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An Integral Approach

Abraham Gonzlez


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An Integral Approach
Abraham Gonzlez


Abraham Gonzlez Lara (2016)

QyDado Publisher (2016)

If that is your wish, you can distribute this material

without restrictions. The author looks for all the
notoriety and fame that he can get to achieve during
his chancy life, even subordinating to such petty
purposes tasty profit making and fortune that normally
should to accompany them, so it would be but ugly it to
use all or some of its contents, without even having the
decency to quote him. It is warned


1. Back to work
2. Infoxication
3. Tracherous emotion
4. Your best bet
5. Postvacational psychodiet
6. Think wrong and get sick!
7. Sublime self-deception
8. Time off
9. Autumnal sadness
10. Identify priorities
11. Who will measure the meter?
12. Build our happiness
13. Intimate sky
14. Coping with loneliness
15. In safe hands
16. Acceptance and comminment
17. Cognitive bias
18. Permanent choice


Continent index

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To those who entrusted me

with the evolution of their souls


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Although he accepted the scientifically rigorous
approach promulgated by Ebbinghaus in s. XIX, Dilthey
was well aware that experimentation left out the
richness and complexity of the psychological experience
of being human. Perhaps that is why psychology has
taken so long to deal with and worry about inequality
and focus their efforts and expertise in trying to
empower the disadvantaged, those unable to adapt to
the shape of a society designed and structured from
That supposedly objective and "neutral" psychology, to
defend Ebbinghaus, had implied the Trojan horse of
reification and manipulation of the human, a poisoned
Quite the contrary, since the integral psychology hope
in humanity to understand each person as future project
is restored, since this discipline anchor their budgets,
beyond remedy and prevention, in the integral
development of those complex possibilities that-the
instinctive, emotional, cognitive, relational and spiritual
offers our transpersonal species.

For those who bear incursionarse in the sacred territory

of the pain itself, this book offers strategies and unique
opportunities for healing, where a space opens to
integrate the thankless experience in everyday life. Heal
that which can never be broken on the anvil of heart
necessary applying only -placebo and chisel nocebo- the
magic of words.
Try to illuminate it with wisdom, sensitivity, insight and
reflection to able to discover, in the shadow of the
inevitable loss, most unexpected: those tolls soul that
make us grow and bear fruit, if we are willing to bitter
trance unearthing slowly our pain and get into the
hollowness that this left in our memory. (Still) Duel.
A look inside that transforms us and gives us heal old
wounds, saying her goodbye with quiet gratitude, to
express love again. Recreate our life incorporating new
values, new perspectives and new priorities in all
aspects of daily life.and awakening to the beauty of
being fully alive and appreciate what is and what vibe
here and now.
There is no better proof of comprehensive healing.
We started
(Final Prlogo 37.0)

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Back to work
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Back to work
At the end a holiday period marked by the realization of
full pleasurable activities of enjoyment and have to face
a whole year of work routine, many overwhelms us a
sense of nostalgia and sadness that prevents us
to concentrate and give 100% until a few days. A
sadness accompanied by anxiety, stress and insomnia
which has occurred in the label as syndrome post
holiday depression.
To successfully overcome (or at least cushion it) we
offer five tips that can help you restore the daily balance.

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Rushing vacation until the last day has its negative

counterpart. If you plan it possible, try not to return the
day before starting work, try to get your home a couple
of days before, so that the change is not so
sudden. Maybe you can visit in the days before your job,
talk with your peers, your boss and even begin to start
some work for a few minutes.
During the first days back at work, you should not have
very high expectations about your job performance. The
change of pace and habits requires a necessary
adaptation process. Try not to push yourself too,
creating your own space transition.
Maybe restore your mind the begin planning your next
vacation, and are, a few days as there are always parties
and bridges in the work schedule. In any case it is
increasingly used method from vacation days in two
small blocks of 15 days to not spend every day free
once. Two weeks are enjoyed but not to the point of
work disconnect. You will also have in mind that you
still have another extended period of holiday to enjoy.
Enter into the routine of your everyday small
distractions during off hours, doing some of the
activities that made you enjoy during the holidays, as
the practice of sports or eating out.
Consider every weekend as an extra holiday
minidose. In two weeks you'll never feel fully integrated
and work performance, especially if you do a job you
like. Guaranteed.
(Final Captulo 37.1)

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In this age of information overload, where the real and
the virtual are exchanged and influence each other
through blogs like this, social networking, news portals,
YouTube, WhatsApp, etc., our attention span is seriously
affected by the endless demands, minute by minute,
sprout around us. Far from a post or dare with the full
story, read the headlines and hastily review the content
to decide if worth the effort to share it between "our"
and speak of a pandemic Attention Deficit Disorder with
Hyperactivity in our society.
(Thank you for your attention. Now simply disconnect
and return to life.)

(Final Captulo 37.2)

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Tracherous emotion
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Treacherous emotion
Emotionally hypersensitive and empathic people (1 in
5) are willing victims of the intense impact of a media
environment (news, social networks) prone to
emphasize those contents and stories that refer directly
to the feelings to encourage virality. This personality
trait is more favored than others in community groups
more individualistic aspect criminalizing emotional
expression as a sign of weakness.Also the people who
own ADRA2b and CHRNA4 variants in their genome
showed greater neurological capacity for emotional
response to unpleasant or threatening stimuli or
tendency to respond to anxiety about the uncertainty
and lack of control which is facing a new situation.

- 21 -

The behavior human responds to a complex and

intricate interplay of genetic and environmental
influences that shape us from the prenatal stage,
although it gives greater weight of the latter from birth,
especially in the period endoculturizacin (between 8
and 15 years). It seems that increased awareness of the
PAS (for highly sensitive people), for the most
discriminating capacity and responsiveness to the
subtleties of physical and social stimuli depends on the
culpabilizadores taboos of the group that flourished as
individuals and were educated. Should we imitate an
educational system like the British? It will be a matter of
weighing pros and cons, considering the world to which
we are headed.

(Final Captulo 37.3)

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Your best bet
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Your best bet

Our life is full of choices, most insubstantial. But there
is a small group of crucial decisions for our destination
or third in which we seek by all means at our disposal
to minimize future risks and the possibility of making a
mistake, forcing the impulsive instinct to become
effective strategy in decision making.
Rate how long you have, do not always have enough
time to adapt our experience, intuition and emotion to
the context in which the decision is taken. What
emotions or physiological responses are present? Do
we help or cloud our ability to make that decision based
more profitable cost-benefit? Anger, fear and mistrust
are not good counselors.
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We recommend three practical strategies to make

it easier to find imaginative ways (alternatives, side)
solution: 1) It deals with attention and intention your
focus of interest, avoiding the ominous opinions of
others and being parasitized by your own toxic and
limiting thoughts; 2) Leave your brain at rest (diet anti
multitasking, creatively while meditating pause,
sunbathing, flock to rest on the couch, canturreas under
the shower or stroll outdoors) that is when he "works"
better, processing everything that we put under the
focus of our attention intentional; and finally 3) dared
and chooses guided by intuition, accepting with courage
that alternative non - obvious solution, but it is that
(without knowing why) you find most attractive,
although it includes some risk.
If this is not it works, looking for a better method for
making your decisions. We already warned you very
clearly that "you left out" the opinions of others.

(Final Captulo 37.4)

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Postvacational psychodiet
During the holiday period, we tend to increase our
weight between three and five kilos, so, back to the
routine, we often tempted to resort to diets miracle to
restore our ideal weight. However, it would be
appropriate to adopt a smooth, healthy diet that allows
us to lose weight in a compatible way with our partner
work habits.
Changing our eating habits is not easy. Stress and
anxiety of facing a diet increase during the evening
interval risk period where our craving for sweets

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Since our clinic we usually recommend a plan of triweekly post-holiday crash, based on the latest advances
in psicodiettica and nutrigenomics, composed of three
different metabolic phases, in which three specific types
of diet alternately combine: metabolic, purifying and
open . An engine three times that persuades our body to
lose weight at a steady and controlled pace, consuming
the accumulated fat deposits rather than muscle mass.

