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School of Education

Lesson Plan Template


A Teacher Name: Anthony Eberle
B Subject/Content Area: Life Sciences
C Grade Level (PK-12): 7th
D Unit Topic: DNA
E Lesson Topic: DNA Structure / Nitrogen Bases / Codons
F Duration of Lesson: Two Class Periods / 2x ~ 41minute class periods
G Materials, including technology integration:
Daily Agenda displayed on the front board along with student objectives.
Smartboard or Promethium Projector hooked up to an instructors computer.
Clicker and Smart pen
Building your DNA Model lab packet (Experiment #11) - One packet per
student. See attachment #1.
Materials needed for the lab experiment:
One pipe cleaner for each student.
Four different colored beads that will fit onto pipe cleaners.
(green, orange, blue, yellow) roughly 350 of each bead for a class of 30
One clasp/small carabiner hook for each student.
Containers/cups to keep the beads in: beads should be sorted by color and
all four options should be available at each lab station.
Dr. Birdley - Cell Parts and Processes: Cracking the DNA Code worksheet (a
7th grade common assignment) assigned as homework - One worksheet per
student. See attachment #2.
Two different word clouds generated from http://www.tagxedo.com using the
Dr. Birdley worksheet and notes from this unit. Set in the shape of a handprint.
See attachment #3.
Visual Timer if necessary for classroom management:
Pre-assembled DNA Keychain made using the teachers sample as reference
Lab stations clearly labeled (in this case each station was labeled with a
colored numbered flag).
Exit Ticket: DNA Fingerprinting / Fun Fast Facts handout. See attachment #4.
DNA Vocab worksheet. *Students have completed this in a previous lesson and
would have it in their science folders. Students may utilize it as a reference if
needed. See attachment #5.
Board markers, pencils, extra copies of all handouts and lab materials.

A full set of materials for each teacher aid and the co-teacher as specified in
students IEPs.
Optional: Swivel Device with personal sensor on a lanyard connected to an
Ipad for video and audio recording.

A. Standards:
Performance Indicator C2.1: Select an appropriate model to begin the search
for answers or solutions to a question or problem.

Performance Indicator L2.1 f: In all organisms, the coded instructions for

specifying the characteristics of the organism are carried in DNA, a large
molecule formed from subunits arranged in a sequence with bases of four kinds
(A Adenine, T Thymine, C Cytosine, and G Guanine). The chemical
and structural properties of DNA are the basis of how the genetic information
that underlies heredity is both encoded in genes and replicated by means of a

Performance Indicator L1.2: Describe and explain the structures and functions
of the human body at different organizational levels (e.g., systems, tissues,
cells, organelles).

RST.6-8.3: Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out

experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.

RST.6-8.2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an

accurate summary of the text.

Performance Indicator S3.2: Use and interpret graphs and/or data tables.

B. Central Focus: Students will further explore nitrogen base pairings (Adenine
Thymine and Cytosine Guanine) and general DNA configuration through
utilizing various texts as well as constructing their own tangible manipulative to
better understand the double helical structure.
C. Objectives:
Students will recall nitrogen base pairings: Adenine pairs with Thymine and that
Cytosine pairs with Guanine. There will be multiple opportunities to asses their
understanding via choral unison response, within discussions with partners,
throughout their lab packets and displayed by the proper construction of their DNA
Alias Keychains.

Students will be able to describe the double helical structure of DNA.

Students will analyze a table of simplified codons and construct their own unique
model of a DNA sequence.

Students will be able to recognize that DNA carries our genetic code.

Students will be able to identify that a codon is a group of three nitrogen bases.

Students will apply their knowledge of base pairings when checking their peers
DNA Alias Keychains.

