1m, This shows that there are three points, L, ‘M and N which are 1m from each other, so they must each be a differ- s Ie ent colour, so 3 colours are needed. N ‘The following diagram shows a suitable colouring with 3 colours. Consider » square ABCD of side 1m. Put the points P, Q, R and $ on the sides of the square such that PQ = SR = 1 and PB=BQ=RD=DS. Then Pp=sq=Rp-ps=% 55 Also, as AP PS and QR<1 ‘The volume of that portion is AS =QC =CR=1- ‘are id its of the sides of the square of colours needed is 3, os 80. (Also J30 & $30) The integer cannot be odd. Otherwise all its divisors would be odd and the sum of the four squares of its divisors even, yielding est two divisors must be 1 and 2. ast be 4 or a prime p. It cannot be 1us, the smallest three divisors are 1, 2 and an odd prime p. Since the sum is even, the remaining divisor is 2p. Thus the number is equ to 1444p? + 4p? = 5(1 +p’). Since p does not divide 1+ p?, it must divide (and so be equal to) 5. ‘The number is 5 x 26 = 190 = 1x 2x 5 x 13, and so the largest ime divisor is 13. ki Woong Kwon, wha sat the Intermediate Division pop ‘ond Prudence Certificate by Couneillor Allan Ezzy, Mayor of Holroyd Coun presentation in Sydney 2008. 97

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