Metabolic phase - Objective Dietitian Middle - Between

1.5-2 kilos:
During this phase a balanced, satisfying and tasty diet
regimen is established, in which we focus our efforts on
feed healthily, learning to distribute intake adequately
throughout the day to strengthen defenses and reduce
cardiovascular risk. The days used for this phase are
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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Food "M" star: Blue fish (sardines, tuna, swordfish...),

because they are high in omega-3, minerals and
vitamins A, D and E. Nuts, ham, olive oil, lentils,
whole. Drinkable
Depurative phase - Objective Dietitian Middle Between 2.5-3 kilos:
During this phase of fasting, diet is calorically restricted,
giving priority to those foods that promote intensive
detoxification processes and multiple organ cleansing,
helping the lymphatic system, intestine, liver and
kidneys to regulate functionally, reducing cholesterol
and promoting proper disposal of liquids. You should
never exceed one day. The most recommended tonics
days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Food "D" star: depurativo broth (with onion, celery,
parsley and dandelion), citrus, kefir, carrot juice and
Open phase (relational partner) - Objective Dietitian
Middle - Between 500 grs.-1 kilo:
This phase is designed to combine our diets with those
periods like weekends, where we usually eat out or
enjoy a series of prohibited foods in conventional
diets. You can eat everything, but in smaller
amounts.This phase is designed to promote emotional
balance, increase vitality and strength optimally,
promote deep sleep, combat premature aging and
balance sugar levels, promoting the burning of fat
stored in the tank.
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Food "A" star: antioxidants such as black chocolate,

apples or berries, Manuka honey (antibacterial),
decaffeinated coffee, green tea and red desteinados,
salmon (omega 3 and anti-inflammatory), cuttlefish,
octopus (taurine and low in fat), drinkable yogurt
enriched with calcium and vitamin D.
Depending on the constitution, gender and physical
activity, lose a lot of "extra weight" between 4.5 to 6
kilos, for a period of three weeks seems a target more
than reasonable for those who want to stay in the "zone
control "and recover from the holiday excesses. In short,
we offer you one more bearable diet than conventional,
which pursues real and healthy goals, with professional
psychological support, preventing have to have the
feeling of "dieting" all the time and, last but not least,
also it allows you to enjoy a social life normalized during
the weekend. You want to try?

(Final Captulo 36.5)

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Think wrong and
get sick!
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Think wrong and get sick!

Emotional patterns keep a close relationship with the
effectiveness or ineffectiveness of medical and
psychological treatments. When sick, our enteric,
cordial and cortical brain act intuitively, creating
symptoms that call our attention (or our environment),
prompting us to correct and change our way of life
pathogen, who took us sick.
Every time we let the body express themselves
physically and emotionally, we can translate that
information into words. That's when our chances of
recovering the lost balance and stay healthy, using all
medical, pharmacological and psychotherapeutic
resources multiply. The amygdala is allied to the
temporal lobe and the hippocampus, making our
emotion reinforces the attentional process that
precedes all healing.
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The ancient greeks knew the importance of selfknowledge . Only from the taking of consciousness of
what is "cooked" within us, it will be possible to resume
our personal and nontransferable course to
happiness. We can not be happy imitating the happiness
of others. We must find our only way to achieve
happiness and enjoy the journey of life, assuming that in
the course we will have to face adverse circumstances
beyond our control.
Achieve "our particular" happiness is a difficult
process. But worth discovering that, whatever happens,
is always within reach. Thus, we can, only to the extent
we really want, that is, we are willing to change.Willing
to take and joining a change, moreover, inevitable.

(Final Captulo 37.6)

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Sublime self-deception
Most of the best psychologists I had the luck and the
pleasure of meeting, over my nearly three decades of
professional life (some of them pre-Socratic) life gained
thanks to demonstrate their expertise in combating a
sublime self -engao: the reassuring error of the
supposed rationality of the human being and no less
ridiculous belief to control reality with thought.
Unfortunately, comprehensive psychotherapy argues
that ordinary logic is found ineffective outside the scope
of natural linearity. However, in the self-referential
recursion of human existence, causes and effects do not
work as expected. Today we know that the mere fact of
observing a physical reality amends. Not to mention, if
we dive into the realm of the psyche and motives of
human action, where all perception is interaction.
- 39 -

Nothing is so it can be preset so, in a process of

circularity in which the cause not only builds the effect
but also the effect which creates the cause.
The technique of comprehensive psychotherapy is
developed on the basis of their effectiveness and not on
theoretical estimates show. This is therefore aware of
the problem from the solution and not the reverse.

Use an "extraordinary" logic, using a wide range of

persuasive stratagems, supported by an extensive
battery of nonlinear resources that allow the patient to
construct a reality in which it feels entitled to make
those changes before simply were not possible, through
a constructive therapeutic deductive methodology, in
which the lower transformation help us define those
perceptual processes that create our patients
dysfunctional realities, trying to reformulate, from a
pragmatic that is based only on what works.

- 40 -

Only an "extraordinary" logic is able to dismantle the

vicious circle of the rational, creating the foundations
for a new virtuous circle in which no longer has such
sublime self-deception, or at least it has a functional
aspect room, so, aimed at facilitating and restore the
vital balance.

(Final Captulo 37.7)

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Time off
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Time off
There was a time -aurea estates- that people were
naturally quiet, naturally happy and healthy
naturally. What it did not prevent that might
accidentally die or die in a natural way.
The nights and days were happening in a predictable
way, with small moments of shock, as when livelihoods
fell into the trap or the bait. At that Apoca, the softness
of change allowed anyone had a place in the world and
thereby possibility of adaptation. Condition that is now
off limits even for the most qualified people.
Overstimulation to which we are exposed during one
day is equivalent to receiving our great-grandparents in
the course of a month and a half.
- 45 -

Such pressure has increased our ability to learn, trying

to adapt to the rapid changes experienced by our
changing world. This forces us today to a permanent
and continuous relearning the art of learning to
unlearn. A process that will last until the end of
individual existence. And beyond...

Unfortunately, such capacity exposure to information

not always carries with identical capacity of
assimilation, one that would empower a comparable
increase in awareness. No wonder that when this
pressure does not elevate us and transforms us.
No turning back. Such techno-cultural framework anger
rising and will entail an increase in the rate of
stimulation that we process, or it will be out of date. This
forces us to establish in our daily lives empty spaces,
deliberately, we help you keep your sanity.

- 46 -

What once was a wise choice today and is mandatory for

anyone seeking to preserve the treasure of his health
condition. Refusing to find spaces madding day off, it is
to surrender to the unstoppable process of global
neurotization, accept the inevitability of discomfort

An hour "off" day-every day is enough. Find a way to

achieve a comfortable isolation in dark stillness where
nothing (memories, thoughts, fantasies, dreams, wishes,
desires...) to pass through the inner silence. Awareness
and full, but lacking attention of any content.
Magic Hour, where they exist, able to refresh your
exhausted mind, clear your ability to assimilate learning
and regenerate your compassionate way of dealing with
the world and keep the astonishment face its

- 47 -

As it happened abroad of Elea, after incubating the

vacuous time, you no longer will long over the
disappearance of your miseries, but enjoy the
extraordinary prodigy to be improved and transformed
from them. One hour, pilfered the scheduled vertigo, it
is sufficient. More, it is an optional matter. But no less.

(Final Captulo 37.8)

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Autumnal sadness
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Autumnal sadness
During the transition from fall to winter, as decrease
daylight hours, some people (mostly women between
45-65 years) are intensified their feelings of boredom
and despair, experience an increase in appetite
resulting in weight, and an increase of sleep that is
coupled with a decrease in libido and vital energy to
cope with everyday tasks (asthenia) with loss of
concentration, lack of interest in the work and activities
that were previously rewarding, feel irritation against
all social commitments. His motor skills becomes
slower and uncertain. They want to be alone,
ruminating all sorts of dark and negative thoughts.
- 51 -

We are in a process of mental impairment marked

seasonal character (TAE, English SAD) that may lead to
degenerate into a depression.

Light is an important regulator of body as well as a

whole range of meteorological factors such as rain, wind
and pollution can cause us physical and mental
The progressive rate of luminous descent seasonal (3
minutes a day less) forces secrete the pineal gland a
higher dose of melatonin, which enhances not only our
desire to sleep, but our appetite and dysthermia (chills),
as well as a worsening of our daily mood, especially
those people genetically less sensitive to light changes
(deficit melanopsin).

- 52 -

The return to work and school normally, together with

the "jet lag" change equinoctial hours must also be taken
into account when attributing these, more typical of
hibernation ursids emotional changes: a sluggish,
mental thicket, desire for isolation and lethargy.

