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Prana Vayus

The Prana Vayus are subdivisions of Prana. They show how Prana expresses itself
through the body. Here are the five key Prana Vayus we study:
APANA: The seat of Apana is the pelvic floor. Apana means that which descends,
and it includes everything that moves outward. Apana is the force of elimination, and
is outward and downward moving. It rules the pelvic floor / pubic line down to the
toes. The organs are the colon, bladder, and kidneys. It also represents mental
elimination - being able to let go and release thoughts and negativity.
SAMANA: The seat of Samana is in the navel / abdominal area. The main idea is
assimilation. It includes the small intestine, the abdomen and the digestive fire. It is
the force responsible for separating the desirable from the undesirable. It also
includes mental assimilation - how quickly we learn. How often do we repeat the
same mistake? Samana allows us to burn away and separate. When the fire is strong
enough, we will not repeat mistakes and no longer act in an undesirable way.
PRAN: The seat of Pran is the heart and head. It is energizing, and rules the physical
heart and inhalation. The inhale brings us life! Pran allows us to take things in and is
related to sensory awareness. The more stimulated our senses are, the more Pran is
depleted. When we get tired, we need to renew Pran. Pran also regulates
UDANA: Udana is the ascending force - enthusiasm, inspiration, expansion, and is
linked with exhalation. The exhale is upward moving and expands consciousness.
The main idea is growth. Udana is related to speech and sound.
VYANA: Vyana is the distributive force, the aura. It is the force that integrates all the
Vayus, and rules circulation. In a mental sense, it is expansion. To what extent are
you circulating in the field of life? The aura of a sage is 1/2 mile. Vyana balances the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
PRANA VAYU MEDITATIONS (including visualizations and pranayama)
APANA - descending breath. Apana is the descending force and is located at the root
chakra. Begin with eyes closed. Inhale - draw all of your awareness and
consciousness down to the base of your spine. Pause your breath briefly, without
strain. Hold your awareness at ale root. Exhale all physical and mental toxins down
out of the body toward the core of the planet, where they are composted, harmless.
Repeat 10 times.
Visualize a dark blue, downward pointing triangle at the root chakra. Feel and see
energy moving downward as flashes of lightning, which ground into the center of the
planet. Feel a powerful sense of being grounded and stable, the body tall and steady
(3-10 minutes).
Transformation Playground, LLC

Prana Vayus
SAMANA - centering breath. Samana is in the abdomen and is the force responsible
for assimilation, centering, and balancing.
Begin with eyes closed. Visualize the universe: stars, galaxies, planets, and suns all
around you. Inhale - draw all of these forces through the top of the head down the
spine, into the navel center. Hold the breath briefly and feel a bright fire building up,
transforming itself into a powerful blaze. Exhale - let all the forces spread into the
tissues of body, and layers of mind and heart. Repeat 10 times.
Now rest and visualize Samana as a spiral of multi-colored energy and light anchored
at the navel center becoming increasingly concentrated, providing perfect
luminosity, stability and centeredness. Visualize this ever-concentrated spiral of
colored light at the navel spreading its power. (3-10 minutes)
VYANA - expanding breath. Vyana is the distributive force, located everywhere,
including the heart and limbs.
Bring your hands into Anjali Mudra at your heart. Inhale and spread your arms. Feel
the energy flow through your bloodstream out of your heart, to the hands, feet, and
top of your head. Pause the breath briefly. Expand life force from the heart, out into
the hands, feet, head and skin to the edges of the universe. Exhale and slowly bring
your hands together in prayer. Feel Vyana energy return to the heart as if you are
returning to your source. Repeat 10 times.
Now rest and feel expansive from your heart center out into the space of your aura.
UDANA - ascending breath. Udana is located in the throat and is the ascending force.
Inhale through the mouth. Concentrate on bringing consciousness to your throat.
Hold the breath briefly and see a ball of light in the throat building vitality and energy
in your throat. Exhale and chant OM while feeling your energy rise and expand. From
the throat, spread that sound and light to the edges of the universe. Repeat 10
Meditate on the throat as the center of cosmic sound, speech, and vibration.
Visualize Udana as a deep blue lotus-like pillar in the region of your throat and neck.
Hold your energy there, feeling it ascend. (3-10 minutes).
PRAN - energizing breath. Pran is the vitalizing and internalizing force, located in the
head and heart.
Inhale - draw white light in through the gates of your five senses: eyes, ears, nose,
skin, and mouth toward your third eye. Hold your breath. Meditate on a ball of white
light at the third eye. Exhale - feel Pran move out from the brain and out through the
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Prana Vayus
five gateways of your senses. This process heals the nervous system, cures fatigue
and exhaustion. It provides a Pranic bath to the brain, refreshing and revitalizing it
for more productive mental intelligence. Repeat 10 times.
Rest quietly. Meditate on the brain soaking in a bath of white light, completely
replenishing and restoring vital intelligence.
Om Namo Pranaya
Pranaya Namah Om
Om Pranaya Swahaa
Om Namo Apanaya
Apanaya Namah Om
Om Apanaya Swahaa
Om Namo Vyanaya
Vyanaya Namah Om
Om Vyanaya Swahaa
Om Namo Udanaya
Udanaya Namah Om
Om Udanaya Swahaa
Om Namo Samanaya
Samanaya Namah Om
Om Samanaya Swahaa
This practice should be done in a reclining position, and can be done with or without
a pranayama blanket. The four sections are Apana Vayu - the pelvis; Samana Vayu the belly near the navel; Prana Vayu, the low ribs to near the nipple line; Udana Vayu above the nipple line; and Vyana Vayu - the way all 4 sections coordinate together.
Have the student fill the lungs from bottom to top, and exhale by drawing the navel
in first, then emptying lungs from top to bottom. Observe to see which sections are
emphasized, and which, if any, are deficient. This will give you a clear picture of the
state of the Prana Vayus, which you can then use to guide an appropriate asana
practice, and/or Prana Vayu Meditation.

Transformation Playground, LLC


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