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1937016 (Chung chi 81 online, luyen thi chung hi bt online erg Arh TiengAnhB1-Online Théi gian lam bai: 0 Gid, 24 Phut, 9 Gidy. Chao Ban~ This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. In your next letter, could you give me some advice? Tell me how you keep fit and healthy! Now write a letter to this penfriend in the space below. You should write about 100 words. Dear John, The first and most important issue is not to reduce the food you eat daily. You can change the menu and the way you eat but if you start a diet by yourself, the first thing you'll lose is your health. You can find many good gyms and if you want | can send the names for you in another letter. However, you don't need to go to a gym to stay fit. Some small changes to your life can make a big difference. For example, you can start by walking sometime in the morning or at lunchtime. | hope you don't have any health problem and it would be nice if you went to a doctor for a check up before starting any exercise. Best regards, Faiio John than mén, Van dé dau tién va quan trong nhat khéng phai la gidm bot lugng thife an ma ban an hang ngay. Ban cé thé thay déi thuc don va phuong thifc 4n uéng nhung néu ban bat dau 1 ché d6 an kiéng cho minh, diéu dau tién ban mat day la strc khde. iptiongaiot.cam/QuizAppikyNangVit7 129 we 1937016 (Chung chi 81 online, luyen thi chung hi bt online erg Arh Ban cé thé tim thay nhiéu phong tép thé hinh tét va néu ban muén minh cé thé ké tén cho ban trong bifc thu sau, Tuy nhién, ban khéng can di tap gym dé gidt dang, Mot vai thay déi nhé sé lam nén su khac biét trong cudc s6ng cua ban. Vi du, ban cé thé bat dau tu viéc di bé vao budi sang hoac gid an trua. Minh hy vong ban khéng gap bat ky van dé nao vé sifc khde va né sé tat biét may néu ban dén gap bac si dé kiém tra sitc khe trudc khi bat dau tap luyén. Than di, iptiongaiot.cam/QuizAppikyNangVit7 129

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