To prevent this from happening, it is desirable

to increase the hours of regular sleep. Should be
brought forward at bedtime five minutes each day. It is
convenient c omenzar the day with an invigorating
shower ends with a slight shock and stimulating cold,
to set us up.
It is crucial to monitor our supply is adequate, with a
healthy and balanced diet, avoiding possible simple
carbohydrates and refined sugar. Pondera nutrients
that increase the level of serotonin such as bananas, figs,
pure chocolate, brown rice, milk and yeast. It included
in flavoring dishes roots and spices such as ginger,
pepper, cinnamon or cardamom whose aroma makes
you dream of warm and exotic countries, while the spicy
stimulate your digestion.
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Try to avoid toxic stimulants, especially alcohol, in

proximity to the dream. We must not give up the cane
with friends, but try to advance the time to enjoy it.

Although it costs us, it helps significantly increase the

frequency of physical activity, using that type of exercise
that is most pleasing, if possible in groups and in the
hours of more solar intensity (endorphin 30-60
minutes, four days a week). Also try to surround
yourself with those people more loving and positive
confidence and share with them their innermost
Few plans as pleasant as sharing an autumn path in
good company or plan an excursion adapted to seasonal
change. In autumn there are many reasons to snuggle
with your partner. Caresses and cuddles stimulate our
skin and strengthen our immune system. Nothing like
the soul be caressed and return love to our loved ones.
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Also a colorful and fragrant citrus bodegn home

decoration discreet mood will claim, offsetting the
autumnal sadness and thus neutralizing the growing

Otherwise, if the Saturnian melancholy intensifies, and

the symptoms do not subside following these simple
guidelines, not dismiss the decision to enlist the help of
a good professional.
Well thought out, the fall can provide intense and
pleasurable experiences that will restore our reserves
of dopamine if we discover its charm, as healthy and
protective foretaste of winter. Perhaps all is to trying.
For me it is easy to be happy and enjoy the whispers and
ballads of this heady season.
(Final Captulo 37.9)

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Identify priorities
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Identify prioritues
The certainty that most of our suffering originates in the
-propia or ajena- ignorance comes from the traditional
heritage. We must take the long way to address this to
prevent that. A road that, like everyone, starts in a single
step forward.
Most of us still entertained as fascinating as irrelevant
issues, to avoid facing what is a priority as vital
obligation. Exhausted between permanent doubts and
unnecessary desires, let our life happen imperceptibly
and unconscious, so that when we realize too late, the
mortal wound of self-importance and selfishness rob us
from the real path of action.
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Attached to safeguard the poison of self - interest,

we ended devoured by it. Who knows, inescapably,
rectifies and focuses on what is really necessary.
And then, as if a kind of extraordinary and discreet
prodigy were, almost without realizing it, as who does
not like things simply left to suffer.

(Final Captulo 37.10)

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Who will measure the
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Who will measure the meter?

Intelligence, traditionally associated with the abstract
and mathematical reasoning, is an ability to resolve
flexibly all those problems that hinder our adaptation to
the emotional environment, academic, technological
and socio-labor in an effective manner, skill is that
combines both quality and adjudicative rapidly, as the
learning process and use of previous experience. Are
the demands of the living environment that define who
is or is not smart, not intelligence tests.
The complexity of today's world adds to the cognitive
demands, proper management of emotions, pressure,
stress, innovation and anticipating problems and an
understanding of social interaction.

- 63 -

Unfortunately, in schools have not yet been integrated

assessment tools that measure the practical intelligence
(Robert J. Sternberg) or all of a series of multiple
intelligences (Howard Gardner), creative problem
solving (Alex Osborn and Sydney Parnes) or emotional
intelligence (Mayer, Salovey and Caruso), due to the
weight of traditional batteries test (Binet and
Wechsler). Continues to weigh numerical and logicalmathematical intelligence against others, which "leaves
out" those students who excel in art, language, creativity
or social interaction.
Trust psychologists and educators are showing signs of
higher intelligence. Otherwise, they risk definitely be

(Final Captulo 37.11)

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Building our happiness
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Building our happiness

Although often difficult for us to accept, beyond 50% of
our genetic conditioning and 10% of sociocultural, there
remains within us, 40% of capacity to experience
happiness in everyday life, an innate potential for build
and maintain joy in daily life. Our neuroplasticity allows
us to make all kinds of changes, intentional and
conscious actions in order to design and realize a
happier life.

- 67 -

We can well imagine our future from optimism, instruct

to enjoy the pleasures offered by the here and now, to
stay active in the task of building our happiness, despite
the obstacles arising to challenge in the attempt to take
responsibility for be happy in our own hands.

Achieve adult markers that have socially established

(marriage, children, wealth) does not guarantee
happiness. The merit is, above all to find our potential
for happiness even when such markers are absent.

- 68 -

The key is to find a way to adapt to those "adverse

circumstances" giving that positive spin that allows us
to find the path to follow even in moments of darkness.
Learning to change our gaze becomes the prerequisite
for change.
(Final Captulo 37.12)

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Intimate sky
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Intimate sky
Ortega rightly pointed latter end, in one of his last
lectures1 that man and life are an inmate of each who,
always based on own budgets and evidence speaks from
within happen. Philosopher who understood the
observation well scrutinized outward behavior would
lead -a target par excellence of psychological science to
the inner man. So, everything that happens to us is
immediately recreated within us intimately, equipped
private- , or meaningless.
Whenever a human being focuses its attention on the
process of self recreational sensory experience, his life
is transformed. Never again be the same person who, for
the first time, become aware of the construction itself
inscribed in the process of perception.
Jose Ortega y Gasset, "Darmstdter Gesprch" in 1951, OC IX,
pp. 617.

- 73 -

It occurs in the human ability to observe their particular

way of developing an experience, to model how living in
what happens "outside".
Thus, in the history of our predatory desanimalizacin,
we had to choose between subjugate the instinctive
engine where "it is" or be bound by weighting the
fantastic engine, where something always "can be"
otherwise, where reality takes a diverse range of
possibility, where elegance lies in choosing the best
We chose. We chose even avoid choosing. In the human
there is always choice. We conclude therefore that true
intelligence lies in refining our elegance, that-that
makes us progressively afinacin- free a- adapted -read
the ortegianas circumstances, in a kind of intimate and
non-transferable sky.

(Final Captulo 37.13)

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Coping with loneliness
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Coping with loneliness

Our lives are built from the essential meeting weaving
honest with other links, without sacrificing the identity
and fall into the systematic deception to please with
grinning puppet. The increasing obsolescence and
fragility of social and emotional interest not subject to
mutual commitments, increases in the same way our
We seek casual, ephemeral, sensory, where joining
without knowing, pure narcissism interested, without
risk to face the pain of disappointment relationship. But
without realizing it, very often we fall into the trap of
abandonment and are discarded in the starkest
loneliness, without the strength to entrust anyone,
beaten, imprisoned in a false freedom that is only fear of
- 77 -

Where is forced loneliness, life without human

exchange is meaningless. Only when we return to
awaken in us the confidence, fears, suspicions, fears and
inhibitions that shackled us dissipate, allowing us to
delve with optimism in the relational space, find
ourselves in the look of the others who take our better
while fully revitalizes us. Saber close old wounds and to
trust. Rescuing the look you love, where the fault leaves
us exhausted.

