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Growing Crystals


You may know Sugar Crystals by their other name, rock candy, or perhaps by their most common

adjective, delicious! These take a little longer than the Needle Crystals to build, but they are easy
enough to do and their taste is well worth the wait! This project will let you create and grow your own
crystals. Throughout the experiment you will be responsible for taking notes and picture to track
your crystals growth.

my HYPOTHESIS is that i will work and it will take 4 days

1. You will need paper, clothes pin, skewer, sugar, tack, food coloring,
2. A pot, stove, Jar,

1. Make a top for your jar with a small hole in the center.
2. Place the skewer inside the hole and clip it or tape it so it can hang into your jar
without touching the bottom or sides.
3. In the pan start boiling the water.
4. Stir in the sugar one spoonful at a time. You want to make sure there is lots of the
solute (in this case sugar) in the solution, but not so much that it doesn't all dissolve into
the solution. If you have some undissolved sugar your Rock Crystals will start building
onto those molecules rather than your skewer.
5. Add a few drops of food coloring and flavoring to the solution.
6. Carefully pour the solution from the pan into your clean glass jar. Make sure it's
clean, otherwise crystals will build onto those molecules on the jar and not on your
7. Place in the skewer into the jar through the hole. Again, don't let the skewer hit
the sides or bottom of the jar.
8. Find a safe spot for your jar so it won't get knocked around or exposed to too
much dust and debris.
9. Check on your Rock Crystals the next day and notice how they're started to take
form on the skewer.
10. Whenever your Rock Crystals are the right size for your taste or when they stop
growing go ahead and take them out of the jar and let them dry.
11. Enjoy their sugary goodness!



Monday 18, Jan.

Tuesday 19, Jan.

Wednesday 20,


well we boiled three cups of water
also added 9 cups of sugar but out of
that 9 cups of sugar we added 1
tablespoon at a time then we added
are flavor and put it in the jar. Then
we put everything back in the jar and
left it. Mrs Hutchinson remembered
at the end of the day to dip the sticks
is sugar

Thursday 21,

I have a little bit on my stick

it is 4 days in

Friday 22, Jan.

Monday 25, Jan.

Tuesday 26, Jan

Wednesday 27,

it has a lot of crystals on the stick.

Cant wait until Thursday

It hasn't changed at all

The crystal is getting really thick

it has changed a lot since the

Thursday 28,

Wednesday 10,

They are ready, they turned out

really good

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quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus
legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores
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commodo consequat.


1. http://www.kidzworld.com/article/26598-make-your-own-crystals

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