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«af affine Vocal by vetignation, heath o¢ wemovaly dar efeabion po fill, Vacarey mutt be held within 6 months + + Jn ease of Vacorey , vP dole at president L tmabeence of IP, CIT OF Senior rest Judge att of president => “Lmpeodine end % + Peticlert Con be Gemoveat fom offre by a puoceee off |rmpeoclinren fou * VialaHton of donttHubion ? + fin impeachmerd le Fouad -judiclal’ piotedine jy the Poclitamords + Nom! The Impeachmerd charges Can be initialed by other Paloma J a al + These, chaiges mutt be aJgneal by not tet than Va of He Agtal rmembeg f the at. Iu doye pulan notice must he giver 46 Prenit vik bafete il - . After the fesaluior fe patiedk by rrajawty of 2/4 of Aoted ivenabiell ig thal Ue Sent to the other “house y ubjeb investrg ates She Chatpet« + af one toute alto Sustalns charg x4 L pau doralblon by 7 af majatly , the Puetidend Stand uemoved + + Nominadest mem bec of bath the “routel of paiament abe paacipalion im bwepeachneck «Pleated rnermbett + Norlrakedd mem best of Stee egiefoue da rat pastel pete a> Powers £ funborg > ® — Creative Pweg — + All execubve action, of Grout. ate fournaltty aleen nr WA rome « « He appoids Pad £ othe, pointe - © He oppaires AGI, CMa, Cid eleckon Commisiavied. Chalimen & member f UPSC, governors f Stale 4 chaluman £ members of Hnone Ginmlation: + He aan Beek ery Afoumalton selabing te adda of affors £ Pioposale fe egistobon from peas = He can appoint 0 Comision +e Invectgale tute the Conditiong of Se Se Lothe badewosl cater: * He can appoint on interstate Council te promot Condy - Gece Linder alae Coaperation- + He diedly odwinicteet the OT Magis admitting appotetsd by rn: «He clecfare ny tea BL sche md Serpe Ye The tty ¢ os # bi Powe atta | bal aieag. - Leginlass ive Ronse = + He con Gumnan Gt prapiogue dhe Podiamendt £ Metals Hr Las * He can alfa Summon joie Sitting of both tne tourer: Some of bil sequlrer pala peamluver of Paeciclerd for judo. in the Paublamendd — Money Bill, BU for Creation of New Shift. © He can romivale 12 membur to REL 2 anglo- Indian wembes to LS + Be con addtert the Pulloment ad commencomed of fied Seusion let Goch gervtl elechiovr £ flur Sesion of cach, Year - , / / © He con Prmulgate aidiranree Uther Reliant nal jn Sections 2 He oye dhe Wepad of CAG, Use, Weg Buolget- bofate the Patiamerd - = Diplomabie Paueg- Lrdeinstional Areabies agteemeds, ore neg ati adeal £ entluded o” behalf of puadient- However, dey one subjeck $P the appioval of the Padbiamend- Pres - He 1k the Supteme commarda of He defence fore of India. Pe oppeits the Obags of athe fumy, the Now & the Ais fore He can Bechore wor & Conaluole Peace » subjedk +s appoval of tre Paklament - - wiibttaay ~ Emergerey ued ~ Alsendy dic ousted. 'm Chopte 16° Auhele 352-340. = Tidliclal Powe - He con geart pardon, Aepreve vecpire & emirion of pur Lebrrend @ commie the Serterre of any pecton, if i le given boy [dardles ° © A Cour mastial 5 » for on qffence agin 9 Urton ous Dect erdence - Pandov 2 It meane +0 sot the offender fice ftom Sortense & the Convichiom @t absalvet him compldely - Comndation® ‘te meant gubsiitubbn of one fos fora Jigider for For or Death erftvce impel Sarre Remukion s Be impliee seducing Hye pedo of via Chavgir tis chosafer For ex Lo Yeous Impttsonwmer Con he Gemitted FO $ Yeon « Le meare Aruaadirg a Lee purishmed in plroe of Bigivally aworded clue to special fools - for ex> Physical disable plegnasd- dueren” Repiieve 2 TH mame erparay Suépension of Serrlnee expat Beath gertarve + m a orig honed te Sife ters gerdence waithroud— # Respite 3 — Prordiat Buee - & + Money DLA con be hdieduned! fia the Padlamerd only with de palo Gecammen dation + o He Contes to be Said be fare the the Parliament dhe annud frronalal gtdameds ie Union Budge - « He can malee advances guk the Conlinge roy ford of tdi co meck Avy Urforeteen experchitwe - o He comlitules a firme Commligion gfe euny 5 yea + No demand, Pp grod Com be made rept ov