(Final Captulo 37.14)

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In safe hands
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In safe hands
Too often we are not aware of the real reasons that drive
our everyday behavior. Far from fear and suspect that
hidden part that find their causes most of our acts, we
must understand our unconscious as a wise, kind and
experienced protective guardian, the best ally to
contribute to our greater adaptation full time.
Far from wanting to embitter the existence marksman
from the traumatized shadow, the limbic unconscious is
a necessary player in our lives, from the smallest
everyday acts, in those automations that allow us to get
up every morning, get dressed and walk, as well as those
deep feelings we drive to care for and protect our loved
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Supervises the set of thoughts and feelings that are

woven into our mind, moment by moment, helping us to
understand and adapt to the complex world around us
and make decisions that best suit us. An emotional
accurate GPS, autopilot that guides our behavior and
which to rely. The magical creator of our little selves,
has been endowed with a complex greatness that we are
even beginning to see.
While the unconscious deals with the complexity of this,
consciousness and is free to move to recall a past time
or imagine and plan future. Without the supervision of
the unconscious overactive (11.1 million bits per
second) could not travel in time (to 45 bits per
second). Our unconscious is an ancient institution in
which to trust and, fortunately, our conscious abandon
him whenever he can because he knows.
(Final Captulo 37.15)
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Acceptance and
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Acceptance and comminment

The current psychology is not able to differentiate the
behavior depending on the particular perception of the
context in which it takes place. Thus any rethinking of
the first (change) always has to take into account the
current experience of the subject (thoughts, feelings,
sensations) when deciding to act or avoid acting more
or less flexibility in the second.
Raise awareness about the degree of adjustment
perception context in which subject it operates and its
own scale of values means change that perception and
therefore necessarily involves a commitment (active
involvement) with changes in the way of facing this
- 85 -

Conversely, avoid confronting in a conscious perception

of our reality dysfunctional frame carries with a great
deal of suffering to be so refeeding and keep
compulsively (mechanical, automatic) that pattern.
However, be aware of such ipso facto automation stops,
increasing the ability to choose an alternative course of
action, more favorable to our values and interests and
empowers the commitment to make all those changes
that are relevant to achieve reach.
As anticipated and suggested the ancient Delphic motto,
the question of understand (experiencing our staff here
and now) remains the key to start the challenge of

(Final Captulo 3
(Final Captulo 37.15)
- 86 -

Cognitive bias
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- 88 -

Cognitive bias
Sometimes life puts us in threatening extreme scenarios
(real or imagined) that test our mental and physical
integrity, activating our ancestral mechanism of stress
response: just a coordinated physiological reaction
involving the whole of the autonomous systems,
neuroendocrine, metabolic and immune.
The option of escape or fight muscular requires more
oxygen intake, so the supply (breathing) and
transportation thereof (heart pump) is accelerated. The
diameter of our most epidermal pipes (vaso
constriction) is reduced to prevent the possible loss of
blood flow from the wound. It increases the metabolism
of carbohydrates sugar transformed into energy and
immune response to the entry of enemies.
- 89 -

Humans are able to venture and imagine possible future

potential threats from dispassionate examination of
past experiences stored and shared by members of our
The amygdala keeps fear to stimuli (primary
evaluation) neocortex and mobilizes the resources
available to front-attack or the threat huida- (secondary

If this activation is maintained longer than strictly

necessary, we fall into a spiral of chronic stress where
our defense system turns against us. Excess cortisol and
causes cognitive impairment and sustaining anxiogenic
alert weakens the immune system, leaving weakened
and depressed against the pathogenic characteristics of
the various surrounding biochemical attacks, unable to
react in despair.
The cause of this lies excess activation lack of decisional
lucidity pedants in denominas psychologists have
cognitive bias.
- 90 -

Fear and negativity must be handled so in appropriate

doses. Otherwise we will be defeated even before being
attacked, leaving the aggressor expeditious way. The
best antidotes are and have always been attentive calm
and act after finding support (trust) on the strength of
group cooperation against the varied forms of terror.
Consistamos not that useful tools like the radar of
anxiety ends up divide and become a weapon in the
service of the true enemy, thus allowing their interests
prevail. Keep intention despite the fear, without
throwing in the towel. Therein lies resilience.

(Final captulo 17.36)

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Permanent choice
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- 94 -

Permanent choice
Those who once crossed the period that has been called
adolescence (so hurt?) Know from experience that
during this stage are often taken a number of key
decisions that can make or break your future. It would
be appropriate not take these decisions impulsively nor
If for some reason you were to go wrong in any way it is
the end of the world. Simply pivot your steps and return
to the path you've already provided quickly, starting to
make smarter decisions and persevere in the task.
In the world that now you have lived -nos-, teenager
being is harder than ever. But maybe your grandparents
had to overcome many difficulties, the challenges we
are now presented to you are very different: dozens of
channels and distracting series, games and addictive
substances, an Internet with the best and worst of our
civilization, terrorism, pressure and competitiveness to
find your place in the world... A very different from your
parents' world!
- 95 -

Yes. Deciding not always easy, but the truth is that

always-always has consequences:
What are you going to do about your education? How
will you make a living and be independent? What kind
of friends will choose and what kind of friend you
be? Are you going to get along with your parents? Who
do you think set you up or have sex with? Will you know
keep you safe from the influence of harmful substances
and falling into addictive patterns? Will you know
consolidate a healthy self-esteem and work successfully
through it, your future?
Perhaps you find yourself immersed or immersed now
in those decisions. You still may not have raised those
with the seriousness they all require. In any case, you
need to learn as much as possible about each decision,
on the advantages and disadvantages, the good from the
apparently bad and evil that hides behind the
apparently good, so that you can and make informed
decisions with your eyes wide open to the reality of
life. You never have to lament a "Oh, if I had known...
There is a life-changing decisions. Compare your
current life that were ten years ago.Imagine now how
you like to be in ten years. Imagine. Do you see? What
would you like to be doing at that age? What kind of
person you wish I made ten years ahead?
(Do the exercise)
The good news is that the kind of person you are and the
life you take depend on you. Like it or not, you are free
to choose what you want to do with your life.
- 96 -

This is what is known by the term "free will" or freedom

of choice (remember, with consequences).
At the time that you want you can exercise your right to
choose, showing more respect for yourself, for yourself,
or stop hanging out with friends that you devalue and
depressed.Select means to bear the consequences:
come in the same package. Stop studying andvery low
wages, random unprotected sex and sexually
transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies, flirting
with drugs and dependence...
Deciding is difficult.
Choice is to reject its opposite. Closes others open
certain doors.Choose well, now that the consequences
permit. Choose wrong you subtract freedom of
choice. Only one thing is impossible: not choose!
Take responsibility for your life. Defines the goals that
will open a successful adult life. Do not agree that the
most important thing is to be resolved urgently. Win
helping to win others. Focus on understanding rather
than be understood. Find people you form successful
teams. Beyond the Institute, life, your life, well used, is a
permanent source of learning in which grow as a
Now is your turn.

- 97 -

- 98 -

Author cited index

About autor
About Publisher
About style
List of publications by QyDado



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- 100 -

Characters that seem to exist

Human proyect


Binet, Alfred


Castaneda, Carlos


Dilthey, Wilhelm

Ebbinghaus, Hermann

Freud, Sigmund


Gardner, Howard

105, n2

Lichtenberg, G.C.


Matus, Juan


Ortega y Gasset, Jos

Osborn, Alex


Parnes, Sydney


Stemberg, Robert J.


Wechsler, David


(Note: My respect and eternal gratitude for all of them since,

each in their own way, contributed something meaningful to
my current growing world view of reality.)

- 101 -

About author


Bornd and lived in Valladolid (Spain) since 1964.
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (UPSA, 1989) and
specialized in Computer Education (UPSA, 1988) and
Organizational Development Techniques (UVA, 1990).
With over 25 years of intensive teaching experience
under his belt, currently living combining his work as
a consultant on strategic innovation and HR coaching,
training with leading developing managerial skills and
leadership is earned. His great passion has always
been trying to delve into the complex intricacies of the
human soul and culture, to meet an ambitious chimera:
the Primordial Tradition.
Author of memorable works as "The fisherman Star"
(1980) "Other scene" (1992), "Tales (1993)", "Your
poems" (1996), "Annus Domini" (2002), "Septimania"
(2003), "Sunrise and sunset" (2003) and "Just
happens" (2004).
- 102 -

In his post-Community stage, the reader will find an

exhaustive list of works at the end of the book,
including, as an exercise in vanity contained still does
not appear that that at this moment has seen fit to refer
the reader or reader to fine sieve your best judgment.
Be wary however of this hasty mini biography,
moreover, brazenly aimed at trying to impress the
naive risky. The soul of the author is known, above all,
cultivating their good company and into the stormy
sea of his works, which sometimes end up being just
books. In any case, since it is appreciated the great
interest that has been shown to approach drink with
generous eagerness of fresh water and meager
superfluous Autobiographical these lines.
It is recognized.

Do you know our multilingual blog?

- 103 -

About publisher

QyDado Publisher began in 2011 as a fevered fantasy of

the author, in trying to provide their literary essays a
somewhat more credible and professional looking.
Today it has more than 30 titles behind him, always
within the subjects related to the Primordial Tradition.
Purple fringe is like that already appeared duplicated
and semi-hidden in the folds of the senatorial toga
pretexta, and clearly reflects our unconditional secret
admiration for the best of the classical world.
On it appears a powerful geometric enigma, the
hexahedron, under the daily way of a given dark blue,
whose opposite sides always add up to the value of
seven, and that in this case appears accompanied by a
kind of small satellite field, which approximates the lone
white as strategically oriented "point" which is located
on the upper side.
Few people know that the Persians called their dice with
the word "chance" while the Greeks preferred the term
"kubos" or "daktylethra" for this purpose. The always
unpredictable Roman Empire chose "Alea", whence
comes our (good or bad) luck and hackneyed "Alea iacta
est" post rubik-oniano.

