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General Music

Johnathan Johnson
9-12 General Music
Traditional Indian Music/Review Key Signatures

2. Perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2.1 Demonstrate the ability to perform instrumental music, in an ensemble, with
an understanding of pitch, rhythm, and dynamics.
2.2 Demonstrate the ability to perform instrumental music, alone, with an
understanding of pitch, rhythm, and dynamics.
5. Reading and Notating Music
5.2 Demonstrate accurate use of standard notation including rhythm, melody,
harmony, and dynamics.
6. Listen to, Analyze and Describe Music
6.1 Demonstrate knowledge of music vocabulary.
6.2 Analyze aural examples of a varied repertoire of music representing diverse
genres and cultures.
6.3 Compare and contrast compositional devices and techniques between two
musical works.
9. Students will understand music in relation to history and culture
9.1 Distinguish characteristics of representative music genres and styles from a
variety of historical periods.
9.2 Distinguish characteristics of representative music genres and styles from a
variety of cultures

-The students will demonstrate ability to actively and critically listen to music as well as
analyze different instrumentation and style of music. This will be assessed through
-The students will show what they have learned about Indian Music and culture by
taking a test on a later date.
-The Student will demonstrate how to implement rules and procedures for answering
questions in regards to key signatures by displaying work on a daily worksheet.
-The students demonstrate proper protocol when playing on instruments and will
demonstrate application of knowledge of key signatures when performing scales.
I can assist students in reaching these objectives by explaining a process in a different
way or demonstrating with them individually

There will be both formal and informal assessment.
A formal assessment will be given over Non-Western music at a later date. This will be
in the form of a quiz and or a Formal test.

Informal assessment would include the writing prompt at the beginning of class, as well
as questions I present throughout the lesson.
I will guide further instruction over how a response is given to these assesments.

Motivating Students/Anticipatory SET

The Hook of this lesson will be the introduction. As the students arrive from lunch
which is very sporadic, There will be music( Relevant to the days topics) playing and
and there will be a prompt to write about. Sometimes it is creative writing, however
today's topic will be over Traditional Indian Music, and I will have the students write
about what they hear. This will engage them in active listening and help review material
we have covered before.

Instructional Procedures:
-Class will start by playing a recording of Traditional Indian Music as students walk in
from lunch.
-The students will write on a scrap piece of paper about what they hear in the music (I.e
Mood, Tempo, Instruments, Melody)
-This will last for roughly 7-10 minutes depending on how long the dismissal from the
cafeteria took.
-I will then take up the pieces of paper and this will go towards their daily participation
-As a class we will discuss some of the characteristics of the music and I will read some
of the examples from students aloud.
-This listening activity will act as a segway into today's topic, begin the Presentation
over Traditional Indian Music that I have prepared. (This is part of a bigger presentation
that includes multiple Non-Western and Folk Music genres that we have been learning.
i.e. Northern and Sub-Saharan African Music, Aboriginal, Asian, Swiss Alp, Siberian, as
well as Latin American and American Folk).
-The students will be taking notes as we go along, though it is not mandatory it is Highly
encouraged because I only pull questions for tests over what I write on the board or
have typed.
-The students will draw on previous learned concepts and terminology then put it into
relation with today's topic, this will be demonstrated by myself posing various questions
to individuals or the class as a whole.
-We will also watch two videos that will help demonstrate how two major Indian
instruments (The Tabla, and the Sitar) are used and played.
-The video will also demonstrate the different syllables that are used when playing and
learning how to play Tabla.
-We will then end this portion of the lesson and begin with a quick review of sharps and
flats and how to identify key signatures.
-I will pass out a worksheet
-The students will complete a worksheet over Major key signatures
-While the students are working I will walk around and assist them if needed and watch
their work

-After everyone has finished with the review worksheet, we will then go over the 3
scales that they will be tested over the next day on the board together ( C Major, G
Major, and F Major)
-I will then review procedure for when we get to the band room. The procedure is as
Walk together as a class to the band room
Arrive in the band room and have a seat
Do not be disruptive as I work with other groups
Be ready to go when I call for your group
-The Students will practice in groups of 5 or 6 with me guiding them until the end of the
period. (We are limited to a certain number of instruments so we can only work in
groups when using keyboards)

Materials and Resources:

Computer, Projector, Speakers
Students will need paper and pencil, and previous notes.
Instruments and implements for playing will be provided.

Questioning/Thinking/Problem Solving
The beginning of the lesson will consist of a active listening assignment that will have
students think about how the music sounds, as well as take apart and analyze what
type of instruments or voices are being played. They will also have to interpret the mood
of the piece or be able to categorize an emotion with the music they hear.
I will also pose several questions throughout class that will help assist the students in
drawing connections with other topics and music we have discussed before.

Students are grouped in the classroom in the less restrictive environment possible. I
have placed students who's grades have been suffering in the front two rows and those
who tend to have out bursts during class closest to me. I have also done my best in
assigning seats that break up the groups as best as possible.

I have students with IEPs in this class and have accommodated by offering additional
testing and moving them towards the front and away from distractions. I also offer help
for students during the Intermission period which I encourage and require students to
I also have a student who is Visually impaired and requires additional time to take
notes, larger font, and sits in the front row. This allows the student to use a visual aid
more easily as well.
The class is an hour and a half long so I also accommodate the students ability to stay
on task by keeping as fast of a pace as possible and breaking up the class into usually
3 different genres. (Such as Composers, World Music, and Notation)

I also accommodate learners in the form of small group work when we are playing
instruments. This allows for more one on one time with the teacher and allows me to
better assess and address issues.

The last half of class will be an assessment over previous lessons and a review for an
upcoming test. The past two days we have been working on key signatures (Day 1 Flat,
Day two Sharps) and we have also played a computer based game to help identify
them. This will be the first formal assessment over Major key signatures.

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