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Questions & Answers

1. Who is a Parsee? Where did the Parsee live?
Ans: People from Persia are called Parsees. Parsees are famous for their baking skills.
The Parsee in the story How the rhinoceros got his skin lived on an uninhabited
island on the shores of the Red Sea.
2. What kind of a hat did he wear?
Ans: The Parsee wore a very special large hat. It was so large that the rays of the sun
reflected in more than oriental splendor from it.
3. Describe the cake the Parsee Man baked?
Ans: The cake that the Parsee Man baked was made of flour, water and currants and
plum and sugar. The cake was two feet across and three feet thick. It was brown in color
and it smelt most sentimental.
4. Where did the rhinoceros come from?
Ans: The rhino came to the beach from an uninhabited interior of the islands of
Mazaderan, Socotra and the Promontories of the Larger Equinox.
5. Describe the rhinoceros looks and rude behavior?
Ans: The rhinoceros had a horn, two piggy eyes and skin was fitted to his body. It gave
him the appearance of being very tight. The rhino exactly looked like a Noahs Ark
Rhinoceros, but much bigger.
The rhino had no manners. It upset the oil stove with its nose. Spoiled the cake, spiked it
with its horn and ate it. It was a proud, unruly and arrogant rhino.
6. How did the Parsee take his revenge on the rhinoceros?
Ans: The Parsee saw the rhino unbutton its skin to swim in the beach. So when the rhino
was taking bath, the Parsee came rubbed and scrubbed old, dry, stale, tickly cake
crumbs and some burned currants into the skin of the rhino. Then when the rhino came
after its bath, without thinking it wore its skin. Then the because of the old stale cake
crumbs it started to tickle the rhino. In order to scratch the rhino started rolling in the
sand but the ticking became worse and worse. The rhino rubbed his skin so much that
the skin started folding along his legs, back and shoulders. It was very difficult for the
rhino to bear the tickling which made it very angry. It is believed that because of that
incident the rhino continues to have bad temper and folded skin till today.
In this way the Parsee took his revenge on the rhino and made it lose its tight skin.

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