- 104 -

Nothing in the die is given randomly. The sum of its

opposite faces makes the seven missing number is
found, paradoxically, triply present. Another well
curious fact is that the side that wins -in every occasion,
it is called "reality", but the opposite face in contact with
the board, acts from the "mystery" and coordinated
together make up a kind of truth.
The "lateral" sides are always debatable, according to
the different perspective that engages in the game.
When it seems that "wins" really, really is the "truth"
who acts in all cases. Moreover, we expect, strict sensu,
the wise reflection of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg in
1790, when he said:
"It is difficult to exist in the world a strange books
merchandise. Printed by people who do not
understand them, sold by people who do not
understand them, bound, criticized and read by people
who do not understand them, and, what is even worse,
written by people who did not understand them2
And judge our reader, in spirit, without stopping or
idiomatic expressions, if there was something big as
read, and if so, keep it in your heart.
It was not our intention to contribute another flow
foolish, pretentious, mediocre and extravagant works.
We can not deny it. In a mysterious way we do not
understand well at all, we love the cube, albeit disguised
as a playful symbolism, homespun, this time-and as the
finger ring is given to us.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Breviario de aforismos, 2000.

- 105 -

The textual message that named this imaginary

publisher, (could not be otherwise) is a kind of
ambivalent paradox.
On the one hand warns us to take precautions, I do not
really know about what kind of threat or danger (so
everyone imagines their favorite convenience fear).
On the other side is a transparent invitation to take
carefully building our own best self, a matter that we
should devote our full attention and resources possible,
as it requires our utmost care. It calls us to not neglect.
And to do it flawlessly3. Nor we should never take too
seriously the things we have not yet verified by
experience, not even ourselves. The latter must be taken
Editorial QyDado in full quality nonexistent entity is not
liable for any of the assertions and extravagances of the
authors who habitually publish it. On the contrary, they
recommend putting total quarantine, mostly for what
might come to pass but put on this sensitive issue
carefully enough. Notice, then, thoughtless readersnavigators.
There must be some other symbolic dimensions more
hidden in this curious publishing logo, but we have not
given them. Any suggestions? In short, a declaration of

3 How well he recommended to Carlos Castaneda in "The Active

Side of Infinity" (1998), his teacher, don Juan Matus.

- 106 -

About style
As usual in our writings of the past quarter century, the
text appears interleaving intended to clarify some
images at the same obscure its true meaning, so that
should not be underestimated in any way its
It is also important to pay attention to the initial two or
three appointments that crown the reign of each
chapter, for urging the reader to move your ass and send
their eyes to the source text. The surprise is usually
guaranteed. It is not only young scholars resources and
paste to impress.
Some of the texts that preceded this work can be
consulted, if it is desired to increase the information,
according to the needs of the reader.
As always in these cases, you must read and reread
more than once between the lines, be aware of the
numerous winks, stop and stop when something is not
understood. If that something is written in another
language, either dead or not, sure it is something that
deserves a second consideration or that it is somehow
important or necessary for the proper completion of
work to do so.
So much for the preface clarifying, honest notice to
mariners. The rest of selfless effort runs the reader.
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- 108 -

The benevolent Daimon who inspires me this work, not

demurred at the quits March 21, 2016, allowing
moving into the belly of the Global Leviathan, in the
passage of that night.
May God serve for the good of souls and not to anger,
nor the astray. In their hands left.


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Other books for carefully


- 111 -

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- 112 -

Simply happens
Warning the reader
An imposible letter
Soul trap
Infinite arome of Winter
Albam Artuan
New life
Fever and masks
Gaudeamus igitur
Nature and sacred space

Back cover
Knowing how and especially what one has to break free bonds, it
is liberating to go half the way. Who does not know (recognize)
tied not need to "liberate" let alone "be liberated". Awareness of
the problem is the first step necessary, but in no way sufficient to
design (meeting) of a (the) solution. Liberation is a state that
offers many more possibilities per se who enjoys it, possibilities
beyond the reach of the imagination who, being bound, ignores
the true situation and "means" free.
Perhaps the same distance between who runs and who believes
only operate when it is actually someone who is being
continuously operated without knowing it. Ignorance, ie
ignorance of the mechanism by which it is attached and operates a
subject is what allows itself the "instrumental" operation of the
human. All magic is therefore the need to keep hidden the "trick"
of the scalar field so successfully pretend solidity that is, in every
respect, unreal. As rightly pointed out the "dark" of Ephesus, most
prefer to live relegated to their "imaginary world" and unable to
draw any useful harmonious relationship with the penumbra of
that much more subtle that it is real..

- 113 -

Particulars and vicissitudes of begginers way
Foreword 3th Edition
Foreword 1st Edition
1. Treason and perennial tradition
2. Sacred time and profane delied
3. Dark itch to play rites
4. Idiscreet secrets
5. Atenti al lupo!
6. De lapis philosopae et aurum
7. Damn exegesis, impossible
Siren songs

Back cover
This work attempts to draw a field of inquiry and legitimate
quest to delve into the vast cultural wealth of the West,
especially in the symbolic dimension of the sacred, without
fear of reviewing issues such as Gnosticism, alchemy,
Kabbalah, Sufism, mythology, spiritual scope of
metapsychology and literature, moving between the rigorous
precision of academic study and creative inspiration of the
spiritual influence that provides contact with the sources,
until combining both hemispheres.
Trying to find a contemporary expression of that kind of
visionary knowledge emerged from the dangerous encounter
with the depths of the psyche and, transcending the
narrowness of common sense, opens the ocean
"suprasentido" where it should be the possibility of finding
the opening to the mystery of life.

- 114 -

Vol. I
1 Introduction
2 Hygieia: Love from hate
3 Treasure maps?
4 Travel arragements
5 Meats
6 Western meditation
7 Real Art and unreal reality
8 A Templars tale
9 White and black magic

Back cover
Between jokes and really, this fantasy permeating the reader
will very slowly, to prepare slowly the heart. Something
similar to what, in the amazing mineral, occurs with mediocre
stone, in the end it rubies. Or, to continue with the plant
kingdom, with the fragile bud changed into the majestic
stately tree, from station to station, is curdled with beautiful
flowers, ebullient before the imminence of spreading the
scrutiny of fruit.
The term "gradually" contains magic. And why not reveal it
sooner? This book too. And almost lost art of making books as
well. It seems that the Lord never in a hurry. He likes things
"gradually" simmered. Always so mysterious.
Get out of getting used to go on, as before, yes, always very
slowly. After reading this book you will find that magical
Health is What a goddess! Nothing will be like before. You
neither. Promised. Do you dare slowly?

- 115 -

Vol. II
1. Hidden in books
2. Smurf Dad
3. Connium maculatum
4. Reason vs. Mystery?
5. Fear of being free
6. Apocalyptics and integrated
7. Do it sacred!
8. Jealousy Clitia
9. Nine

Back cover
You may have not yet become aware of it, but may be the last
man left alive on the planet Earth. All those people with whom
you live with regular or accidentally, seem human, but in no
way are.
You have shown the courage to approach reading this book,
perhaps because you feel there is something in it, you alluded
to in the first person. In some inexplicable way you know you
are in you something that you do not know, as mysterious as
Tomorrow may be too late. One of these days you're dead,
away from this world designed from the lies and deceit. You
deserve the whole truth. You need to know the whole truth, as
the fog dissipates. Now or never.

- 116 -

Vol. III
1. Hrcules at the crossroads
2. Pancayas sands
3. Therapists
4. Solomons alibi
5. Balkis throne
6. Hilernos death
7. Turtle island memories
8. Operations master

Back cover
You will not find here certain answers, but rather traps that
will capsize your sanity and infinite labyrinths in which
misplace your life in vain.
You'll find a host of poisonous swamps in which losing step
and finish your day, if you are not armed with enough reason
and a great soul and distrustful as courageous.
There's still time to abandon your effort and turn to entertain
on other more important and necessary things, winging
abandon reading this book whose subtle lethal poison
antidote knows, before it is too late for you.
There will be blowing so clearly betrayed who was warned,
before reaching lost in the mists of these idle bitter pages,
then forget irreparably-of way and who was or believed to be
someday. Forewarned.