D. Assessment Plan:
Formative assessments: Throughout the various open class discussions over the two
day lesson, the instructor should encourage students to utilize content specific
vocabulary such as: nucleus, DNA, double helix, chromosome, nitrogen base pairs,
proteins, gene, inherit, modify, genome, and codon. Based on the students responses,
the instructor must gage whether or not to review particular content.
During the first day of this lesson, students will peer review their DNA alias strand
codes. Both peers, as well as instructors, should also check for understanding at this
point to make sure that students are correctly matching nitrogen bases.
The Dr. Birdley - Cell Parts and Processes: Cracking the DNA Code worksheet (a 7th
grade common assignment) will also serve as a means to measure conceptual
Summative assessment: Accurate construction of the DNA Alias Keychain along
with the final review of the Building your DNA Model lab packet will serve as a
summative assessment for this lesson as well as a formative assessment for the unit
Students will also complete an Exit Ticket: DNA Fingerprinting / Fun Fast Facts
handout, attachment #4. This particular Exit Ticket is targeted to check for high order
understanding and thought processes as well as opportunity to provide some input
about what they might like to further learn about throughout the unit.
E1. Opening/Anticipatory Set: (7 minutes)
Day #1:
1. Agenda and daily objectives will be displayed before students enter.
Review objectives with class:
Collect a Building your DNA Model lab packet, Dr. Birdley - Cell Parts and
Processes: Cracking the DNA Code worksheet (HW), and your lab folder
before taking a seat.

Check HW Review HW
Begin your DNA Model lab packet: Steps 1 - 4 together (Dont go ahead, wait
for each explanation!)
Peer review
Step 5
Peer review
Assign HW

Students will be able to recognize that DNA carries our genetic code.
Students will be able to correctly recite nitrogen base pairings.
2. All documents should be scanned and loaded on the computer so that they can be
projected onto the front board.
3. The teacher should check homework (for participation points) and take attendance
as students take their seats.
4. The teacher should hook the students by displaying a completed DNA Alias
Keychain and ask students what they think it represents and if they would like to make
F1. Main Body/Procedure: (30 minutes total: 10 minutes for instructional purposes,
10 minutes for steps 1-4, and 10 minutes for step 5)
Day #1:
After the anticipatory set, students will take turns reading the background information
on the lab packet. The teacher should clearly instruct students to raise their hands to
volunteer to read one paragraph at a time as well as steps one through four. The
instructor should insert prompts for further conceptual understanding when necessary.
One of the most significant areas to emphasis is the base pairings. Be sure to prompt
students to chorally answer in unison, that A pairs with T and that C pairs with G.
The teacher should point out that a codon is a sequence of three nitrogen bases.
At this point the teacher should direct students to turn to page two of their Building
your DNA Model lab packet to look at the chart. Point out that each letter of the
alphabet will code for an amino acid and, that each amino acid will have a simplified
codon that will be recorded on page three.
The teacher will now instruct the students to turn to the last page, which serves a
reference page. This reference page is an already completed sample page with
EBERLE as the name. Since it is already filled in students will be able to visually
see how each blank should be filled out. Direct the students to turn back to page two
while the teacher pulls up a scanned blank copy of page three on the board. Explain to

students that we are going to do a couple of the sequences as practice together. Ask
students to put their writing utensils down and to verbally assist in letting the teacher
know what to write in each blank. Using EBERLE as the name, ask students to look
at page two of their Building your DNA Model lab packet and find the first codon. Ask
for a volunteer to read what codons codes for the letter E. The correct response
should be GAG. Do this for the next letter: B which codes for GCA.
Explain that now we will move on to strand two and correctly pair the bases for these
two codons. Prompt students to answer Adenine pairs with Thymine and Cytosine
pairs with Guanine. Since the first two codons were GAG and GCA, the correct
sequence for strand two would be CTC and CGT. Draw lines to connect the nitrogen
bases from strand one to strand two.
Instruct students to open their Building your DNA Model lab packets to both pages
two and three, like a book so that they can look at the chart on page two while filling
in the blanks on three. Coach students to complete steps one through four and that
once they are finished with those steps they must have the person sitting next to them
check their steps and verify that the nitrogen bases are correctly paired. This will take
students at least 10 minutes as they must fill in six codons and then decipher which
nitrogen bases pair with strand one to fill in for strand two. Remind students to have a
partner review their work. If any students finish early, instruct them to have additional
peers review their answers.
Once the students have completed steps one through four, ask students to look at step
five and ask students to turn back to the completed sample page. Point out that strand
one and strand two above are now to be translated into colors: A = Green, T = Orange,
C = Blue, and G = Yellow. Be sure to tell students that they must write the full word
for each color in the blanks so that they do not get confused by the letters representing
colors rather than nitrogen bases. Remind students to take their time and writer clearly
as they will have to be able to read what they have wrote tomorrow during the second
portion of the lab. Allow for students to have approximately another 10 minutes to fill
in step five, and instruct them to have a partner check it once they are finished.
G1. Closure/Ending: (4 minutes)
Day #1:
Review tomorrows lab procedures and stress the importance of following instructions
so that their DNA Alias Keychains are constructed properly. The teacher will direct
students by rows to put their assignments into their science folders (kept in the
classroom). On the way out the door, verbally quiz students by asking them to recite
nitrogen bases pairings and other relevant information covered throughout the unit
thus far.
E2. Opening/Anticipatory Set: (10 minutes)
Day #2:
1. Agenda and daily objectives will be displayed before students enter.