Wid Le commendation . — Ge Gidivonce Maldiy Power CAstidle 1235) ~ * ( Roeorlly inn News ) Tie cuticle empawent the Rietiderd fo pomulpate @rdivarres duuing the fecent f Ramet - + He can promubgae ardinones avy ushen beth the Houses of foubiamierd ate nate In Gextion Gi wher either House of Posliamant i ret ta Sestion- + He can male Gidlenorre oud che ik gahefled Hiad— te Chtarmédanned xl that vole I Necestary fat dum tote \rrmeckicde action: «An cudirance can be tkved only ov these subjects an wher Padlinmer Con make fow- «An Qidivane Ig Subject to Some Contador! Limitahon af On Got of Rashiarnerd- . © The aidirarce Coates +0 operate an the expiey ¢ 6 weeks fiom the seauembly of Pouliannend - © Pregidlerd con witlrdrow @dlromee a am time onthe . advice, f Council of minister headed “by PM- — Vide Pouett Usher a Bild 4 pleterded to the Plesidienk fax “his Betord , che dra Huce allenabver (Ache tit) ¢ G) Give tig used to the bis Of oo (yithbdel hig aeted fo He bills oh Gig) He my elton tho bist (Rrcepl Maney Bill & Contd: Ar! ait) for Vecontiderahon f Rautiarnerd- - “Te abel oft Covfersivg tHe power hr Precidlent Ie two fale! : G) Prevent shacty £ Whe concicletea Geglgbation by the Packamert + ii) To prievesd @ Sepicfatton ushch many he uncong Htubenal- Absaluke Velo : af 0 BIL HL efectect by Ye pletiofercd whey ig paued by the Podiamerd- » ig cable of Abealule Vee. Jn tt Cate thee it death of bills However + President Can exerdlce absaluke velo only on _fattowsiry dy pet of blk 5 Li) A pivale member Bill (i) Guth Beipect to the gout hilte ther cabinet vierignt Gs) Cate biG! Leseeve of by Governor fm corsidatalon of Me Puesidord - Suspersive velo £ Preticterd: eeaclie wie Vda Uwher he fehune a bit fax Secorsiderabon Pashiavrent to the auginating houce once + Hdulid if Calfel Suapersive Vde- Hocwevet 5 jf He but ie pareed! again the Padiawerct With a without Omendnied & again puetertal +te the Pretisot , ih te Abbigaivy efor Progivat to give Ale oued to the billy (Neb in Cage of Money bit Covet > amd: Bill) = Packet Vebo t In Hid Carer the Puesicler neither sabitier eG) dejels nas ubchun He billy but Simple keeps He bisl Perdiirg fos a indefinite pelad. “This po uiec of Pretident rot to take ony adhon Celthet positive a negative) it ontled Packet Veto ( No Pocket Vide in veeped’ of Conttrtabioval Pmerdoert Bist.) Paramentaay FoRoms A 3 The Plu Paullamerdany Fountr on Ulater Conceavaliony & Monageresd og Conitituted In the Yeas 2005: + Patum on Waler Greervalion & Managerret forum of Youbl(2) © Fetum on childker (oace ) = Paum on Population 4 Publie Health (2006 ) © Potum an Guabal Werming £ CUimale Change (2008) © fotum on Digostee Mgt C20 ) > Composition of the forume 5 » Speaket of Lok Sabha be pesicbevd of all the fasums except dhe foum ar Population & Pablie Healkh ushetcin He Chaleenon f Rg ic we president & the Sperber |x the Gx presidents «The Deputy Chalom Deputy Spealac of 13, the concerned Minkg tes & the chaliman of Depadimedalty Related Gavellrg Committien ale dhe ex-offiela Viag — paetiderds of respective forums: « Moximum 81 membesg exdlidirg fuceidord £ ex-offiola vp) out gf uihich a1 fromls & yo ftom Re: Mice: - Paes’ ober! QD Chie 63-71 J He if checked by the members of or clectnial calle ¢ Contictivg of dhe members of bath trouses Padlicuns en + © Tneludes both elected £ nominated membex of Posliarre it © Docenet inclide membess f State fepithabure- o Checks! by Syston copaution: i Sigle a ai ton : "yeast i f DS Mualipicabiong ¢ + He Should be GHizen of Indio’ He Wheuld rave Completed 85 Years of 29 © He drostd trove qualificah'on do become member of Rajya Sabha. Swe ghould nok tald ony office of Right - > The nomination of @ Condlislale for election to office of VP must be subsalbed by at feast 20 efechaw as fuspasos £ 20 ota at Gatonaden Eveay Cndidate that to make Secuty Beposi t+ of F 15000 In ROT > dolh VP 1 Administered by He Pregidord af gone pesson appointed in that booaf by Hin" 3 He