- 117 -

The art of civic excellence
1. Who wouldpray gods?
2 A flokloric fire
3 Rainbow portrait
4. Goth vase
5. Deus stochasticus
6. 22 and 6 + 1
7. Dodekatlos
8. Blue Crown and pink Crown
9. Mushkenum dissidents
10. Virgo et Mater Dei
11. Memento Ars Moriendi
12. Aret (Virtue)
Back cover
Those who worship comforting to return to a past or fearful
await the imminent arrival of the menacing future, they
belong to the same subclass of subhuman: cowards.
Seekers who usually boast and say be very worried about
encountering the truth, knowledge, inner freedom or light...
they are not. It's just a mere fictional pose that conceals its
true condition: unredeemed vague about looking for a
comfortable and easy release from prison of existence,
without the slightest effort.
Freed from living room and bedroom slippers, which to
escape the materialistic fallacy are thrown into the hands of
the salvationistic fallacy. And vice versa.
No fooling anyone, those who know the inner Jihad, and as the
real virya, never give up: This is a book directed only to the
virtuous heroes is. Never.

- 118 -

Talk to your inner vampire

1. Bram legacy.
2. Banquet.
3. Sefer ha Madda.
4. No more shells.
5. Ttila Albert Schneider.
6. Echo despiced.
7. Charriot to palace.
8. And dreams
9. Nuts crossing
10. Imaginariy egregore.
11. War drums
12. Gnscete Ipsum

Back cover
During its brief existence, every human being is fighting a
battle inside... A battle between two wolves that nest within
us all. One of them is called evil, and consists of anger, envy,
loss, unhealthy jealousy, depression, greed, arrogance, selfpity, resentment, guilt, feelings of inferiority, lies, falsehood,
pride, arrogance and meanness. The other wolf is good, full of
joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, courage, courage,
compassion and faith.
Which of wolves wins? Simply, the one that feeds more. The
problem is that most of the time, we decide the menu for each
tenant fateful wolf possesses us in the shade, the vampire in
all of us and we have agreed to usurp control of our lives. That
insatiable vampire tyrant is called ego. Dare to unmask.
Taking the reins. He decides who this time will be the winner
wolf who do.

- 119 -

Nefarious media and purposes
1. Host evidence
2. Constructive lessons
3. Traditio vivens.
4. Delenda est Anima!
5. Human quality.
6. Tremor et Ars Avaritia
7. Nameless reality
8. Novo Tratactus Astrologicae

Back cover
One of the first things you learn a psychologist is the
prodigious power of language, which will be your tool, "who
changes the language, change the reality". Caught by memory,
every desire is nothing but the memory of pleasure, every
fear, memory of pain. It is through memory as we are driven
by the "Orlah" the guest, almost without realizing it. Memory
is his, by an invisible, powerful strategy.
The horror is still on our side. At first he managed to stun and
was straining like poison slowly nibbled a bit every day of our
feeling for life and living. Gradually we was drying all that
remained human. Today, as happens to the gravedigger,
miracles of systematic desensitization technique, we remove
bones while the endless yawn with tombs, and "no memory".
The horror has its officials:

- 120 -

Underfear negotiation
1. Missi dominici
2. From souls battle
3. Bubbles and subtle worlds
4. Desert y climax
5. Sacred assembly
6. Love and business
7. Kidnapping and Aeuropa rescue
8. Argos dream
9. Alzheimer Magistri
ndices y referencias

Back cover
This work aims to explain one of the greatest mysteries of
nature, which until now had not seen the light: Why the gods,
when they fall into oblivion of what they are, end up
transformed into a pathetic and fearful beings who think, one
day or another, they will die.
It is a work, then, to remember.

- 121 -

Loved book
1. Enoch loss
2. Preprocessing required
3. Attempting a beginning
4. Trackless desert
5. Rhythmically walking
6. Inner vision
7. Sacred sound
8. Seven masters
9. Real room
10. Parfum loved
11. Dream and treat
12. Asclepius rod
13. Let him kiss me with kisses
14. Humor with sense
15. Acidosis y modernity
16. Vita Nuova?
17. Sinergy and theurgy
18. Summing
Back cover
Only those who dare to transcend the spell of the apparent
dichotomy of materials -trazos black on white, filigreed prison
tinta- background is thus able to penetrate the secret universe
hidden in this moment between the lines to grasp the
ineffable and read eternity.
You know that your vital center weakens, since your soul
claiming return to sense the essence, what the Lord expects of
you. Walk the brink of oblivion. If you're serious in this
endeavor to achieve your desire, do not forget. Never forget it.

- 122 -

Evils secret
1. Semaphoros y morphos
2. Phos Ennoia
3. Hygieia
4. Aletheia
5. Gaia Ourania
6. Boleion Hybris
7. Kairos Tmenos
8. Hipnos Thanatos
9. Erospsychia
10. Muein Logos

Back cover
Only Edmund Husserl was unable to successfully demonstrate
what Jorge Luis Borges would cost much less. Namely, that
evil, unlike Well, it is impossible without words.
I will be objected that many evil can exert their harmful very
effectively committed the most radical of silences. What they
forget my detractors is that the word is already in your head,
in the form of perverse silent thought. Therefore it requires
verbal treachery structure.
How to eradicate evil from the face of the new earth? It is as
simple as using your lethal weapon, the word, then abandon
it, thus enabling true free will. Imagine how it would work a
world without words? Therein lies the best kept secret.

- 123 -

Mysteriously expanded consciousness
1. Heroic journey
2. Called to action
3. Help extra
4. Testing and challenges
5. Die and reborn
6. Taboric metamorphosis
7. The treasure
8. Masterful returnn
9. Mundus Imaginalis

Back cover
When all certainties totter and becomes light fog, when our heart
numbed her heartbeat, immune and distractions, the question still
remains illusory purpose prevails stubborn, beyond the
gravitational reality. What soul could build your home on the
doubt? Lost all hope, necessary catharsis of everything human,
towards the path of truth there is no turning back for the
impeccable hunting, war and empire science race. Stalking and
sacrifice, where violence defies beauty.
One can only die to oneself, to expand and be reborn to a wider
awareness, find a way to survive lethal and die to awaken. Leave
everything to win and everything. Golden transformation
wandering soul, facing the terrible challenges on the still warm
ashes of the ancestors and the parched tombs demolished the
proud gods, to finally cross the threshold of the magic circle of
existence: the art of the liberation of the eternal return, quod
ubique, quod ab omnibus et quod semper, traditional path that
awaits the true hero reminiscent end unconditional creator origin.

- 124 -


Vocation, vision y mision
1. Hesperis
2. Dysis
3. Arktos
4. Anatol
5. Mousik
6. Mesembria
7. Spond
8. Elet II
9. Erytheia
Some kairo-maps

Back cover
Stop. But what are you doing? Do not read another word. Desists.
Continues the busyness of your life without. No unnecessary
ballast need a new reading with which your eyes get tired a text
more in vain to drag your gaze seeking vainly to silence the
longing for your thirst. And closes this book and flees; pon safe
fragile springs that still preserve your sanity precarious. Why dare
ignore the caution of my earnest entreaty and estimates useless
all these warnings, they try to increase the hours of your well?
Mysteries of reverse psychology, often tend to delve into the dark
darkness of stormy seas, leaving the certain shore protection,
giving more credit to the sudden delirium of a deranged heart
against the most reasonable estimates of common sense, which
guarantee safety and tranquility in everyday predictable. It is
therefore, and sets sail, there wherever you take reading, because
you've decided to take the adventure of a last minute, between
these pages. Rest assured that will not get out alive of this book. If
not, while...

- 125 -

Nothing is what it seems
Warning the reader
26 Axioms

Back cover
Think twice before awakening to the mystery sleeping
between the covers of this dangerous book. Some things are
much better to let remain forever forgotten in the depths of
our soul and hidden.

- 126 -

Living and reflecting
Truncated education
Soul markets
Virtual distraction
Wise a gentle noc act

Back cover
When you have the rare privilege to reflect on the very
foundations of our everyday knowledge and make such do
and know necessarily change. Unfortunately, scientists,
politicians, military and financiers have, like us, installed in
the prison of blindness and automatism.
We have been programmed impulse to act, ignorant
(obedient) the process of being scheduled. We are born to
consciousness as soon as we discovered that our certainties
were installed in heart by the enemy ruse.
How then continue living?