Review objectives with class:

Collect your lab folder before taking a seat.
Check HW
Word Cloud Activity
Finish Building your DNA Model lab packet: Step 6
Exit Ticket
Students will be able to recognize that DNA carries our genetic code.
Students will be able to correctly recite nitrogen base pairings.
Students will construct their very own DNA Alias Keychain and complete the
lab packet as well as Exit Ticket.
2. All documents should be scanned and loaded on the computer so that they can be
projected onto the front board.
3. Lab benches should clearly be labeled, and lab materials (presorted beads and pipe
cleaners) should be set out so that each student can construct their own DNA Alias
Keychain without leaving their designated workspace.
4. The teacher should check homework (for participation points) and take attendance
as students take their seats.
5. The teacher will utilize the two word clouds to engage the students in a discussion
with a partner to find a commonality between the two word clouds. Both will be
displayed on the front board. In addition, the teacher will pass out the two different
word clouds (alternate by rows: i.e. rows one and three get word cloud #1 and rows
two and four get word cloud #2). Teacher will provide prompts when necessary so that
students will formulate opinions and draw conclusions as why these words are
represented in a certain manner. Students will investigate the word clouds in partners,
which will segue into homework review of the Dr. Birdley homework assignment.
F2. Main Body/Procedure: (25 minutes)
Day #2:
After the anticipatory set, the teacher should prompt students to justify their
assessments of the two word clouds. Through a group discussion, students will
formulate predictions as to where the text within the word clouds came from. The
teacher can assist by prompting students to compare the sizes of each word and ask
them if they believe there is any significance with the size of each word. The teacher
can further aid students involvement by asking why might the word clouds be in the
shape of a handprint with fingerprint patterns. Students would have previously
discussed forensic science in the beginning of the unit when discussing what types of

specimens contain DNA as well as already have explored the analogy of our finger
prints and DNA both being uniquely specific. By examining the two word clouds,
students should realize that the words that are larger hold more significance within this
activity. At this point, the teacher will state that the word clouds were created using
their homework assignment: Dr. Birdley - Cell Parts and Processes: Cracking the DNA
Code worksheet (a 7th grade common assignment).
The teacher should pull up the blank scanned copy of the Dr. Birdley - Cell Parts and
Processes: Cracking the DNA Code worksheet and ask students to raise their hands to
provide the answers to each of the questions within this homework assignment. The
teacher will write in the answers on the board while students check their own
homework. As this assignment provides a great deal of background information, it is
critical to guide students to further explain their answers and to use content specific
vocabulary such as double helix, strands, and nitrogen bases.
Once the review of the homework assignment has been completed, the teacher will
once again show the finished sample DNA Alias Keychain that was made using the
sample EBERLE. The teacher will then ask students to turn to page four of their lab
packets and follow along as volunteers read the instructions for step six.
As the students read each one of the directions within step six, it is essential that the
teacher redirect their attention to demonstrate the assembly of this model. After each
stage within step six, the teacher should check for understanding and ask if the
students have any questions regarding these instructions. Provide clarification as
Step 6: You will make a key chain that represents the DNA Alias of your name.
1. Take one pipe cleaner and fold it in half so that each side is equal in length.
2. Carefully look at the colors you recorded under Strand #1 and string the colored
beads through the first side of the pipe cleaner. Crimp the end when you finish so
that the beads dont fall off.
3. Carefully look at the colors you recorded under Strand #2 and string the colored
beads through the second side of the pipe cleaner. Crimp the end when you finish
so that the beads dont fall off.
4. When you are finished, bring up your keychain and lab to your teacher for
inspection and final assembly.
The teacher should be sure to stress the importance completing one strand at a time
and checking to make sure that the beads the line up from one another would
accurately represent the nitrogen bases as stated in their lab packets. The teacher will
then read the following portion of the lab:

