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Signs of spiritual progress:

If you have contentment, cheerfulness, patience, unruffled state of mind, sweet voice, onepointedness of mind, light body, fearlessness, desirelessness, disgust for worldly things, think that
you are advancing in the spiritual path and that you are nearing God ~ Swami Sivananda
---------------Before you read the following please understand the fundamentals of the God:
There is ONE and ONLY ONE Creator!
Different people call him with different names!!
It does not matter to the creator who calls him by what name!
What matters to him is the Name by which you call him!!
He WILL assume That Form and That Name - FOR you!!!
** "He" is used only for the sake of convenience. Creator is neither HE nor SHE
---------------It is not enough to sing the praise of the Name. You must keep it constantly on your lips. Gradually,
you will find the Name taking hold of you. Now it is not you who possess the Name, but the
Name (Japa) takes possession of you. Then the mind will refuse to wander here and there. It
gets absorbed in the Name and derives great peace and joy. Contact with the Name is contact
with God, because Name and God are not different. Name is God and God is Name ~ Swami
Ramdas (Kanhangad)

Nama alone can Make Life Happy

- Brahma Chaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj

The sole purpose of human life is to acquire love for the Lord. Kali, the age of vice and strife, is in full
swing, depriving man of a sense of duty and morality. Rama is our sole support in this age rife with
licentiousness and rampancy. There is no sense in being wary after the house has been burgled, so
be cautious right now and be in constant remembrance of God. There can be no unhappiness for

one who lives in submission to the will of the Lord. He alone truly serves Rama who completely
surrenders his self to Him. When one annihilates all separate identities of oneself, then alone one
realizes the Brahman that pervades everything animate and inanimate.
We should adore Raghupati who has endowed us with invaluable human life, protected us so far,
and is our Master. We have been born as humans; we can only justify this blessing by holding that to
belong to Rama is the sole goal of life. Blessed indeed, is he who thinks that there is no protector but
Worldly life and spiritual life are not separate from and hostile to each other; rather, they are the
obverse and the reverse of a coin. Neither of them can be happy without Rama. Keep your heart and
behavior free from taint, and constantly think of Him: this alone can make life happy.
Put your trust in Rama; this, indeed, is the stock in trade for a spiritual life, which, in essence,
consists in remembering Rama in every worldly activity. Let the mind always feel that your interest
rests with Rama. Always treat Him as the doer, and believe that whatever He does must be for your
good. Be correct in your actions, with full faith in Rama. Always keep an awareness of Him; this is the
royal road in spiritual life. The body may be employed in doing worldly duties, but the mind should be
ever riveted to Rama. It is for us to strive, and for Rama to give or not to give.
In worldly life work with due care and caution, and never lose courage, with faith that Rama is your
sheet anchor. A housemaid may be at work but her heart is with her infant at home; so may you do
your worldly duty but keep your mind fixed on Rama.
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Thank you.
Mahendra Joshi
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