- 127 -

Activate an attentive intent
1. Amazing shadows
2. Slave of fear
3. Innocence omens
4. Benevolent obstruction
5. Love and pragmatism
6. Desert
7. Eucharistic oracle
8. Nows seed
9. Action crossroad
10. Whisper carriers
As Glossary

Back cover
Beyond the tumultuous world of those paraphysical subtle
realities, so adverse to the fragile criterion of the critical
spirit, of dream claws, both of egoic madness as social
hypnosis, it is always very difficult knowing, love each other
and be able to wake up.
No adentre therefore unwary, including lethal traps of these
pages, who has not been resolved to stop and build networks
to the soul, who has not renounced and build new fences, add
borders and boundaries, not even those who have not yet
abandoned and forever the life imprisonment common

- 128 -

Effort ensuring fruit
Pro Logia
1. Enclosed cat, free hare
2. Synkaironies
3. Villa Careggi
4. Oak secret
5. Coincidentia Oppositorum
6. Prspero in crossroad
7. Memories at the Museum
8. Acting effort
9. Esoterichon Gamma
10. Ninth new novel

Back cover
Perhaps, while you feel like you invade the dense fear that
you inoculate reading these words, you've become aware
of immersed find you in what is surely the most terrible
and brutal totalitarian dictatorships could never imagine a
human being. Just as you know for sure they know too. Do
not choice but to wait for arriving where resist hidden, or
maybe try to flee, running on the edge of your destiny.
Easier it is to imagine a new civilizational collapse tolerate
even a glance released. Youd better run

- 129 -


Who looks from the other side?
1. Secret library
2. Paroquets veil
3. A fair break
4. Benevolent Daimon
5. Persian heritage
6. Speedest back to the future
7. Participating Universo
8. Go to go
9. Nine circle test
10. Memento Mori
11. Spiritual community

Back cover
Every life is an inevitable lesson set in the mirror of the soul.
And, like any lesson to learn is achieved, it involves a mystery
locked. A mystery that must be addressed. A mystery unfolds
inexorable as the lesson progresses. A mystery that once was
resolved (learned) always comes to an end. Ends the lesson,
learning continues.
Get, gentle reader, high enough above your own life, so
consider it in its entirety, from start to finish. Come to the
sweetest death, one in which the ending is not interrupted.

- 130 -

PerennIal start
1. Apollos 8 grandchildren
2. Terpenos y Mircenos
3. Tartarus return
4. Primordial Traditions myth
5. Afrads andl Qafs serpent
6. Glias rise
7. Pleausure principle
8. Epigentic landscape
9. Solitude and silence
10. Vere Claustrum Paradisus Est

Back cover
Our heart fluctuates ductile, ever-changing as the secret heart
of the palm tree, is serene soft as soon experiences the subtle
decline in the Presence, docile unison return dance, return,
reflex that, since aligns its Source as fears neither resists
Faced with those who understand this life as a vain slapstick,
it does not add more than the scrutiny of a brief and partial
self-knowledge, bitter harvest of guilt and unquenchable
remorse, which always comes too late, this work deals with
the essential walk of the heart, where our heart is left and go
find the true teaching of the Way.
Only then, and transformed and transmuted into those
necessary details that gives our mysterious route, finally
understand. It is understood.

- 131 -

Crucial foreword
1. Once upon a time
2. 1947
3. What are you reading?
4. Misterious Aristos Telia
5. Intelligence test
6. Commercial break
7. Alchemical placebo
8. Wreck rest
9. Military psychology
10. h+

Back cover
A regular basis and usually, the dealer usually wary
self-knowledge, with the excuse that it lacks the
qualification that bought and now sells for a modest
stipend. Fortunately or unfortunately, now we come to
the crossroads of a turbulent scenario in which all
those wealthy traffickers words, life and power, they
must demonstrate more than what they say they are
worth the risk of being taken by scandalizes and
therefore aspiring suitable scapegoat.
You say you sell anything?

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1. Mandrake
2. Waitinf for Godot
3. Multiple orgasm
4. Drain excess
5. Mascherari
6. Cetonia Aurata
7. Focus your attention
8. Holiness and friendship
9. Resurrection
10. Words synthesis

Back cover
Simply start a sincere dialogue with the universe, that is, with
ourselves, so that it responds fair and timely manner, but not
always in line with our wishes and interests.
Onric continuum in which forms between what we dream
dissolve and live, as in the drama of Calderon de la Barca, Life
is a Dream, where the unhappy Sigismund wondered about
the causes of abuse which he suspected divine, when he was
just paternal. An area such as the Oedipal prophecy, where the
dream intrudes, from nobody knows where, and meddles in
such a brutal way in life, becoming thus ending destination.

- 133 -

1. Cyphered time
2. Useful secret
3. Divine indifference
4. HolyCommunion
5. Come and see
6. Bioluminiscence
7. Prostitutin
8. A sinner than I
9. Well always rest Paris
10. Secret Supper

Back cover
In this world of apparent impunity, real is that no one ends up
getting away with it. Everything whether in foreign detriment
or own- imagine, think, feel, want, did, or failed to do, sooner
or later overtake us.
Thus, from the abyssal privacy, flows the peaceful sleep of
light, creating a momentum, a deep heartbeat without
permission or a word takes us and brings us at will, until and
only until the very moment that- finally we learn.

- 134 -

1. Black Opps
2. Test
3. Maps and territory
4. First moon
5. Nigth in white
6. Closeness
7. Gnosis
8. Polarity
9. Strange fruits
10. Nesciencia necat

Back cover
Who is aware of the true extent of their poverty, who truly
feel in your heart, you get a look that disrupts the course of
life, it causes a breakdown of our essential lie, tear the sordid
veil of selfishness and thus transforms the world.
This is not to save face, or to make a theatrical detachment, or
a formal mock spirituality nor false modesty postureo fascia.
It is this poverty in falling even the gods themselves, since
they are finally released him.

- 135 -

1. Wise hour
2. Echopsycology
3. Turn off
4. Singularity University
5. On survive
6. Losing perspective
7. Awareness
8. I bring you wether
9. Holy Grail
10. Unsaid weigth

Back cover
As in Devarim, I came to offer my particular skewed view of
the facts, to disclose my thoughtless fiction about what daily is
happening around us, outlining my own adoctrinador story
against brainwashing, to which the prophets of the confusion
and the legion of malicious third parties.
Life is lived first hand, that is, risking the simplicity of
synecdoche interested, leaning out the complex and varied
tapestry of reality. Bloated in the comfort of the party, do not
miss the rewarding and brutal experience of the whole; or
consent thou not you tell it, and shorn and summarized: Live!

- 136 -


1. Before time
2. Lainakea
3. Nicodemos surprise
4. Per Aurem
5. Thrones play
6. ndex
7. Save her, Ness!
8. Pharmakon Komplex
9. Auroboros
10. Scammed scammer
11. True body

Back cover
Alienated by the official medicine of our faculty and
sanatorium potential, we have forgotten our own
manual, delegating responsibility for our health in the
hands, drugs and appliances third avaricious, instituted
as they are of high doses of pride and health authority.
It is still possible to torpedo the business of remedial
medicine after another that is not only preventive, but
such an ambitious and humane way, really healing, that
is, truly liberating.

- 137 -

1. Maramiyeh
2. Power in the air
3. To Tarsis
4. Quantum entaglement
5. Jamshd cup
6. Imitations
7. Empire
8. i-Fotn
9. Magic Valdeande
10. Autumn

Back cover
In a time and place in which those dangerous efforts of
disintegration and dehumanization go together and restrict
our view, any attempt to rethink the complexity of the world
is doomed to failure and, however, is perhaps the most
important need not so much philosophizing as live
consciously, that is, ethical and civic.
We need a much broader and inclusive, able to conciliate the
rulers dominated their sacred pending task from the
beginning of time perspective. From our present literary
proposal, we will return, once again, to try and recapture
peaceful and simultaneous colonization of Olympus and the

- 138 -

1. Among the Carthage ruins
2. Desperate unknown
3. Faire Corps
4. Profit fear
5. New spiritualy
6. Calculationand meditation
7. Crurifragium
8. Gods Grandmother
9. ureo compass
10. Forking paths

Back cover
We know from Aristotle, that hope does not like to go
on stage, but before he did not prepare the public a
good deal of imminent danger. So, everything that we
had previously sold as a requirement of the script-or
balanced budget imposed by the infamous and villain
troika seeks only to obtain timely, restful and
catastrophic blow, despite the redundancy. Thus, the
life of every human being, concocted as a thriller
apparent, not resolved, in most cases, but as divine
Ask if not the Scriptwriter.

