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1937016 (Chung chi 81 online, luyen thi chung hi bt online erg Arh TiengAnhB1-Online Théi gian lam bai: 0 Gio, 24 Phut, 40 Gidy. & Chao Ban~ This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. | want to find out about music in your country. Are there many live concerts? What music do you like listening to? Now write a letter to this penfriend in the space below. You should write about 100 words Hello!!! | hope this email finds you well. In your last letter you asked me about music in my country. People in Vietnam listen to all kinds of music such as Pop, rock, ballad, country and so on. Live concerts are held rather often in big cities. Most of them are pop concerts, | live in Hanoi where many concerts by famous singers are organized, so | have many chances to watch them. However, the tickets are very expensive, so | just attend very few. For me, | enjoy Pop. My favourite singer is My Tam. She is one of the best ones in my country. She is beautiful and has many albums with a lot of hit songs. I often spend hours lying in bed and listening to my favourite pop songs by her. What about music in your country? Well, that’s all for now. Yours, Trang Minh hy vong ban van khée. Trong bitc thu gan day ban cé héi minh vé thi hiéu m nhac 6 nudc minh. Ngudi Viet thich nghe moi thé loai nhac nhu Pop, rock, ballad, nhac déng qué va nhiéu loai khac nia. Nhiing budi hda nhac dude té chtic 6 nhiing thanh phé Ién kha thu@ng xuyén. Hau hét la budi héa nhac pop. Minh s6ng 6 Ha Ni ngi rat nhiéu budi hoa nhac dude nhiing ca si néi tiéng t6 chitc, vay nén minh cé rat nhigu dip dé di xem. iptiongaiot.cam/QuizAppikyNangVit7 129 we 1937016 (Chung chi 81 online, luyen thi chung hi bt online erg Arh Tuy nhién, vé vao rat la dat, vay nén minh di xem rat it. Véi minh, ca si nhac pop minh yéu thich nhat la My Tam. Cé dy la 1 trong nhiing nguéi hat hay nhat 6 nuéc minh, Cé dy rat dep lai cé rat nhiéu album véi nhiéu bai hat néi ting. Minh thudng danh ca gid nam trén giudng va nghe nhiing ca khuic yéu thich cla minh ma cé dy hat. Thé con nén am nhac 6 nudc ban thi sao? i, minh ditng but 6 day théi Ban cia ban, iptiongaiot.cam/QuizAppikyNangVit7 129

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