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Academica Pro Theme

--------V 1.0.5 (1 September, 2013)
- The built-in Flickr widget has been removed, in favor of third-party p
- Files edited:
- functions.php
- Files removed:
- /functions/theme/widgets/flickrwidget.php
V 1.0.4 (18 June, 2013)
- Fixed an incompatibility issue with Internet Explorer 8.0
- Files edited:
- /functions/theme/config.php
V 1.0.3 (14 June, 2013)
- Fixed Twitter Widget (added compatibility with API version 1.1)
- Files edited:
- /functions/theme/widgets/twitter.php
- Files added:
- /functions/theme/widgets/twitteroauth/OAuth.php
- /functions/theme/widgets/twitteroauth/twitterauth.php
V 1.0.2 (12 June, 2013)
- Fixing the width of [WPZOOM: Facebook Like Box] widget
- Files edited:
- style.css
V 1.0 (18 March, 2013)
- initial release

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