*Remember that each letter of your name is represented by three letters, which
signify a particular codon. Therefore, you will have three times as many beads as
letters in your name!
Step 7: Be sure to double-check the beads on your keychain along with your lab
worksheets so that everything matches up correctly. Have fun!
Base Colors: A = Green

T = Orange

C = Blue

G = Yellow

The teacher will point out that each workstation is labeled with a colored numbered
flag. Each flag correlates with the seating rows within the classroom. (Each row is
outlined with colored tape (Row #1 Red, Row #2 Green, Row #3 Yellow, Row
#4 Blue).
The teacher will explain that there will be an exit ticket to complete before the end of
class. Students will be expected to work on their exit ticket after their keychain is
constructed and that they must turn it into the Finished Assignments Bin when they
are completed.
The teacher will then direct each row to go to their designated workbenches and begin
to construct their DNA Alias Keychains. During this time the teacher and co-teacher
should be circulating around the room providing assistance, clarification, and
redirection as needed. Both teachers should also prompt students to answer basic
questions about the structure and purpose of DNA, nitrogen base pairings, and
examples of specimens that contain DNA.
As students finish up their two strands, both teachers should assist with attaching the
keychain, tying the knot, and twisting the model so that it forms a double helix.
Students can begin their exit tickets while the teachers complete the final assembly if
multiple students finish at the same time, otherwise the teachers and students can
engage in a brief review of the content of this unit during the final assembly.
Upon completion of all of the DNA models, the teacher can provide scaffolding during
the exit ticket and ask for students to share their exit ticket answers if time allows. The
teacher should remind students to use their vocabulary sheets if necessary.
G2. Closure/Ending: (6 minutes)
Day #2:
After completing their lab packets students will read over their exit ticket and answer
the following questions before handing in their exit tickets in:
1. Explain why DNA plays a significant role in solving some crimes?

2. Write down something interesting that you have learned about DNA in class so far.
3. Write down something you would like to learn more about that that involves DNA
such as: mutations, genetically modified foods, heredity/inheritance, or forensics
to name a few.
1. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT): This lesson will appeal to a diverse group
of learners, including but not limited to: Visual Learners, Aural Learners, ENL
students, Special Education Students, and Advanced Students. This writer has
reviewed basic ASL to better communicate with particular students. Taking into
account the ages of the students, this writer attempted to increase hands-on and partner
based activities rather than relying heavily on direct instruction. The exit ticket
remains unbiased in anyway when addressing criminal activity and careful
consideration was taken when composing the list of facts on the exit ticket as to not
spark debate of evolution as this lesson is focused on DNA structure. *Note: Due to
religious beliefs there are a few students in these classes that oppose evolution.
2. Accommodations: This lesson plan is designed for two integrated cohorts. In the
first cohort there are 10 out of 26 students with IEPs, and in the second cohort there
are eight students out of 28 students that have IEPs. Adaptive equipment will be
available on a needed basis for students with vision impairments, hearing impairments,
fine motor skills deficits, etc. A sign language interpreter and a teacher aide are
available in the first cohort. Both cohorts will be co-taught to provide more one-onone assistance when needed. An instructor will do the final assembly of the DNA Alias
Keychain so that students may focus on their exit tickets.
Nearly all of the students with an IEP call for extended time and simplified specific
instructions. This particular lesson has been broken down over two days rather than
just one.
Group work and unison response opportunities will allow for increased individual
Peer editing was also added so that students may encourage and coach each other to
correct their mistakes before submitting their work for a grade.
All worksheets have also been scanned into the computer so that they can be displayed
on the board and visible to all students.
The main teacher will wear an auditory amplifier during the first cohort for a student
with a hearing impairment.

