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Vittuul 6 esr Project A PLTW Engineering Project & alin) Virtual Oosign Briefe (Happy Meal Toy) Seo Nomads Ro Prrget Cavan ee wi erates Renters [Design Stntemen Seta, | Team Norms: Virtual Design Team 6 i 5 Communication © — Through email, phone, and Ims © Check at least once a day Meetings: : ; ‘These meetings have to be agreed to by 2 or more people in the virtual group who have decided to meet at a certain time, place, date ,etc. ‘+ fany important information is decided or created at these meetings, and it affects everyone or one said person, then that information must be conveyed to the missing person i here is one. Absences: absent you have no reason to slack off, get work done as soon as possible Extra time will be given so you can finish what needs to be done without penalty General Rules: | F } '* Follow usual school rules (|e. “no bullying") © Takes responsibilty ¢ Dowork on time Updated Gantt chart if you finish any part early or lag behind in anything so that we can accommodate for this —~ Fie Management: The Structure should be: (NAME OF PART)(EDIT#)(YOUR NAME). The numbers should increase each time the part is : ected Process for making designs ship aes eee eee , i y, Vig If you cannot compete a part or other thing then you lose 0.5 points in peer review, and have one day or the weekend to complete it 1 Default 10/10 on weekly evaluation, unless work is made late t Failure to finish work by deadiine results in 1-2 point deduction based on importance of part and 2-3 points taken off if not PAGE Tatas try tam and 2 will begin Fe ware s gin Fe werk an the Gantt thet . ' ( A ‘ Se ge Fain, Malinda devil on + Sahni , ‘ ‘ { + 7. { Sees | tam Mains its my { | Sle (Seetaek 6 +7) NotrmS art siamed, Conte d Bf et 5 Stoo D oC Bein hed (stash sna spit he S bajén te vathon b23 5h Bor yueesllue 3 >feg Contrued tom page 77 BELA klein ve al al) 7) s Throughout the brainstonmig mony Shes Ceres cleted loo wony ASN ferent mares, Eventually we natact i+ Som Wert stn tars | modvesgl he tee Babe ls Mads ledpnlpeted and i f° od rn One ves agedig (bekv) one en Xo—inge Even he Chose the e-wving JAG (int meeting, The | yi rag Lil of Valine) Bed | So, Ny bonded vethoels on the bgttm oF the bol consis + frllessol mish rob bitonbly ard b ge zeulo [ Yialig) Are a Finighat Step / aie | Punches Tabet ia daa ! egen Sh, Communitst ~~, th pomm Sd coger evihits Ch pf %trtatien_ tx; ere a 19 Project Evaluation AV we Our solution was extremely fun and | had a great time making it. However, | believe that of knowledge and usage of inventor. | would have and for my partners Luckily though, we were able to get th constraints. Go the design was a little loved to have a litt often. bit difficult for my tevel He bit more time s to be able to communicate with me more Ne design done and functional and still meet all of the ng back on the idea of the X-Wing, | think we made ita lite bit more dificult Breas nti have been. There were many part that | spent too much tne maling, ard mary trae mere | forgot sbout the “mirror” tool, It was a litle worrying too, when I remember about the constraint where the design had to fit in 3x3xSin area, Luckily, the end, we were able to Pull it off The communication was extremely difficult, Oft communicate for valued amount of time(1-2 da Our communication method(throu Team yor len times teammates would not be able to ys). It was obvious not everyone was checking igh the Ims) 2 times a day as described in our Team Norms. Norms were often ignored by members of our team. The whole “communicate online to ‘ur teammates” | believe was generally worse than interpersonal. However there are some benefits, such as not having to waste time traveling(in the real world) to meet with each other. It was very helpful in allowing me to understand how difficult engineering can be in the real world and this was just a sort of "simulation’ The Gantt Chart was definitely a good idea. | would occasionally check it to make sure everything was on track, but unfortunately that was not always the case. | and my teammates would often ignore the Gantt Chart and get behind, making it difficult and stressful to catch up. 1 think we should have definitely checked it more often. Aber 13 the Fis s ‘* et cot 3 ee ees Nie a Lik

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