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Teacher Interview:

1. How do you write a typical lesson plan?

Now I use the Ubd documents provided by the county and create
teaching points based on those. I model the teaching point, do a guided
practice, then independent work for workshop. I dont do as many detail
plans as I did in college.
2. What types of materials do you need available when you plan
I try to incorporate as much technology as I can. I look for graphic
organizers to practice skills and brush up on things I have taught in the
past. I also try to find books for ELA. Having a ton of books is key for an
ELA teacher.
3. In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual differences in
the classroom?
In small group I accommodate for differences by going grade levels
above or below to teach a skill. Also, having books on students reading
level is key.
4. What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?
Having enough time to see everyone especially the kids that go
our for special services daily.
5. What have been some of your instructional successes as a teacher?
Gaining confidence, increasing reading levels for students, showing
growth for 90% of students.
6. What do you consider essential characteristics for successful
Access to resources and great classroom management.
7. How often do your students receive social studies/science
Students receive science instruction almost 3-4 times a week
because we are a STEM School. Students receive social studies
instruction once a week, depending on the ELA unit. With the Civil War
Unit we are currently in, they get it everyday.
8. Are you satisfied with the amount of time that you currently allot for
social studies/science instruction? Explain.

More for Social Studies than Science, I wish we had more time.
Because it is at the end of the our day, it may get pushed back because of
other activities.
9. What does reading instruction look like in your classroom (e.g.
readers workshop, basals, etc.)?
For reading instruction, I use readers workshop. I try to make it
very creative. I try to incorporate a lot of technology with digital books,
read alouds, and interactive activities.
10. What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?
I read books they are interested in, come up with fun and creative
projects, and show them that I enjoy it as well. I try and make things
relatable and talk to them on their level, show them reading is important.
11. What are the class rules? How is student behavior monitored? In
what ways is positive behavior reinforced? In what ways are negative
behaviors prevented? Please tell me about the consequences for
negative behavior.
I have only 5 class rules. The first is be kind and considerate of
others, which is key. Then, follow directions the first time given, change
tasks quickly, raise your hand before speaking out or getting out of your
seat, and last be respectful of technology. Classroom Management is very
important, if you dont have it you will NOT be able to teach.
12. Please tell me about the pacing of lessons and interaction in the
classroom, use of time, wait time, and time using teacher talk and
student talk. What works well with your students?
Showing that you care, have high expectations of them, and listen
to them. They also love treats and to be rewarded for their hard work.
13. What is your favorite topic to teach and why?
I love ELA it is my passion. I love delving into books with my
students and having honest conversations about how books apply to their
real life.
My teachers responses to these interview questions have helped
me to get more insight into her classroom and how she runs it. I can
tell that she really cares about her students because she really tries to
incorporate their interests into her lessons and into other aspects of
the classroom. I really like the classroom rules she has set. I think that
it is very important that her first rule is to be kind and considerate of

others because if students treat each other well and show respect, the
classroom will run more smoothly. I also like that she only has five
rules. If you have a long list of rules, then students will, most likely,
just ignore them all. If you just establish a few rules that you allow
your students to help you create, then you are more likely to have a
positive environment in your classroom. I wish she had more time to
teach social studies, but I like that she is able to integrate it into other
content areas.

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