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Name: Brittany Stanford

Course: AP World History

Length of Lesson: 90 minutes

Grade Level: 10th

Unit Topic/Title:

Accelerating Global Change and Realignments

Student Learning

Standards Addressed:
Materials Required:

Students will be able to identify the causes and consequences of

World War II
Students will be able to analyze the rise of communism in
6.2 Global conflicts and their consequences
Socrative website, AP World practice essay questions, PowerPoint,
graphic organizer, documents on causes and consequences of WWII

Estimated Time
10 minutes

Detailed description of teaching and learning

Bell Work: Analyze 2 AP World History Questions and identify the
following properties:

The time frame

The topic
The options that they would choose to discuss in the essay

30 minutes

Mini Lesson: notes on the rise of communism in China via PowerPoint

40 minutes

Student Activity: graphic organizer on the causes and consequences of

World War II. Students will read documents on the rise of World War II
in Europe and Asia, followed by a document on the global outcomes of
World War II. They will use this information to fill out a graphic
organizer that has the causes of consequences of World War II organized
by region.

10 minutes

Wrap Up: debrief graphic organizer calling on students randomly to

share their responses

10 minutes

If time allows: circle, triangle, square exit slip: students will write one
thing we talked about that they already knew, three new things they
learned, and one thing they need further clarification with

Informal formative assessment: go over graphic organizer. This will allow me to assess
how well the students understood the causes and consequences of World War II
After taking notes on the rise of communism in China, students will write a brief
summary of what they just learned. I will randomly choose a few students to share
their summaries in order to assess how well they understood the content of the
Formal formative assessment: exit slip. Students will be asked to write down
something we talked about that they already knew, three new things they learned, and
one thing they still dont understand. They will turn this in on the way out of class so
that I can assess how the overall lesson went.

Read textbook pages 776-779, and 784-786
Have chapter 30 read before Spring Break

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