The individual handouts of the word clouds serve as a prompt for an effective class
discussion, reminder of content specific vocabulary, and an accommodation for
multiple students with vision impairments.
Redirection and close proximity (for behavioral concerns) will also be utilized
throughout the lesson.
Students are seated single file in four rows containing seven desks each. During this
writers observations of this class, this writer noticed that these classes often lost a
significant amount of time transitioning from their seats to work stations as students
became distracted while socializing and attempting to form a group with their
preferred peers. Prior to this lesson, this writer outlined each row of seats with colored
tape (Row #1 Red, Row #2 Green, Row #3 Yellow, Row #4 Blue). For this
lesson this writer also crafted color-coordinated flags for the workstations. During the
instruction of step six of this lesson, the teacher will direct students to get up by rows
and go to their designated workstations increase efficiency with academic objects.
3. Prerequisites: Students will need to have a basic understanding of cellular
functions. Students must be able to identify the nucleus and its role as an organelle.
Students will watch the following video in the beginning of this unit:
4. Anticipated Misconceptions: Students misconceptions often stem from a lack of
conceptual understanding of content vocabulary. This writer aimed to incorporate
some literacy strategies into this unit. Students are prompted to take responsibility for
a vocabulary worksheet in the beginning of this unit (see attachment #5) and correctly
utilize the terms throughout this particular lesson as much as possible.
Students often tend to struggle with concepts that lack tangible supports so it is critical
for topics such as DNA structure to be as hands-on as possible and provide students
with the scaffolding to apply the concepts to their own real world scenarios such as
forensic science.
Students may confuse the actual structure of DNA as a figure eight as it is often
depicted as a small segment in textbooks. The teacher should emphasize the double
helix structure and draw comparisons to a twisted ladder or spiral staircase to avoid
this figure eight misunderstanding.
Students may also confuse base pairings so it is critical to revisit a simple review of A
pairs with T and C pairs with G multiple times throughout the lesson.
5. Academic Language:

Content Vocabulary: nucleus, DNA, double helix, chromosome, nitrogen base pairs,
Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, proteins, gene, inherit, modify, genome, and
Language Function: Students will need to demonstrate that they can identify and
recite nitrogen bases. Students will describe the structure of a DNA molecule and then
apply that knowledge in order to construct their own DNA model. Students will
analyze two declarative texts and two word clouds in order to engage in groupdiscussions to evaluate their understanding of the background information.
Discourse: Both the Dr. Birdley assignment and the exit ticket will provide multiple
opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of the subject in a written
response. Numerous instances for choral response will be provided. For example,
defining content vocabulary, formulating responses to discussion questions, sorting
nitrogen bases, and while examining an organization table of amino acids and their
simplified codons. Class participation will be mandatory for the break down of
instructions of the lab assignment which will allow for students to construct the steps
in their own language after the teacher prompts for further explanations. Group editing
between peers will allow students to explain to one another the essential concepts
while unfolding their own misconceptions.
Syntax: This lesson will be delivered in an active voice. All imperative information
has been delivered in a clear and concise manner within the written texts. Simplified
sentences and instructions were often bulleted, such as in steps one through six, so that
students can quickly recall what they are expected to do over the two day lesson. An
organizational table in the lab packet was redesigned so that it would be easier to read.
A sample page using this writers name was completed and explained so that students
could gain a better understanding of how to utilize the organizational table. The
teacher must also be sure use exclamatory responses when delivering information and
prompting when relating the content to real world scenarios so that students remain
engaged and excited particularly when discussion forensic science and inherited traits.
As students are often interested in forensic science and critiquing their own physical
traits within their families, it is beneficial to allow for group discussions on the topics
which will be later explored in the next unit.

ATTACHMENT #1: Building your

DNA Model lab packet
(Experiment #11)

Building your DNA Model

Background Information:
We use four letters to code all the information contained in DNA: A, T, C
and G. These letters stand for the following nitrogen bases: adenine,
thymine, cytosine, and guanine. The letters are used in groups of three.
A group is called a codon.
DNA contains the information that is
needed by your body to make proteins.
The different proteins have specific
functions, such as making our hearts,
hair, eyes and ears. The smallest parts
of proteins are amino acids. There are
20 amino acids. One or more can make
up a protein, depending on the specific
Each amino acid is represented by at
least one codon. Because each codon is
coded with three letters, the string of
letters used to represent the amino
acids in a specific protein can get pretty
long. To avoid this, scientists have
made a kind of shorthand, and have
given each amino acid its own letter,
corresponding to our alphabet.
Using this shorthand to represent the
amino acids in a protein is a way of
describing, or spelling this part of the
protein. Written in this shorthand, the
code is called the DNA Alias; each letter in the DNA Alias actually
represents a group of three letters (a codon).
When scientists see the DNA Alias of a particular protein, they can find
the proteins DNA sequence by reversing the coding process. For fun,
we can perform the same process on any word by converting each

letter to the corresponding codon, and in so doing; find its DNA

Lets try it with your name!