ghould nat be a member of either House of Patiamornd aa rouse ff the Slate fosivloduse » > Tem of ofpiee 3 = NP tafdt office fo a teen of five yout prow dale on Woh he evdau upord Wh, office - 2s He am be removed by a uetalubion of Rajya Sabha by an aholute Majoslty Cres Majaity of Achat Total Gherght of Hote) L agreed by the LS Cue Simple majority ) © No such uetaubon Gon be moved Unled affeatt iy days @) advance noHee hag beer given’ « He may be elected fox ary num ber of Femme > Vocary im office of VPS + On the explty gf AWA tenwe of 6 yeod: « By his wesignetion 8 On Wh eroval + By He death + Decluent dic qualified by SC- > pil doabls & digpuced jn Covnediton Wilh election of the VP die Wraslied ite € dedded by te SC Ushoce dlecision ig Aival > Powe & Punelione & » Heacde af ex- off teta Chatman of Rajya Sabhay dn Ws Gopecity» Pouress & functions que gimiloe ta those of the Speaker of US” «He ack an Peecictent Ushen a Voeaney Oceust in office of Pas: due do +46 Letigrabion gomayels deat atheewixe + « He can aa at Preside ory fou Q Moxie pesiod of 6 maths - «polite adking ae fuesided 1 VP dose rat pesfourm the dubied of the dfice of the Chaiimon of RS« > Emalumerts > + Gephuten hes ret ised ory evaluyrerds fo VP in Head Opaaity” + He diaue 406 dequlet Caluy,» Copacity ac the & office Chaitinon of te fs. © Usher Odhirg af Puetlded he ik entitled to golory & allowarive of Recciderd- Prime ManistTeR @) TAudle 49,75, FLA) > Adide ts + YB Soys taf He Puime Miniter bhatl be appointed! by he President - o Presi dled shoe to appoint the Jeadle: &f the majority poly In| the LS at Pm » Usher no pay heg a Clea mgaity jn LS. ter the Drecilent Toy ereseite WL pexonal Giceretion in Celechor & appoirdserd « 4 «Le Such gituaborn» Residend= tagetty appoivde Sender of Soucyot- posly @ coahitton in the Ls 6 the PM L ak bin to geek Vale gf Corfiderwe in the Howe within a prod « « Thee K algo one mase ottton Usher presiderd: may trove ta eroselre 4g ‘juclyemerd jn Qelechon 2 Appol rtivient of pi. jee. them Pm diet suddenly tete 4 no Obviou, Quarekat « . Houeets if ep the death Gn ineum bed PM» the guling pasky edhe a view ender, the Peridot hod rm choice but 46 oppoind tir ae PM +A peuon usthe jg not o member of either house of Pasioned- Con be Oppoirded a4 per for 6 Srontht , within “shich tre Ghould became a member 4 either house of Paeldaynent-- PM may bo membe any of the thio sorter of the. Paslioment + «Team of Pra ix not fixed a te thatole offi dialing Hoe pleasute gf whe president. Se forg ag the Prq enjoys the majau'ty Suppo in te LS, she cannot be adler traf by the Resident . —> FuncHone of PM 3 He vecornmedé Petar sho Gn be appointed af minitlet by tHe predkled. + He allocales £ echu/Pler Vovou padfaliess among minishes « + He cor ace a minigte ta wetign at advice Reesidet to dlemta In cote of differonee of opiniorr «He ptebideds Over the mechin € coundll of mintghet & lef lence je declshorg - J «He guidee, deeds » covtiols & conudinaber adkivittes pf oll tre minishste «In cate of uesign oe death ef PM » Count of proln le teeg Alsalver audomabiaatty » * Duby of Pm te Communicate 40 Raeciolet ath deaieiong of Com Uelabieg ta admivistotio, of the offata ff Urions + Pusiier Information ag the Preticlenk rray calf * | fleet Rueddedé ity viegacl to appoirdmend of Important offietate Lee 1s CAG, Chalimen of URE efo. a He adv tees Puegiderd- With Regaioed to Sunnanirg a Prodog eng of dhe cetgiove of te foeliamert- + He announces go polictex on the {float of the frouse- SS Coushtubioral dubfes of py CArkele 167% wo commoricabe 0 Pretdelend alt Oeclttoné f “fo odniintubscHion & proposal! fegivlabion’ + fumigh ixfosmstion Selating 40 adm: of the afl of egivtalion propesels ox Paesiannk mary call « qplics » da gulomi- fo the Serial malt on which a dedéten but vet corsidetod by the of Com velabng the Unior £ Ue Pueskded So t gre councll of mine avy Aros been “leer by mine Couned «

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