- 139 -

1. Sweeming
2. Meeting ways, commond ground
3. Spiral
4. Brick and marble
5. Valuable ashes
6. Suddenly
7. Tangled hierarchy
8. Inner job
9. Die Forelle (D. 667)
10. Forgoten dreams
11. Holy contradiction

Sooner or later, in the life of every human being it is a sort
of stop along the way where we are avocados to ask
ourselves about our life and our place within it. This
crucial reflection that arises from certain kind of inner
maturity, does not require a philosophical formulation but
crystallizes rather a strange look on a world that no longer
feel ours.
Sooner or later, those crucial moments are often lost in
everyday distraction in the daily effort that demands us to
continue to look and worrying in the "important things"
and ignoring the call of life. Missed the crucial question is
thus essential postpones the answer, one that would
perhaps give us the key to the true meaning of our life.

- 140 -

1. Esential Memory
2. Fertile sludge
3. Sacred crosspath
4. Imperial joke
5. Ierusalem
6. Rebithing
7. Ilustreus fakes
8. Modern setbacks
9. Orchestal manoeuvres
10. Quo vadis, Tarsis?

Back cover
In Delphi, when hovering the autumn, bay leaf gives his
scepter ivy, seductive, invites us to poetic and sacred
furor of laughter, to then abandon those mirages of
profane intoxication that extolled our pride and
pettiness and become the wise perfection of the divine,
where the old palace cabin becomes.
Dionysus work the metamorphosis of rude soul, the
gold of their sacred visionary and permanent
transformation and rescuing of dream geography of
oblivion, while violent logic of the visible at the service
of the invisible recesses of noumenon. Proof.

- 141 -

Foreword: Parnasuss boar
1. Sufism for dummies
2. Corageus self-delusion
3. Fair traces
4. Empathy
5. Spiritual profit
6. Jacinto Felicsimo
7. Sociotherapy
8. Metals genius
9. Unbereable suffering
10. Human Xymia

Back cover
Many go on the side of reality without seeing her,
oblivious to the mystery of regeneration that seeks
dawns the same experience under different skies.
The spirit of the sun shines like a gossamer thread that
whenever it becomes apparent, is able to illuminate the
Where the old revelation tells of the fall of every
human being to this underworld, those physical and
moral consequences that carry after that fall, and the
method of corporal and spiritual regeneration that lead
to the restoration of the original state lost... the new
revelation dare not add one iota.
- 142 -

1. Forceful sweetness
2. Behind the Wizards curtain
3. Praxis Banking
5. Gnosys: An spanish view
6. Inner architecture
7. Silence alive
8. Cretenses view
9. Tech and civilization
10. How did ou wait so long?

Back cover
To experience the compassionate, nurturing, and full of
driving force that mysterious gift everywhere Jesus of
Nazareth liked to call "Abbi". This familiarity with that
precious omnipresent that gift, normal, we prefer to forget or
avoid, is what eventually overthrow the mercenary horse Saul
of Tarsus, Damascus Road. A consisting listen and act, from
which nothing will never be the same fanal intimate, although,
paradoxically, nothing will have changed one iota.
Coddle the gift, surrender and become it, day by day,
necessarily has to provide its fruits.
Come and see the hidden goddess awaits you.

- 143 -

1. Change of destiny
2. Le Bon Marche (1850)
3. Debt as promised
4. Delphy gold
5. Zenaidas strange waiting
6. Wara and arka
7. Can you feel hers?
8. Beings land
9. Nocebo
10. Ritual flexibility

Back cover
Before the emboldened scoundrel, decent people
survive perplexed, because they will not be eaten but
not having to be forced to eat other, as it always did. On
the other hand, if your livelihood is precarious, you
must be necessarily afraid, fear only maintains the
hegemony of economic power, curtailing the possibility
of insurgency offering free will.
We are at a crucial moment of civilizational crisis in
which we will have to rethink the world of work,
rethink the decline and face a partitocracy that only
defends their interests.
Who will take care of yours then?

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1. Simply happens
2. Sirens sogs
3. Life Fountain
4. Youll know the thuth
5. Newland
6. Virtue
7. Know thyself
8. Strategies
9. Skybow
10. Wise
and 23 more

Back cover
Poor slaves covering, with tired steps, the beaten track
of those who return home from the dead, accompanied
perhaps the sadness friend and foe suspicion that
become more painful, monotonous and long, the
journey to a epiphany superfluous.
So caught, worn in such an awkward struggle as
endless, in a kind of casuistry fiction, barely survive
without guile who know the true meaning of life.
Captives in the same grueling whirlwind of pride
nested incurred by the light, trying to catch the shadow
that generates trying to catch his shadow.
Just one moment to dismantle the obvious.
- 145 -

1. Bennus prodigious nest
2. Bronce sandal
3. Najash (Making off)
4. Funeral boxes
5. Do you know cabriola?
6. Absortion
7. Valiant mirror
8. Planetary usefull
9. Elemental, dear Sherlock
10. Deconstructing Vlad III
11. Paneuropa ein Vorschlag
12. Daily Alchemy

Back cover
Like summer to surround himself with tales of
mysterious stories to light the sacred fire, interspersed
with the magic of soft music, the murmur of waves that
turn, the pleasure of naked bodies ready the sweetness
of her unexpected coupling, the inexpressible longing
for happiness, melancholy one night is known more
ephemeral, time vainly clings to the night breeze
summer, the memory of a sun that is coming back to its
autumn die, sowing our path of a mantle yellow rushes
to erase our trail, without a trace.
Nothing bad can be expected from insomniac dream of
a summer night of the new moon... Or maybe yes?

- 146 -

1. Secret control
2. Deus abscnditus
3. Transference
4. Venator animorum
5. Purple Archangel
6. Psychosis of State
7. Noise
8. Shortege energy
9. Ladn
10. Stygian Oven
11. Daily poiesis
12. Two deaths
13. Germinal working
14. Ours (and more)

Back cover
Tras la ficcin de su esplendor verbal y su compleja amalgama
de entrelazados sentidos, toda obra que se precie de serlo
esconde una coherencia y profundidad inusitadas, all donde
la opacidad resplandece de un modo mgico y misterioso que
puede resultar intrascendente o caprichoso al lector incauto.
Todo libro persigue as un fin preciso y concreto, que ha de
ser minuciosamente trabajado bajo un velo de smbolos, cuyo
esquivo misterio aviva nuestra imaginacin de un modo
inusitado, toda vez que, quien se aventura a desentraarlo,
adquiere la adecuada perspectiva. No hay mejor modo de
aproximarse a lo real que desde aquella belleza que destila e
irradia la metfora potica.
Invitado ests a saborear su elixir, dejando que actu en ti la
trama de lo maravilloso que brota del ocano primigenio de la
memoria, transformacin sin orillas, all donde la lectura es el
nico ritual.

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1. Human network
2. Blind deafness
3. Brain and conscience
4. Eudaimonia
5. Exogens
6. Tree side grimorious
7. Sense of wonder
8. Soft domain
9. Interrupted (enigma) land
10. Promised Arkthos
11. Umbilical positioning
12. Dream on work
13. Looking for beauty
14. Insula Avalonis (and more)

Back cover
Perhaps, also you who you gave up the usual-, after being
shipwrecked in doubt, you had to bite the bullet and having a
gala deploy a quiet strength contained even got revel in the
silt of impotence or bitter failure.
Without mystagogues rebirth of your ashes will be now the
only rite. His practice everyday, tornada instinct, ubiquitous
center around which to wander, despite those endless wars,
exoduses and vicissitudes that still afflict the world, may be to
guarantee your eternal prevail

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For those who bear going in the sacred territory of the pain
itself, this book offers strategies and unique opportunities
for healing, where a space opens to integrate the thankless
experience in everyday life. Heal that which can never be
broken on the anvil of heart necessary applying only placebo and chisel nocebo- the magic of words.
A look inside that transforms us and gives us heal old
wounds, saying her goodbye with quiet gratitude, to
express love again. Recreate our life incorporating new
values, new perspectives and new priorities in all aspects of
daily life.and awakening to the beauty of being fully alive
and appreciate what is and what vibe here and now.

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