Write each letter of your name on the lines below (no more than six

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Use the What is your DNA Alias table to help you convert your name
into its DNA Alias.
Step 1: Find each letter of your name.
Step 2: Look at the Codon column on the table to find the DNA code for
each letter.
Step 3: Replace each letter of your name with its three-letter codon:

Strand #1:
___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___

Step 4: Write the match for Strand #1 on Stand #2 below.

Remember that Adenine only bonds with Thymine (A-T) and that
Cytosine only bonds with Guanine (C-G).
Strand #2:
___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___

Step 5: Figure out the colors from the base colors below and write the
names of the colors on the lines below.

Base Colors: A = Green

G = Yellow

T = Orange

C = Blue

Strand #1:
___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___
Strand #2:
___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___ ___,___,___

Step 6: You will make a key chain that represents the DNA Alias of your

Take one pipe cleaner and fold it in half so that each side is equal in length.


Carefully look at the colors you recorded under Strand #1 and string the colored beads through the
first side of the pipe cleaner. Crimp the end when you finish so that the beads dont fall off.


Carefully look at the colors you recorded under Strand #2 and string the colored beads through the
second side of the pipe cleaner. Crimp the end when you finish so that the beads dont fall off.


When you are finished, bring up your keychain and lab to your teacher for inspection and final

*Remember that each letter of your name is represented by three letters representing
the codon. Therefore, you will have three times as many beads as letters in your
Step 7: Be sure to double-check the beads on your keychain along with
your lab worksheets so that everything matches up correctly. Have fun!

Base Colors: A = Green

G = Yellow

T = Orange

C = Blue

ATTACHMENT #2: Dr. Birdley Cell Parts and Processes: Cracking

the DNA Code worksheet (a 7th
grade common assignment) assigned
as homework

ATTACHMENT #3: Two different

word clouds generated from
http://www.tagxedo.com using the
Dr. Birdley worksheet and notes
from this unit. Set in the shape of a

ATTACHMENT #4: Exit Ticket:

DNA Fingerprinting / Fun Fast

Exit Ticket
You know the scene: The police dust a doorknob for prints and match
them up to the burglar. But what about those times when the
perpetrator is smart enough to wear gloves? Enter DNA
In the same way that every person
has a unique set of fingerprints,
everyoneexcept for identical
twinshas a unique DNA
sequence. And scientists can use
that to help solve crimes!
In particular, forensic scientists
scientists who use their
expertise in legal (often criminal) situationscan extract a complete
DNA profile from just about anything left behind by a suspect. That
can include things like blood, skin, sweat, hair, and saliva.
Of course, police still have to find someone to match the genetic
evidence to, and just because your DNA is at the scene of a crime
doesnt mean youve done anything wrong! But a positive DNA match
has put a lot of bad guys (and gals) behind bars.
Interestingly, DNA evidence can go the other way, too! DNA
identification has actually freed lots of people whove been wrongly
convicted of crimes, even some who were on death row!

Human DNA contains about 3 billion base pairs arranged into 46

Humans and chimpanzees share more than 95 percent of their
genetic code. That means that more than 95 percent of the genes in
humans and chimpanzees are exactly the same.
Humans and E. coli bacteria share about 7 percent of the same DNA.
A significant percentage of DNA has no known function. Scientists are
still investigating whether this so-called junk DNA may play a roll that
we simply dont yet understand.
If you typed 60 words per minute for eight hours every day, it would
take you about 50 years to type out the full human genome.
Every minute, your body produces enough new DNA that if the
strands were stacked end to end, theyd be 100,000 kilometers long!
The genetic difference between any two unrelated people is about 0.2
percent of their DNA.
1. Explain why DNA plays a significant role in solving some crimes?

2. Write down something interesting that you have learned about DNA in
class so far.

3. Write down something you would like to learn more about that that
involves DNA such as: mutations, genetically modified foods,
heredity/inheritance, or forensics to name a few.





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